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Hey there, I have a script that I've made to countdown to the next 10 minute interval as shown below:


function TimeLeft() {
var Time = new Date();
var Minutes = Time.getMinutes();
var Seconds = Time.getSeconds();
var MinutesLeft = 0;
var SecondsLeft = 0;
if (Minutes < 10) {
	MinutesLeft = 10 - Minutes;
} else if (Minutes < 20) {
	MinutesLeft = 20 - Minutes;
} else if (Minutes < 30) {
	MinutesLeft = 30 - Minutes;
} else if (Minutes < 40) {
	MinutesLeft = 40 - Minutes;
} else if (Minutes < 50) {
	MinutesLeft = 50 - Minutes;
} else if (Minutes < 60) {
	MinutesLeft = 60 - Minutes;
SecondsLeft = 60 - Seconds;
if (SecondsLeft < 26) {
	MinutesLeft = MinutesLeft - 1;
	SecondsLeft = 60 - (26-SecondsLeft);
} else {
	SecondsLeft = SecondsLeft - 26;
if (SecondsLeft < 10) {
  		SecondsLeft = "0" + SecondsLeft;
document.getElementById('time').innerHTML="Share Value Updates in "+MinutesLeft+":"+SecondsLeft;
Timeout = setTimeout('TimeLeft()',500);


The problem is, it freezes when it gets to 1:00... and then when I refresh nothing comes up.. but then when I refresh some more times it will show 10:26 which it shouldn't.


Btw, the 26 is an offset.. ie. the countdown was 26 seconds off than what it should have been.

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as an fyi:i'm assuming that your getting your starting time from a server language(php?)... and its taking time before it hits the browser before it can start...(thats where the 26~ seconds comes from...


also... since it takes js some time to run through lines of code "Timeout = setTimeout('TimeLeft()',500);" will be HIGHLY inaccurate... if you were to use "setInterval()" it'd be FAR more accurate :-)


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function TimeLeft() {
var Time = new Date();
var Minutes = Time.getMinutes();
var Seconds = Time.getSeconds();
var MinutesLeft = 0;
var SecondsLeft = 0;
if (Minutes < 10) MinutesLeft = 10 - Minutes;
else if (Minutes < 20) MinutesLeft = 20 - Minutes;
else if (Minutes < 30) MinutesLeft = 30 - Minutes;
else if (Minutes < 40) MinutesLeft = 40 - Minutes;
else if (Minutes < 50) MinutesLeft = 50 - Minutes;
else if (Minutes < 60) MinutesLeft = 60 - Minutes;
SecondsLeft = 60 - Seconds;
if (SecondsLeft < 26) {
  MinutesLeft = MinutesLeft - 1;
  SecondsLeft = 60 - (26-SecondsLeft);
} else SecondsLeft = SecondsLeft - 26;
if (SecondsLeft < 10)  SecondsLeft = "0" + SecondsLeft;
document.getElementById('time').innerHTML="Share Value Updates in "+MinutesLeft+":"+SecondsLeft;
Timeout = setInterval('TimeLeft()',1000);


that way the function will loop every 1 second regardless of how long it takes to process the function...


still... javascript is based off of the computer's time... it'll still be a little bit wrong(depending on the computer it'll run a little faster/slower then intended)... it shouldnt be a dependant on the rest of your site... just an addon :)

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