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[SOLVED] Looking for a free PHP host that uses MySQL before 4.1

PC Nerd

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Im looking for a host that has PHP  and MySQL, but i need the mysql to be only msql_ and not mysqli_... meanign it cant be 4.1 or more recent versions.


Can anyone recomend a free host that has these requirements.  I dont care about banner adds etc because its for personal use only.



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Im looking for a host that has PHP  and MySQL, but i need the mysql to be only msql_ and not mysqli_... meanign it cant be 4.1 or more recent versions.


Can anyone recomend a free host that has these requirements.  I dont care about banner adds etc because its for personal use only.




I know of one that you are using right now...

Your own computer.

If you have a dedicated High speed connection (dsl/cable/etc.) you can install any version of php + mysql and then accesses it remotely with apache and ddns (dynamic DNS) and you will always be able to get to your stuff.


And the cost of this you ask??? Free (well minus your electric bill and data line cost which you pay for right now.)

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If your on a Windows XP (or vista) system my recommendation is installing this on a spare old computer (P3+ with 256/512mb ram will be sufficient)  or if you dont' turn this system off look into vmware so you can run some unix variant on it to install lamp and then just let vmware run in the background and you will only notice a very minor performance decrease (depending on the load of that server and unix variant installed)

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im already running a XAMPP server on my computer-  and running it from localhost.  what i want to be able to do is run previous versions of MYSQL on yhere..... basically so i can finish a MySDQL wrapper im writing.  but i need the previous versions to make sure that mysql_ is working... not jsur mysqli_ etc.




btw - those two hosts above are a) one is MySQL5 b) requries phone and address


any other suggestionis?




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I know that (cos tPHP 6 is well on its way to release)- however because i do web developmetn for friends etc etc. - they still run on old technology and i cant convince them to move - so i see it to be simple to easily write a wrapper for both new and old versions and tehn just use that.


basically i want a MySQL 4 host - one that is not compatable wiht mysqli_



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*** now - they run more recent PHP ..like version 5...... however its the MySQL that is what I want.


hey - i know its stupid but im trying to do stuff and i know its possible.

does anyoen know a fre host that hosts MySQL previous to 4.1 so that it only supports the mysql_ functions



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You can install more than one version of mysql server your development computer.


If you want them both running at the same time, just use different port numbers. Use the default port 3306 for the main one you will be using and use something like 3307 for the other version. Then in the host connection details, just add the :3307 port number to connect to the other server.


If you want them to both listen on the default port 3306, then you will need to stop one from running and install the other one on the same port. Then stop one and start the other one and visa versa to switch back and forth.

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