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Hi Friends


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I have one issue I try to find out the script for tagging images means you can say like identifying the people in a particular image.


That is possible and is done in javascript, The examples for this are available at dostpost.com, facebook.com etc...



This script will help you to create a square around the image and on creating this it will allow you to tag that picture with the person name or whatever...... Once this is done whever you display this on the front  and move your cursor on the person it will show you the name of the persona and in the same way there will be a line below mentioning


in this photo a,b,c


when you put your cursor on a it will display a square against the  picture where tag a was given.


I need a script on this if anyone can help I try to find out  a lot but I am not able to locate the same.


Thanks & regards

Hemal Jivani.


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try this:



<script language="javascript">

function displayPixTag(selectPic,info,sayWhat) 
// selectPic = picture's id
// info = picture's div id
// sayWhat = picture's tag content
var pix = document.getElementById(selectPic);
var pixInfo = document.getElementById(info);
pixInfo.innerHTML = sayWhat;
pix.onmouseout = function() {

<img id="pic1" src="picture1.jpg" onmouseover="displayPixTag(this.id,'pic1info','This is a pic of......')">
<div id="pic1info" style="display:none;width:100px;height:100px;overflow:hidden;border:solid 1px black;padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;background:#FFFFFF;position:absolute;z-index:1000;margin:0">
<!-- Image Information Auto Populated Here -->

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