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10 minute countdown


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$hour = date("G");
$mins = floor(date("i"));
$time_explode_hours = 15;
$time_explode_mins = 50;
$time_left_hours = $time_explode_hours-$hour;
$time_left_mins = $time_explode_mints-$mins;
if($time_left_mins < 0){
$time_left_mins = $time_left_mins +60;

echo "The bomb will blow up in approximately ".$time_left_hours." hours and ".$time_left_mins." minutes!";


So that will tell you how long before said bomb blows up



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Okay, getting there. However the questions kinda confusing, I don't want to round it to the nearest 10 minutes.


I want a countdown for every 10 minutes.


So like say it's 12:32... I want the countdown to countdown to 12:40.... or if its' 4:35 I want it to countdown to 4:40...



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if you made a script as a separate file, and in the header put a meta refresh, then had that script embedded in an iframe on the page you wanted it to show, you could make a fake dynamic javascript countdown.



$mins = 10*ceil(floatval(date("i")/10));
$hour = date("G");
if($mins >60){
$mins = $mins-60;
echo "The Time is : ".$hours.":".$mins;



<iframe src="countdown.php" width="300" height="100" />


It'll refresh every 2 seconds... if you want to change it just set the content in the meta tag.

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Thanks alecks.


But the countdown still isn't right :P


It should always be less than 10 minutes... I'll try and reword this.


If it is 12:34:21 (twelve thirty-four PM and twenty-one seconds) the countdown should display 5:39 (5 minutes and 39 seconds)


Meaning there is 5 minutes and 39 seconds until 12:40... which is to the next 10 minute interval of the current time. 

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Let me try and get this straight. You want a countdown TO the nearest 10 minute interval?

So if it's 12:34, you want to show how many minutes and seconds to 12:40?


If that's the case then you would do this:

change the line $mins to

$mins = 10*floor(floatval(date("i")/10));

And subtract the current minutes & seconds.

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