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		{if $smarty.session.UserId == ''}
            <div id="stylememlogin"></div>
			{include file="navi.tpl"}
			<div id="innen">
				<!-- Leftside Menu   -->
				<div id="leftcolumn">
					{include file="leftcolumn.tpl"}
				<!-- Rightside Menu   -->
				<div id="rightcolumn">
					{include file="rightcolumn.tpl"}
                    <!-- Rendered page -->
				<div id="content">
                  <br />
                  <br />
			<!--  Footer   -->



This is the code I am using on my index.tpl so it shows up on all pages in the same format is there a way to create if statements so that  for example if profile.tpl is being shown it will not show the rightcolumn.tpl and will change the size of the $rendered_page so that it makes up for the room that rightcolumn.tpl would have had.


If you need more of my coding shown let me known it started with the open source code of OSdate which I customizing like crazy... my website is http://www.alovemark.com just incase you need it to see what I am talking about... thanks for your help in advance.

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tpl is just the file type its grabbed by php scripts



<body dir="{lang mkey='DIRECTION'}" {if $google_map eq 'Y'}onload="load_map()"{/if}>
<!-- Header portion  -->

	<div id="main">
		<div id="header" >
		<a href="{$DOC_ROOT}"><img id="logo" src="{$image_dir}logo.gif" alt=""></a>
			<div id="login">

				{if $smarty.session.UserId == ''}
				<form name="frmLogin" method="post" action="midlogin.php" onsubmit="javascript: return newvalidateLogin(this);">
					<br /><b>{lang mkey='members_login'}</b><br /><br />{lang mkey='signup_username'}  <input maxlength="25" name="txtusername" />   <br /><br />{lang mkey='signup_password'}  <input type="password" name="txtpassword" />  <br /><br /><input type="submit" value="{lang mkey='login_submit'}" />  <a href="signup.php">{lang mkey='register'}</a>
				{else} <strong>{lang mkey='welcome'} {$smarty.session.UserName}!</strong> {/if}</div>

		{if $smarty.session.UserId == ''}
            <div id="stylememlogin"></div>
			{include file="navi.tpl"}
			<div id="innen">
				<!-- Leftside Menu   -->
				<div id="leftcolumn">
					{include file="leftcolumn.tpl"}
				<!-- Rightside Menu   -->
				<div id="rightcolumn">
					{include file="rightcolumn.tpl"}
                    <!-- Rendered page -->
				<div id="content">
                  <br />
                  <br />
			<!--  Footer   -->
			<div id="footer">
					{if $smarty.session.UserId <= 0}
						<a href='index.php?page=login' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='login'}</a> | 
					{if $config.enable_mod_rewrite == 'Y'}
						<a href='privacy.html' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='privacy'}</a> | 
						<a href='terms_of_use.html' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='terms_of_use'}</a> | 
						<a href='services.html' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='services'}</a> | 
						<a href='faq.html' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='faq'}</a> | 
						<a href='articles.html' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='articles'}</a> | 
						<a href='index.php?page=privacy' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='privacy'}</a> | 
						<a href='index.php?page=terms_of_use' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='terms_of_use'}</a> | 
						<a href='index.php?page=services' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='services'}</a> | 
						<a href='index.php?page=faq' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='faq'}</a> | 
						<a href='index.php?page=articles' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='articles'}</a> | 
					<a href='affindex.php' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='affliates'}</a> | 
{*						<a href='javascript:launchTellFriend();' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='invite_a_friend'}</a> *}
					<a href='tellafriend.php' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='invite_a_friend'}</a> 
{* Feedback link depending on the option in global site settings *}
					{if ( $config.feedback_info == 'Y' && $smarty.session.UserId != '') or $config.feedback_info == 'N'}
						<a href='feedback.php' >{lang mkey='site_links' skey='feedback'}</a>
			<div id="copy">
				Copyright <a href="http://www.alovemark.com">{$config.copyright}</a>  All Rights Reserved.</div>



I thought that was all php or am I wrong?

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Its a template engine for PHP called Smarty. The TPL is just a generic file extension used to denote a template file.


You would use a conditional statement, using smarty variables you have defined in your code, to show the sidebar.


Something like:

{if $show_rightcolumn}
<div id="rightcolumn">
    {include file="rightcolumn.tpl"}

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