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[SOLVED] A simple code problem :: PLEASE HELP!!!


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Hi there. Please don't laugh when I ask for help on something this simple, but i really have no clue. I have tried, and kept recieving errors.


This code Displays "Site Name: Page Name"

I want it to display "Page Name | Site Name"

Here is the code:


<title>".SITENAME.(defined("e_PAGETITLE") ? ": ".e_PAGETITLE : (defined("PAGE_NAME") ? ": ".PAGE_NAME : ""))."</title>\n";


Can someone help me please?

Thanks in Advance.

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Don't make 2 threads first of all, this looks really confusing (which CMS is this from?), anyway I'll give it a shot:


<title>".(defined("e_PAGETITLE") ? e_PAGETITLE." | " : (defined("PAGE_NAME") ? PAGE_NAME." | ")).SITENAME."</title>\n";


Give that a try, but I'm not promising anything :P

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I truly am speechless...  ??? I usually go for the logical way of fixing this sort of thing, but This totally stumped me... Yes it works fine. Thank you so much, I tried to swap them around a bit in chunks, but naturally, it failed terribly.  :(


Never mind, I am not that good at hard coding. Thanks for your help, and you don't know how much better this will be for the search engine results. it will look much better. Thanks again.

Very Best Ragards, from Reece.  ;)


Thanks to everyone who has helped on this thread.  ;D

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