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Hay, I've been looking hard and can't find anything that does this, its pretty strange too. It seems like something that would be commonly used.


I want to back up my Blogger blog to a mysql database so i can move all of my posts over to my new site which isn't blogger hosted, but I cant find any way to save all the blogger post to a database.


Can anyone help, can anyone save me from the peril of copy and pasting 100's of old blog entires into a new database?

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I'm working on it.


here's what I have so far. its ugly.

$capture=file_get_contents ('http://resago.blogspot.com');
preg_match('/<div class=\'main section\' id=\'main\'>(.+)<div id=\'sidebar-wrapper\'>/s', $capture, $info);
#print_r ($info);
$posts_array=preg_split('/<a name=\'\d+\'><\/a>/',$posts);
$posts_array=str_replace('<br />',"\n",$posts_array);
print "<hr><pre>";


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this writes out a text file where each line is a separate post.

manipulate in excel however you want, then use simple import.


#Look at your blog html code and figure out the following:
#These default settings work for the simple blue template on blogspot
$begin="<div class=\'main section\' id=\'main\'>";#some unique text to specify starting point
$end="<div id=\'sidebar-wrapper\'>";#some unique text to specify ending point
$sep="<div class=\'post hentry\'>";#some unique text to specify post separation
$keepimages="yes";#change if you don't care about image url

$capture=file_get_contents ($blogurl);
preg_match("/$begin(.+)$end/s", $capture, $info);#just get what we need
$posts_array=preg_split("/$sep/",$posts);#separate posts into array
$posts_array=str_replace('<br />',"\n",$posts_array);#turn br into newline
if ($keepimages=="yes"){
  $posts_array=preg_replace("/<img .*src=\"(.*)\" *\/>/","[img=$1]",$posts_array);# get img src
$posts_array=preg_replace("/(<\/?)(\w+)([^>]*>)/","",$posts_array);# get rid of all tags
$posts_array=preg_replace("/\n+/","<br>",$posts_array);#turn newlines back into br
# file is saved as a txt file. each line is a post. Manipulate in excel as required.
print "<a href='blog.txt'>Download this</a>";


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