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[SOLVED] How to make a sticky feature


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Okay, so i've made some basic forums (features for lock, delete and such) but the one thing I need it to have is a sticky feature. Any ideas on how to work that into this code?  This is my genmessage.php:



include_once 'top.php';

<title>TLS-3 Foums</title>

<body  bgcolor="#000000">
<table width="900" align="center" border="0">
<td width="100%" height="133">
<img src="top.gif" width="900" height="133"></td>
<td width="100%" height="30" bgcolor="#333333">
<font color="#FFFFFF" face="Bell MT, Bahtang, Helvetica"><? include 'bar.php'; ?></font>
<td width="100%" bgcolor="555565">


include 'dbs.php';

<font face="Arial, Helvetica"><h1>Messages
<hr width="300" color="white" align="left"></h1><h2>

if (isset($_GET['board']))

$boardA = $_GET['board'];

$lool = 'SELECT * FROM boards WHERE `ID` = '.$boardA;
$lol = mysql_query($lool) 
or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($lol);
$tit = $row['title'];
echo '<table><tr><tr>';
echo $tit;
echo '</td><td>';

if (isset($_GET['topic']))

$boardB = $_GET['topic'];

$loolo = 'SELECT * FROM topics WHERE ID = '.$boardB;
$lolo = mysql_query($loolo) or die(mysql_error());
$rowob = mysql_fetch_assoc($lolo);
$titler = $rowob['Name'];

echo $titler;
echo '</td></tr></table>';


</h3></font><font face="Century Gothic, Arial">
if (!isset($_GET['board']) || !isset($_GET['topic']))
  You have to supply a valid board & topic ID to access this page. 
  Return to the <a href="index">General Board List</a> to select a board.


  You have to login/register this page. Return to the <a href="forum.php">General Board List</a> to select a board.


$board = $_GET['board'];
$topic = $_GET['topic'];

//  ORDER BY  time LIMIT 20

$resultbob='SELECT * FROM messages WHERE board = '.$board.' and topic = '.$topic.' ORDER BY time ASC';
$tarticles = mysql_query($resultbob) or die(mysql_error());
$tnum = mysql_num_rows($tarticles); 

$height = 140;


<table width="60%" align="center" border="1">
<tr><td bgcolor="black"><font color="white"><b><a href="newmessage.php?board=<?php echo $boardA; ?>&topic=<?php echo $boardB; ?>">Add new post</a></b> | <b><a href="gentopic.php?board=<?php echo $boardA; ?>">Back</a></b>


if ($_SESSION['lvl'] >= "50"){

$loolo = 'SELECT * FROM topics WHERE ID = '.$boardB;
$lolo = mysql_query($loolo) or die(mysql_error());
$rowob = mysql_fetch_assoc($lolo);
$titler = $rowob['oc'];

if ($titler == 0){
echo ' | <a href="locktopic.php?board='.$boardA.'&topic='.$boardB.'">Lock Topic</a>';
echo ' | <a href="unlocktopic.php?board='.$boardA.'&topic='.$boardB.'">Unlock Topic</a>';


echo ' | <a href="deltopic.php?board='.$boardA.'&topic='.$boardB.'">Delete Topic</a>';



<table width="98%" align="center" border="1">
$i = "0";
  while ($tnum = mysql_fetch_assoc($tarticles)){


$userp = $tnum['username'];
$dpost = $tnum['time'];
$pid = $tnum['messageid'];

$message = $tnum['message'];
echo '<tr><td width="22%" align="center" bgcolor="#53868B"><u>'; 

echo $userp;

echo '</u></td><td width="78%" align="left" bgcolor="#53868B">';
echo '<b>Date Posted: </b>'.$dpost;
echo ' | #'.$i;

if ($_SESSION['lvl'] >= "50"){
echo ' | <a href="delpost.php?board='.$boardA.'&topic='.$boardB.'&pid='.$pid.'"> Delete</a>';

echo '</td></tr>';

echo '<tr><td width="22%" height="'.$height.'" valign="top" align="center" bgcolor="#53868B">';
// $userp = $rowl['username'];
// $message = $rowl['message'];

$qryp = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '$userp'");
  $rowqp = mysql_fetch_array($qryp);

$levelp = $rowqp['level'];

$qrypr = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ranks` WHERE `number` = '$levelp'");
  $rowqpr = mysql_fetch_array($qrypr);

$rankp = $rowqpr['title'];

echo '<b>'.$rankp.'</b><br>';
echo 'Level: '.$levelp;
echo '</td><td wdth="78%" height="'.$height.'" valign="top" align="left" bgcolor="#5F9EA0">';
<font size="-1">
echo $message;

echo '</td></tr>';

?><br><br><table width="60%" align="center" border="1">
<tr><td bgcolor="black"><font color="white"><b><a href="newmessage.php?board=<?php echo $boardA; ?>&topic=<?php echo $boardB; ?>">Add new post</a></b> | <b><a href="gentopic.php?board=<?php echo $boardA; ?>">Back</a></b></font></tr></td></table>


any ideas welcome :)



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Okay, so i've made some basic forums (features for lock, delete and such) but the one thing I need it to have is a sticky feature. Any ideas on how to work that into this code?  This is my gentopic.php:



include_once 'top.php';

<title>TLS-3 Foums</title>

<body  bgcolor="#000000">
<table width="900" align="center" border="0">
<td width="100%" height="133">
<img src="top.gif" width="900" height="133"></td>
<td width="100%" height="30" bgcolor="#333333">
<font color="#FFFFFF" face="Bell MT, Bahtang, Helvetica"><? include 'bar.php'; ?></font>
<td width="100%" bgcolor="555565">


include 'dbs.php';


<font face="Arial, Helvetica"><h1>Topics
<hr width="300" color="white" align="left"></h1><h2>

if (isset($_GET['board']))

$boardA = $_GET['board'];

$lool = 'SELECT * FROM boards WHERE `ID` = '.$boardA;
$lol = mysql_query($lool) 
or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($lol);
$tit = $row['title'];

echo $tit;
// A BIG thanks to jeffery and ZF and AF or the idea for the code.

if (!isset($_GET['board']))
  You have to supply a valid board ID to access this page. Return to the <a href="forum.php">General Board List</a> to select a board.


  You have to login/register this page. Return to the <a href="forum.php">General Board List</a> to select a board.


$board = $_GET['board'];

// The query just below is the one Im hoping to get working, for the meanwhile, Im just trying to get the loop working.

/* $result = mysql_query('SELECT   Name, By, Last_Post, Board
               FROM      topics
                       WHERE     board = '.$board.'
                      ORDER BY  Last_Post'); */ 

$onelol = "1";

/*  $result = mysql_query("SELECT   Name, CBy, Last_Post, Board
                       FROM      topics
                       WHERE     Board = '.$onelol.'
                       ORDER BY  Last_Post"); */
// $row    = mysql_fetch_row($result); 

$result='SELECT   ID, Name, CBy, Last_Post, Board
                       FROM      topics
                       WHERE     Board = '.$board.'
                       ORDER BY  Last_Post DESC';
$farticles = mysql_query($result) or die(mysql_error());
$fnum = mysql_num_rows($farticles); 

//	$numrows=mysql_num_rows($result);

<table width="60%" align="center" border="1">
<tr><td bgcolor="black"><font color="white"><b><a href="newtopic.php?board=<?php echo $boardA; ?>">Add new topic</a></b> | <b><a href="forum.php">Back</a></b></font></tr></td></table>
<table width="100%"><tr width="100%" bgcolor="skyblue"><td width="60%"><b>Topic</b></td><td width="20%"><b>Created By</b></td><td width="20%"><b>Last Post</b></td></tr></table><hr>
<table width="100%" border="1" bordercolor="white">
  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($farticles))
$name = $row['Name'];
$by = $row['CBy'];
$last_post = $row['Last_Post'];
$tid = $row['ID'];

echo '<tr>
<td width="60%"><a href="genmessage.php?board='.$board.'&topic='.$tid.'">';

  echo $name;
echo '</a></td>
<td width="20%">'.$by.'</td>
<td width="20%">'.$last_post.'</td>



<table width="60%" align="center" border="1">
<tr><td bgcolor="black"><font color="white"><b><a href="newtopic.php?board=<?php echo $boardA; ?>">Add new topic</a></b> | <b><a href="forum.php">Back</a></b></font></tr></td></table>
include 'footer.php';


any ideas welcome :)


edit: had wrong page code in this post, fixed now


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This isn't an example to be put in to your code but just an idea.  Have another field in your topics table called "sticky" or such, and treat it as a boolean.


Then do 2 queries on the topics page, one at the top which will just get all topics where sticky = 1, and then your normal topic posts under it (where sticky = 0).  You can use this process for announcements too :)

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