horaliar Posted April 28, 2006 Share Posted April 28, 2006 This is my first script that I wrote for my department. It runs queries against a mysql database depending on parameters that the user has entered. I'm running into trouble because I wrote everything in one file, except some javascript functions, and now I'm having problems adding to it. I would like to have some ideas on how to divide the code in different files and make it more manageble. Any ideas will be welcomed. Thanks!<html><head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="myStyle.css" type="text/css"> <script LANGUAGE="javascript" TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="tools.js"></SCRIPT> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="CalendarPopup.js"></SCRIPT> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var cal = new CalendarPopup(); </SCRIPT></head><body><?php//Connect to the server.$link = mysql_connect("", "", "");//Connect to the db.mysql_select_db("dbads", $link);?><form method="POST" name="data" action="adserv.php"><input type="hidden" name="command"><input type="hidden" name="periodname"><input type="hidden" name="pstartdate"><input type="hidden" name="penddate"><!-- Table Title--><table class="title" height="20" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="750" border="0"> <tr> <th class="title" valign="bottom" class="title"> New and Late Ad Report </th> </tr></table><br><!-- Table Data to Enter --><table height="20" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="750" border="0"> <!-- Row Headings --> <tr> <th class="heading" width="150" align="left">Select a date:</th> <th class="heading" width="300" align="left">Select a start/end date:</th> <th class="heading" width="150" align="left">Select a period:</th> <th class="heading" width="150" align="left">Select a user:</th> </tr> <!-- Row containing items to enter data --> <tr> <!-- ENTER A DATE --> <td class="item" width="150"> <input class="textbox" type="text" name="selDate" value="" size="10"> <input type="image" align="middle" value="cal1" src="pdate.gif" name="cal1" onclick="cal.select(document.forms['data'].selDate,'cal1','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;"> </td> <!-- ENTER START AND END DATE --> <td class="item" width="300"> <input class="textbox" type="text" name="startDate" value="" size="10"> <input type="image" align="middle" value="cal2" src="pdate.gif" name="cal2" onclick="cal.select(document.forms['data'].startDate,'cal2','MM/dd/yyyy');return false;"> <input class="textbox" type="text" name="endDate" value="" size="10"> <input type="image" align="middle" value="cal3" src="pdate.gif" name="cal3" onclick="cal.select(document.forms['data'].endDate,'cal3','MM/dd/yyyy');return false;"> </td> <!-- SELECT A PERIOD --> <td class="item" width="150"> <select size="1" class="textbox" id="periodname" name="periodname" onChange="getPeriodDates(this)"> <option value="">-</option> <?php //Creates query to retrieve the data to be used in the drop down box. $query="SELECT PeriodName, StartDate, EndDate FROM tblPeriod"; if ($hResult=mysql_query($query)) { while ($hFetch=mysql_fetch_array($hResult)) { $periodname=$hFetch["PeriodName"]; $pstartdate=$hFetch["StartDate"]; $penddate=$hFetch["EndDate"]; echo "<option value='$periodname||$pstartdate||$penddate'\">".$periodname."</option>"; } } ?> </select> </td> <!-- SELECT A USER --> <td class="item" width="150"> <select size="1" class="textbox" id="username" name="username"> <option value="">-</option> /* <?php //Creates query to retrieve the data to be used in the drop down box. $query="SELECT PeriodName, StartDate, EndDate FROM tblPeriod"; if ($hResult=mysql_query($query)) { while ($hFetch=mysql_fetch_array($hResult)) { $periodname=$hFetch["PeriodName"]; $startdate=$hFetch["StartDate"]; $enddate=$hFetch["EndDate"]; echo "<option value='$periodname||$startdate||$enddate'\">".$periodname."</option>"; } } ?> */ </select> </td> </tr></table><input class="add" type="button" value="Submit" onclick="doSave(this, 'Save')"></td><?php//COMMANDif (isset($_POST["command"])) $command = $_POST["command"];//SELECTED DATEif (isset($_POST["selDate"])) $postselDate = $_POST["selDate"];//START DATEif (isset($_POST["startDate"])) $poststartdate = $_POST["startDate"];//END DATEif (isset($_POST["endDate"])) $postenddate = $_POST["endDate"];//PERIOD NAMEif (isset($_POST["periodname"])) $postperiodname = $_POST["periodname"];//PERIOD START DATEif (isset($_POST["pstartdate"])) $postpstartdate = $_POST["pstartdate"];//PERIOD END DATEif (isset($_POST["penddate"])) $postpenddate = $_POST["penddate"]; //COMPARE COMMAND, IF IT IS SAVE, CHECK INFO AND RUN APPROPRIATE QUERIES. DISPLAY INFO.if (strcmp("Save", $command) == 0){ //CHECK FOR MISSING PARAMETERS //Check that a date has been entered. if ($postselDate == null AND $poststartdate == null AND $postenddate == null AND $postperiodname == null) die("Enter a date"); //Check that only a date or period has been entered. if ($postselDate != null AND $postperiodname != null) die("Either enter a date or select a period"); //Check that only a date or a date range has been selected. if ($postselDate != null AND ($poststartdate != null OR $postenddate != null)) die("Either enter a single date or a date range"); //Check that only a period or a date range has been selected. if ($postperiodname != null AND ($poststartdate != null OR $postenddate != null)) die("Either enter a date range or select a period"); //Check that if a start date has been entered, an end date has also been entered. if ($poststartdate == null AND $postenddate != null) die("Enter a start date"); if ($poststartdate != null AND $postenddate == null) die("Enter an end date"); //Check that end date is higher than start date. if ($poststartdate > $postenddate) die("End date must be later than start date."); //Assign a variable to be used in case statement. if ($postselDate != null AND $poststartdate == null AND $postenddate == null AND $postperiodname == null) { $parameterType = "sglDate"; } elseif ($poststartdate != null AND postenddate != null AND $postselDate == null AND $postperiodname == null) { $parameterType = "dteRange"; } elseif (postperiodname != null AND $postselDate == null AND $poststartdate == null AND $postenddate == null) { $parameterType = "dtePeriod"; } else { die("Error"); } //Create queries depending on what parameter has been entered. switch ($parameterType) { case "sglDate": $queryNew = "SELECT COUNT(job_id) from tblads WHERE DATE(action_time)=STR_TO_DATE('$postselDate','%m/%d/%Y');"; $queryLate = "SELECT COUNT(if(TIMEDIFF(deadline, adintime)<0,'late','')) FROM tblads WHERE ((if(TIMEDIFF(deadline, adintime)<0,'late','')='late')) AND DATE(action_time)=STR_TO_DATE('$postselDate','%m/%d/%Y');"; $queryResults = "SELECT * from tblads WHERE DATE(action_time)=STR_TO_DATE('$postselDate','%m/%d/%Y');"; break; case "dteRange": $queryNew = "SELECT COUNT(job_id) from tblads WHERE DATE(action_time)>=STR_TO_DATE('$poststartdate','%m/%d/%Y') AND DATE(action_time)<=STR_TO_DATE('$postenddate','%m/%d/%Y');"; $queryLate = "SELECT COUNT(if(timediff(deadline,adintime)<0,'late','')) FROM tblads WHERE ((if(timediff(deadline,adintime)<0,'late','')='late')) AND DATE(action_time)>=str_to_date('$poststartdate','%m/%d/%Y') AND DATE(action_time)<=str_to_date('$postenddate','%m/%d/%Y');"; break; case "dtePeriod": $queryNew = "SELECT COUNT(job_id) FROM tblads WHERE DATE(action_time)>='$postpstartdate' AND DATE(action_time)<='$postpenddate';"; $queryLate = "SELECT COUNT(if(timediff(deadline,adintime)<0,'late','')) FROM tblads WHERE ((if(timediff(deadline,adintime)<0,'late','')='late')) AND DATE(action_time)>='$postpstartdate' AND DATE(action_time)<='$postpenddate';"; } //Closes switch //Runs both queries $resultNew = mysql_query($queryNew, $link); if(!$resultNew) die("Invalid query: ".mysql_error()."<br>".$queryNew); $resultLate = mysql_query($queryLate, $link); if(!$resultLate) die("Invalid query: ".mysql_error()."<br>".$queryLate); //Fetches the query's result while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultNew)) { $NewAds = $row[0]; } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultLate)) { $LateAds = $row[0]; } if ($NewAds == 0) { echo "There are no ads for this date."; } else { //Create table to hold queries results. ?> <table class="title" height="20" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="300" border="0"> <tr> <th class="heading" width="100" align="center">Total New Ads</th> <th class="heading" width="100" align="center">Total Late Ads</th> <th class="heading" width="100" align="center">Percentage</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="item" width="100" align="center"><?php echo $NewAds ?></td> <td class="item" width="100" align="center"><?php echo $LateAds ?></td> <td class="item" width="100" align="center"><?php echo number_format($LateAds/$NewAds*100,2,'.','').'%' ?></td> </tr> </table> <?php echo '<input type="button" value="Go To" onClick="location.href=\'view_results.php\'">'; }}?></table></form></body></html> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/8660-compact-script/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
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