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Hi, There is an error with invision's tar.php file for PHP5 for some reason something isn`t compatible with PHP5 so it gives this error:


Warning: unpack() [function.unpack]: Invalid format type p in /home/sitename/public_html/forum/sources/lib/tar.php on line 739


Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /home/sitename/public_html/forum/sources/lib/tar.php on line 783


The code is kind of long but if someone could help out I am sure that  a lot of people would appreciate it.



|   Invision Power Board v1.3.1 Final
|   ========================================
|   by Matthew Mecham
|   (c) 2001 - 2003 Invision Power Services
|   http://www.invisionpower.com
|   ========================================
|   Web: http://www.invisionboard.com
|   Time: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 05:36:27 GMT
|   Release: 253d4945e04aa2763d518b21140c73e5
|   Email: [email protected]
|   Licence Info: http://www.invisionboard.com/?license
|   > GNU Tar creation and extraction module
|   > Module written by Matt Mecham
|   > Usage style based on the C and Perl GNU modules
|   > Will only work with PHP 4+
|   > Date started: 15th Feb 2002
|	> Module Version Number: 1.0.0
|   > Module Author: Matthew Mecham
|  If you can't find a program the does what you want it to do, write your
|  own.
| This module has been created and released under the GNU licence and may be
| freely used and distributed. If you find some space to credit us in your source
| code, it'll be appreciated.
| Report all bugs / improvements to [email protected]
| NOTE: This does not affect the current licence for the rest of the Invision
| board code. I just wanted to share this module as there is a lack of other
| decent tar proggies for PHP.

| $tar = new tar();
| $tar->new_tar("/foo/bar", "myTar.tar");
| $files = $tar->list_files();
| $tar->extract_files( "/extract/to/here/dir" );
| $tar = new tar();
| $tar->new_tar("/foo/bar" , "myNewTar.tar");
| $tar->current_dir("/foo" );  //Optional - tells the script which dir we are in
|                                to syncronise file creation from the tarball
| $tar->add_files( $file_names_with_path_array );
| (or $tar->add_directory( "/foo/bar/myDir" ); to archive a complete dir)
| $tar->write_tar();

class tar {

var $tar_header_length = '512';
var $tar_unpack_header = 'a100filename/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8chksum/a1typeflag/a100linkname/a6magic/a2version/a32uname/a32gname/a8devmajor/a8devminor/a155/prefix';
var $tar_pack_header   = 'A100 A8 A8 A8 A12 A12 A8 A1 A100 A6 A2 A32 A32 A8 A8 A155';
var $current_dir       = "";
var $unpack_dir        = "";
var $pack_dir          = "";
var $error             = "";
var $work_dir          = array();
var $tar_in_mem        = array();
var $tar_filename      = "";
var $filehandle        = "";
var $warnings          = array();
var $attributes        = array();
var $tarfile_name      = "";
var $tarfile_path      = "";
var $tarfile_path_name = "";
var $workfiles         = array();

// CONSTRUCTOR: Attempt to guess the current working dir.

function tar() {

	if ($this_dir = getcwd())
		$this->current_dir = $this_dir;
	else if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']))
		$this->current_dir = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
		$this->current_dir = './';

	// Set some attributes, these can be overriden later

	$this->attributes = array(  'over_write_existing'   => 0,
							    'over_write_newer'      => 0,
								'remove_tar_file'       => 0,
								'remove_original_files' => 0,

// Set the tarname. If we are extracting a tarball, then it must be the
// path to the tarball, and it's name (eg: $tar->new_tar("/foo/bar" ,'myTar.tar')
// or if we are creating a tar, then it must be the path and name of the tar file
// to create.

function new_tar($tarpath, $tarname) {

	$this->tarfile_name = $tarname;
	$this->tarfile_path = $tarpath;

	// Make sure there isn't a trailing slash on the path

	$this->tarfile_path = preg_replace( "#[/\\\]$#" , "" , $this->tarfile_path );

	$this->tarfile_path_name = $this->tarfile_path .'/'. $this->tarfile_name; 


// Easy way to overwrite defaults

function over_write_existing() {
	$this->attributes['over_write_existing'] = 1;
function over_write_newer() {
	$this->attributes['over_write_newer'] = 1;
function remove_tar_file() {
	$this->attributes['remove_tar_file'] = 1;
function remove_original_files() {
	$this->attributes['remove_original_files'] = 1;

// User assigns the root directory for the tar ball creation/extraction

function current_dir($dir = "") {

	$this->current_dir = $dir;


// list files: returns an array with all the filenames in the tar file

function list_files($advanced="") {

	// $advanced == "" - return name only
	// $advanced == 1  - return name, size, mtime, mode

	$data = $this->read_tar();

	$final = array();

	foreach($data as $d)
		if ($advanced == 1)
			$final[] = array ( 'name'  => $d['name'],
							   'size'  => $d['size'],
							   'mtime' => $d['mtime'],
							   'mode'  => substr(decoct( $d['mode'] ), -4),
			$final[] = $d['name'];

	return $final;

// Add a directory to the tar files.
// $tar->add_directory( str(TO DIRECTORY) )
//    Can be used in the following methods.
//	  $tar->add_directory( "/foo/bar" );
//	  $tar->write_tar( "/foo/bar" );

function add_directory( $dir ) {

	$this->error = "";

	// Make sure the $to_dir is pointing to a valid dir, or we error
	// and return

	if (! is_dir($dir) )
		$this->error = "Extract files error: Destination directory ($to_dir) does not exist";
		return FALSE;

	$cur_dir = getcwd();


	$this->add_files($this->workfiles, $dir);




function get_dir_contents( $dir )

	$dir = preg_replace( "#/$#", "", $dir );

	if ( file_exists($dir) )
		if ( is_dir($dir) )
			$handle = opendir($dir);

			while (($filename = readdir($handle)) !== false)
				if (($filename != ".") && ($filename != ".."))
					if (is_dir($dir."/".$filename))
						$this->workfiles[] = $dir."/".$filename;

			$this->error = "$dir is not a directory";
			return FALSE;
		$this->error = "Could not locate $dir";

// Extract the tarball
// $tar->extract_files( str(TO DIRECTORY), [ array( FILENAMES )  ] )
//    Can be used in the following methods.
//	  $tar->extract( "/foo/bar" , $files );
// 	  This will seek out the files in the user array and extract them
//    $tar->extract( "/foo/bar" );
//    Will extract the complete tar file into the user specified directory

function extract_files( $to_dir, $files="" ) {

	$this->error = "";

	// Make sure the $to_dir is pointing to a valid dir, or we error
	// and return

	if (! is_dir($to_dir) )
		$this->error = "Extract files error: Destination directory ($to_dir) does not exist";

	// change into the directory chosen by the user.

	$cur_dir = getcwd();

	$to_dir_slash = $to_dir . "/";

	// Get the file info from the tar

	$in_files = $this->read_tar();

	if ($this->error != "") {

	foreach ($in_files as $k => $file) {

		// Are we choosing which files to extract?

		if (is_array($files))
			if (! in_array($file['name'], $files) )


		// GNU TAR format dictates that all paths *must* be in the *nix
		// format - if this is not the case, blame the tar vendor, not me!

		if ( preg_match("#/#", $file['name']) )
			$path_info = explode( "/" , $file['name'] );
			$file_name = array_pop($path_info);
		} else
			$path_info = array();
			$file_name = $file['name'];

		// If we have a path, then we must build the directory tree

		if (count($path_info) > 0)
			foreach($path_info as $dir_component)
				if ($dir_component == "")
				if ( (file_exists($dir_component)) && (! is_dir($dir_component)) )
					$this->warnings[] = "WARNING: $dir_component exists, but is not a directory";
				if (! is_dir($dir_component))
					mkdir( $dir_component, 0777);
					chmod( $dir_component, 0777);

				if (! @chdir($dir_component))
					$this->warnings[] = "ERROR: CHDIR to $dir_component FAILED!";

		// check the typeflags, and work accordingly

		if (($file['typeflag'] == 0) or (!$file['typeflag']) or ($file['typeflag'] == ""))
			if ( $FH = fopen($file_name, "wb") )
				fputs( $FH, $file['data'], strlen($file['data']) );
				$this->warnings[] = "Could not write data to $file_name";
		else if ($file['typeflag'] == 5)
			if ( (file_exists($file_name)) && (! is_dir($file_name)) )
				$this->warnings[] = "$file_name exists, but is not a directory";
			if (! is_dir($file_name))
				@mkdir( $file_name, 0777);
		else if ($file['typeflag'] == 6)
			$this->warnings[] = "Cannot handle named pipes";
		else if ($file['typeflag'] == 1)
			$this->warnings[] = "Cannot handle system links";
		else if ($file['typeflag'] == 4)
			$this->warnings[] = "Cannot handle device files";
		else if ($file['typeflag'] == 3)
			$this->warnings[] = "Cannot handle device files";
			$this->warnings[] = "Unknown typeflag found";

		if (! @chmod( $file_name, $file['mode'] ) )
			$this->warnings[] = "ERROR: CHMOD $mode on $file_name FAILED!";

		@touch( $file_name, $file['mtime'] );


	// Return to the "real" directory the scripts are in



// add files:
//  Takes an array of files, and adds them to the tar file
//  Optionally takes a path to use as root for the tar file - if omitted, it
//  assumes the current working directory is the tarball root. Be careful with
//  this, or you may get unexpected results -especially when attempting to read
//  and add files to the tarball.
//  /usr/home/somedir/forums/sources
//  BRIEF: To tar up the sources directory
// $files = array( 'sources/somescript.php', 'sources/anothersscript.php' );
//  If CWD is 'somedir', you'll need to use $tar->add_files( $files, "/usr/home/somedir/forums" );
//  or it'll attempt to open /usr/home/somedir/sources/somescript.php - which would result
//  in an error. Either that, or use:
//  chdir("/usr/home/somedir/forums");
//  $tar->add_files( $files );

function add_files( $files, $root_path="" ) {

	// Do we a root path to change into?

	if ($root_path != "") {

	$count    = 0;

	foreach ($files as $file) {

		// is it a Mac OS X work file?

		if ( preg_match("/\.ds_store/i", $file ) )

		$typeflag = 0;
		$data     = "";
		$linkname = "";

		$stat = stat($file);

		// Did stat fail?

		if (! is_array($stat) ) {
			$this->warnings[] = "Error: Stat failed on $file";

		$mode  = fileperms($file);
		$uid   = $stat[4];
		$gid   = $stat[5];
		$rdev  = $stat[6];
		$size  = filesize($file);
		$mtime = filemtime($file);

		if (is_file($file)) {
			// It's a plain file, so lets suck it up
			$typeflag = 0;
			if ( $FH = fopen($file, 'rb') ) {
				$data = fread( $FH, filesize($file) );
			} else {
				$this->warnings[] = "ERROR: Failed to open $file";
		else if (is_link($file)) {
			$typeflag = 1;
			$linkname = @readlink($file);
		else if (is_dir($file)) {
			$typeflag = 5;
		else {
			// Sockets, Pipes and char/block specials are not
			// supported, so - lets use a silly value to keep the
			// tar ball legitimate.
			$typeflag = 9;

		// Add this data to our in memory tar file

		$this->tar_in_mem[] = array (
									  'name'     => $file,
									  'mode'     => $mode,
									  'uid'      => $uid,
									  'gid'      => $gid,
									  'size'     => strlen($data),
									  'mtime'    => $mtime,
									  'chksum'   => "      ",
									  'typeflag' => $typeflag,
									  'linkname' => $linkname,
									  'magic'    => "ustar\0",
									  'version'  => '00',
									  'uname'    => 'unknown',
									  'gname'    => 'unknown',
									  'devmajor' => "",
									  'devminor' => "",
									  'prefix'   => "",
									  'data'     => $data
		// Clear the stat cache




	//Return the number of files to anyone who's interested

	return $count;


// write_tar:
// Writes the tarball into the directory specified in new_tar with a filename
// specified in new_tar

function write_tar() {

	if ($this->tarfile_path_name == "") {
		$this->error = 'No filename or path was specified to create a new tar file';

	if ( count($this->tar_in_mem) < 1 ) {
		$this->error = 'No data to write to the new tar file';

	$tardata = "";

	foreach ($this->tar_in_mem as $file) {

		$prefix = "";
		$tmp    = "";
		$last   = "";

		// make sure the filename isn't longer than 99 characters.

		if (strlen($file['name']) > 99) {
			$pos = strrpos( $file['name'], "/" );
			if (is_string($pos) && !$pos) {
				// filename alone is longer than 99 characters!
				$this->error[] = "Filename {$file['name']} exceeds the length allowed by GNU Tape ARchives";
			$prefix = substr( $file['name'], 0 , $pos );  // Move the path to the prefix
			$file['name'] = substr( $file['name'], ($pos+1));
			if (strlen($prefix) > 154) {
				$this->error[] = "File path exceeds the length allowed by GNU Tape ARchives";

		// BEGIN FORMATTING (a8a1a100)

		$mode  = sprintf("%6s ", decoct($file['mode']));
		$uid   = sprintf("%6s ", decoct($file['uid']));
		$gid   = sprintf("%6s ", decoct($file['gid']));
		$size  = sprintf("%11s ", decoct($file['size']));
		$mtime = sprintf("%11s ", decoct($file['mtime']));

		$tmp  = pack("a100a8a8a8a12a12",$file['name'],$mode,$uid,$gid,$size,$mtime);

		$last  = pack("a1"   , $file['typeflag']);
		$last .= pack("a100" , $file['linkname']);

		$last .= pack("a6", "ustar"); // magic
		$last .= pack("a2", "" ); // version
		$last .= pack("a32", $file['uname']);
		$last .= pack("a32", $file['gname']);
		$last .= pack("a8", ""); // devmajor
		$last .= pack("a8", ""); // devminor
		$last .= pack("a155", $prefix);
		//$last .= pack("a12", "");
		$test_len = $tmp . $last . "12345678";
		$last .= $this->internal_build_string( "\0" , ($this->tar_header_length - strlen($test_len)) );

		// Here comes the science bit, handling
		// the checksum.

		$checksum = 0;

		for ($i = 0 ; $i < 148 ; $i++ ) {
			$checksum += ord( substr($tmp, $i, 1) );

		for ($i = 148 ; $i < 156 ; $i++) {
			$checksum += ord(' ');

		for ($i = 156, $j = 0 ; $i < 512 ; $i++, $j++) {
			$checksum += ord( substr($last, $j, 1) );

		$checksum = sprintf( "%6s ", decoct($checksum) );

		$tmp .= pack("a8", $checksum);

		$tmp .= $last;
	   	$tmp .= $file['data'];
	   	// Tidy up this chunk to the power of 512
	   	if ($file['size'] > 0)
	   		if ($file['size'] % 512 != 0)
	   			$homer = $this->internal_build_string( "\0" , (512 - ($file['size'] % 512)) );
	   			$tmp .= $homer;
	   	$tardata .= $tmp;

	// Add the footer

	$tardata .= pack( "a512", "" );

	// print it to the tar file

	$FH = fopen( $this->tarfile_path_name, 'wb' );
	fputs( $FH, $tardata, strlen($tardata) );

	@chmod( $this->tarfile_path_name, 0777);

	// Done..
// Read the tarball - builds an associative array

function read_tar() {

	$filename = $this->tarfile_path_name;

	if ($filename == "") {
		$this->error = 'No filename specified when attempting to read a tar file';
		return array();

	if (! file_exists($filename) ) {
		$this->error = 'Cannot locate the file '.$filename;
		return array();

	$tar_info = array();

	$this->tar_filename = $filename;

	// Open up the tar file and start the loop

	if (! $FH = fopen( $filename , 'rb' ) ) {
		$this->error = "Cannot open $filename for reading";
		return array();

	// Grrr, perl allows spaces, PHP doesn't. Pack strings are hard to read without
	// them, so to save my sanity, I'll create them with spaces and remove them here

	$this->tar_unpack_header = preg_replace( "/\s/", "" , $this->tar_unpack_header);

	while (!feof($FH)) {

		$buffer = fread( $FH , $this->tar_header_length );

		// check the block

		$checksum = 0;

		for ($i = 0 ; $i < 148 ; $i++) {
			$checksum += ord( substr($buffer, $i, 1) );
		for ($i = 148 ; $i < 156 ; $i++) {
			$checksum += ord(' ');
		for ($i = 156 ; $i < 512 ; $i++) {
			$checksum += ord( substr($buffer, $i, 1) );

		$fa = unpack( $this->tar_unpack_header, $buffer);

		$name     = trim($fa[filename]);
		$mode     = OctDec(trim($fa[mode]));
		$uid      = OctDec(trim($fa[uid]));
		$gid      = OctDec(trim($fa[gid]));
		$size     = OctDec(trim($fa[size]));
		$mtime    = OctDec(trim($fa[mtime]));
		$chksum   = OctDec(trim($fa[chksum]));
		$typeflag = trim($fa[typeflag]);
		$linkname = trim($fa[linkname]);
		$magic    = trim($fa[magic]);
		$version  = trim($fa[version]);
		$uname    = trim($fa[uname]);
		$gname    = trim($fa[gname]);
		$devmajor = OctDec(trim($fa[devmajor]));
		$devminor = OctDec(trim($fa[devminor]));
		$prefix   = trim($fa[prefix]);

		if ( ($checksum == 256) && ($chksum == 0) ) {

		if ($prefix) {
			$name = $prefix.'/'.$name;

		// Some broken tars don't set the type flag
		// correctly for directories, so we assume that
		// if it ends in / it's a directory...

		if ( (preg_match( "#/$#" , $name)) and (! $name) ) {
			$typeflag = 5;

		// If it's the end of the tarball...
		$test = $this->internal_build_string( '\0' , 512 );
		if ($buffer == $test) {

		// Read the next chunk

		$data = fread( $FH, $size );

		if (strlen($data) != $size) {
			$this->error = "Read error on tar file";
			fclose( $FH );
			return array();

		$diff = $size % 512;

		if ($diff != 0) {
			// Padding, throw away
			$crap = fread( $FH, (512-$diff) );

		// Protect against tarfiles with garbage at the end

		if ($name == "") {

		$tar_info[] = array (
							  'name'     => $name,
							  'mode'     => $mode,
							  'uid'      => $uid,
							  'gid'      => $gid,
							  'size'     => $size,
							  'mtime'    => $mtime,
							  'chksum'   => $chksum,
							  'typeflag' => $typeflag,
							  'linkname' => $linkname,
							  'magic'    => $magic,
							  'version'  => $version,
							  'uname'    => $uname,
							  'gname'    => $gname,
							  'devmajor' => $devmajor,
							  'devminor' => $devminor,
							  'prefix'   => $prefix,
							  'data'     => $data


	return $tar_info;

// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS - These should NOT be called outside this module

// build_string: Builds a repititive string

function internal_build_string($string="", $times=0) {

	$return = "";
	for ($i=0 ; $i < $times ; ++$i ) {
		$return .= $string;

	return $return;



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So I was looking on the internet to find out what possibly could have been wrong with the tar.php file. It was something so simple


Tinkerbell from www.ipbdownloads.com had the answer:


Open sources/lib/tar.php and find:


CODEvar $tar_unpack_header = 'a100filename/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8chksum/a1typeflag/



Replace it with:


CODEvar $tar_unpack_header = 'a100filename/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8chksum/a1typeflag/



Whala! If you have any other issues with PHP 5 check out my PHP 5/SQL post.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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