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Can't find the error in this script... Please help.

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This should be an easy fix but i can't find it. What this script is supost to do is, gather all the info for one section of my database called "reo". It then takes this data and places it into a website address so that my website scraper goes to the right place. The scraper then gathers its info and inserts it back into my database. But i keep getting "there was and error" repeated in the echo. So if someone could check it out for me i would be very thankful.


error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

$link = mysql_connect('mysql6.******', '******', '******')
    or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('dcremax') or die('Could not select database');

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM  listings");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

$num = @mysql_num_rows($result);



while ($i < $num) {

$h = new http();

$h->dir = "/home/foo/bar/"; 

if (!$h->fetch("http://metrolistmls.com/cgi-bin/GetOneR.cfm?County=SA&iRow=0&nJL=7&MLSNum=$reo")) {

  echo "<h2>There is a problem with the http request!</h2>";
  echo $h->log;

if($beg = strpos($h->body, "http://mlsmedia.metrolistmls.com/bigphoto/", 0 ))
{$end = strpos($h->body, ".jpg", $beg );
$pic = substr($h->body, $beg, ($end + 4) - $beg );
echo("<br />");

if($beg = strpos($h->body, "<td align=\"center\" class=\"PageTitle\" width=\"534\"><b> $", 0 ))
{$end = strpos($h->body, "</b></td>", $beg );
$price = substr($h->body, $beg + 55, ($end - 55) - $beg );
echo("<br />");

if($beg = strpos($h->body, "<td class=\"PageTitle\" colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\"><b>", 0 ))
{$end = strpos($h->body, ",", $beg );
$streetaddress = substr($h->body, $beg + 52, ($end - 52) - $beg );
echo("<br />");

$str = '$streetaddress    ';

if($beg = strpos($h->body, "<td class=\"PageTitle\" colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\"><b>", 0 ))
{$end = strpos($h->body, "</b></td>", $beg );
$city = substr($h->body, $beg + 56 + strlen($str), ($end - 61 - strlen($str)) - $beg );
echo("<br />");

if($beg = strpos($h->body, "<td width=\"16%\" class=\"FormTitle\">Sq Ft</td>
              <td width=\"14%\">", 0 ))
{$end = strpos($h->body, "</td>
              <td width=\"16%\"", $beg );
$squarefeet = substr($h->body, $beg + 76, ($end - 76) - $beg );
echo("<br />");

if($beg = strpos($h->body, "<td width=\"16%\" class=\"FormTitle\">Bedrooms</td>", 0 ))
{$end = strpos($h->body, "</td>
              <td width=\"16%", $beg );
$bed = substr($h->body, $beg + 97, ($end - 97) - $beg );
echo("<br />");

if($beg = strpos($h->body, "<td width=\"16%\" class=\"FormTitle\">Full Baths</td>", 0 ))
{$end = strpos($h->body, "</td>
              <td width=\"16%", $beg );
$Fbath = substr($h->body, $beg + 81, ($end - 81) - $beg );
echo("<br />");

if($beg = strpos($h->body, "<td width=\"16%\" class=\"FormTitle\">Half Baths</td>", 0 ))
{$end = strpos($h->body, "</td>
              <td width=\"16%", $beg );
$Hbath = substr($h->body, $beg + 99, ($end - 99) - $beg );
echo("<br />");

if($beg = strpos($h->body, "<td width=\"60\"><b>Agent</b></td>", 0 ))
{$end = strpos($h->body, " ", $beg );
$agent = substr($h->body, $beg + 85, ($end - 85) - $beg );
if(trim($agent) == "Diane C Cox")$agent = "Diane Cox";
if(trim($agent) == "Lizette Gonzalez 
        <td height=\"17\" colspan=\"3\">
          <table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">
              <td width=\"60\"><b>Office</b></td>
              <td class=\"body14\">
                <a href=\"../Offices/01rmxg08.cfm\" class=\"link2\"><b>RE/MAX Gold Sacramento</b></a>")$agent = "Lizette Gonzalez";
echo("<br />");
if(trim($pic) == "")$pic = "../images/nophoto1b_small.jpg";
$link = mysql_connect('mysql6.******.com', '*****', '******')
    or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('dcremax') or die('Could not select database');   
$sql = "INSERT INTO $_POST[Listings] (`streetaddress`, `city`, `price`, `squarefeet`, `bed`, `Fbath`, `Hbath`, `reo`, `agent`, `pic`)
VALUES ('$streetaddress','$city','$price','$squarefeet','$bed','$Fbath','$Hbath','$REO','$agent','$pic')";
  echo "Success!";

  echo("                       FAILED TO INPUT DATA <p><a href=\"../Members/Error.htm\">CLICK HERE</a></p>");
echo "there was and error";

im sorry. But i think the problem is somewhere when it trys to select the info from my database. because if i place the info it to the $reo part of this string if (!$h->fetch("http://metrolistmls.com/cgi-bin/GetOneR.cfm?County=SA&iRow=0&nJL=7&MLSNum=$reo"))


Everything works fine.


So im thinking its has to do with this part:

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

$link = mysql_connect('mysql6.******', '******', '******')
    or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('dcremax') or die('Could not select database');

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM  listings");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

$num = @mysql_num_rows($result);



while ($i < $num) {

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

$link = mysql_connect('mysql6.******', '******', '******')
    or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('dcremax') or die('Could not select database');

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM  listings");
$num = @mysql_num_rows($result);
if($num > 0){

  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
        eho $row[ filedname here]; 



may be this is what you mean

ok at this point  echo $row[ filedname here]; the file name = reo.


I need every number ( reo number) that is echo to be placed where the $reo is on this line


if (!$h->fetch("http://metrolistmls.com/cgi-bin/GetOneR.cfm?County=SA&iRow=0&nJL=7&MLSNum=$reo"))


but i don't think its working.


once i can get it to place the reo number there the script should work.


Sorry, i know its confusing.

and I also need it to repeat for all the inputs in that listing.


for exp: in my database there is a listing called reo. in that listing there are meny diffrent # that i need to pull from my data base.


Thats where this part comes in right?




while ($i < $num) {


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

      $reo = $row[ filedname here]; <-------------this is the prob



note once the loop runs $reo  will contain new value and the other value will be over written


so if you need all the result you might need array or put that statement inside the loop

ok thanks i got that part working... but now i need to figure out why i am still getting "there was an error".


If it was working right i should see sussfull and all the right things echoed...


THanks for the help ill keep looking into it.

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