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[SOLVED] How Do I Build Photo Album like this one?


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Hi, I wanted to know how i can go about making a photo album like this one...

Example : http://zspotlight.com/myZgalleries/Pictures.aspx?E=6900&GI=f83ef22e-2501-4307-846f-43b1f5cf7820


As you can see, After you click on one of the photo's it opens up into a pop up thingy, and then you can browse through all the photos in that album with the arrows, I really like how it goes in order and how each photo causes a refresh of the pop up box, How can I clone this?



Wayne :)

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Ok, I'm a little bit of a PHP Hacker,


So could you give me an example of how i would do that, and make the pagination, or maybe point me to a script that would work for me.


I will have alot of photo's so i'll need to be able to just upload them, and Go.... :)


Thanks for your help


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this photo album need alot of work this is not easy as you think

it need JS too

but the idea is store all of your images in table this table consist of [ ID NAME ]

id is auto increment and name is the name of the image from the server with the path

$sql = select * from table order by ID desc
   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql) ){
    echo "<a href=\"popup.php?id=$row[id]\"><img src=\"_path_$row[name]\" /></a>"; 

  i hope this helps

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Pagination Tutorial



I didn't completely look through this, but it looks like exactly what you need



This one may be good too



All I can say is search Google. That is where I'm getting all this information from. Photo galleries are a pretty common need, so I'm sure there are plenty of things out there you can use.

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