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[SOLVED] Post Counting Problems


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Ok here's the code I have come up with so far and what I'd like to be able to do is count the number of posts by each user. The querys I would like to use out of the videos table to count them is: user. But currently all I can get it to count to is 1. So I know I did something wrong. Please Help...

// COUNT ALL USERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$selectCount = myQ("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * 
FROM `[x]videos`
WHERE `user`='{$_GET["id"]}' 

$countRowsSelectCount = myQ("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
$countRowsResultCount = mysql_fetch_row($countRowsSelectCount);
$totalRowsCount = $countRowsResultCount[0];

$tpl -> AssignArray(array(
	"video.total" => $totalRowsCount,
	"dbCount.sample" => $totalRows,

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$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id field of the table) AS total FROM `[x]videos` WHERE `user`='{$_GET["id"]}' ");

$result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);


your total would be in this variable: $result['total']


Using a COUNT(id of table) is a litle better than using "*". If you have a table with a lot of fields and/or rows, using the star causes your database to slow down A LOT.

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I just reliezed a flaw in my code of the first post it should actually be like this but I still have the same problem.


// COUNT VIDEO POSTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$selectCount = myQ("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * 
FROM `[x]videos`
WHERE `user`='".me('id')."' 

$countRowsSelectCount = myQ("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
$countRowsResultCount = mysql_fetch_row($countRowsSelectCount);
$totalRowsCount = $countRowsResultCount[0];

$tpl -> AssignArray(array(
	"video.total" => $totalRowsCount,
	"dbCount.sample" => $totalRows,

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I guess depending on your table structure... generally my table field would look like this:







So I would do:


SELECT COUNT(VideoID) AS Total FROM Videos WHERE UserId = '$me'


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instead of using a mysql database function use a normal count like a normal person what does found_rows() return ? if its a number you cant count it, whats the point of


// COUNT ALL USERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

$selectCount = myQ("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *

FROM `[x]videos`

WHERE `user`='{$_GET["id"]}'


it dosent do anything

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im sure this wont work


$countRowsSelectCount = myQ("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");

$countRowsResultCount = mysql_fetch_row($countRowsSelectCount);


to count things in a table you do somthing like this:


$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS whatever FROM table"


$result = mysql_query($sql);


$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);


echo $row[0]; // somtimes u can do echo $row['whatever '];



BASICALY what timmah1  said

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$countRowsSelectCount = myQ("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS somthing");

$countRowsResultCount = mysql_fetch_row($countRowsSelectCount);

$totalRowsCount = $countRowsResultCount[0];




$countRowsSelectCount = myQ("SELECT @read_the_function_to_see_the_var");

$countRowsResultCount = mysql_fetch_row($countRowsSelectCount);

$totalRowsCount = $countRowsResultCount[0];

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Here's the new code I tried:


// COUNT VIDEO POSTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM `[x]videos` WHERE `user`='".me('id')."'
$result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);

$tpl -> AssignArray(array(
	"video.total" => $result,


But I get this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/sites/spadespace.com/public_html/modules/users/desktop.php on line 227


And line 227 is one of these two:


$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM `[x]videos` WHERE `user`='".me('id')."'
$result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);

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