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glenelkins is right; the best way to do this is server side, but it can be done through javascript. the only draw back is, that you would need to know how many forward slashes were in your url. this can be probably done with a little bit of javascript math. but the basic idea is below - good luck ;)


<script language="javascript">
function getFileNameAndExt()
var presently = document.URL;
var thisFile = presently.split("/");
document.getElementById('viewIt').innerHTML = thisFile[3] + "<br/><br/>";

<div id="viewIt"></div>

<a href="javascript:getFileNameAndExt()">Where Am I At? - Click Here To Find Out</a>

here is a better version of my script above. this version will use some math too automatically find the amount of forward slashes, so it will always pull your file name and extension from the url. it shouldn't matter how long the url is; I tested it in up to 5 sub-directories and each time it gave me the filename with the extension. so I hope the version works out better for you. :)


<script language="javascript">
function getFileNameAndExt()
var presently = document.URL;
var thisFile = presently.split("/");
var total = thisFile.length - 1;
document.getElementById('viewIt').innerHTML = thisFile[total] + "<br/><br/>";

<div id="viewIt"></div>

<a href="javascript:getFileNameAndExt()">Where Am I At? - Click Here To Find Out</a>

try this:


<script language="javascript">
function getFileNameAndExt()
var presently = document.URL;
var thisFile = presently.split("/");
var total = thisFile.length - 1;
if (total > "2") {
document.getElementById('viewIt').innerHTML = thisFile[total] + "<br/><br/>";
else {
document.getElementById('viewIt').innerHTML='index.html'; // usually the domain is pointed towards the "index" page; but the extension my vary

<div id="viewIt"></div>

<a href="javascript:getFileNameAndExt()">Where Am I At? - Click Here To Find Out</a>


here is a workaround for unknown "index" page extensions:


<script language="javascript">
var presently = document.URL;
var thisFile = presently.split("/");
var thisExt = presently.split(".");
var total = thisFile.length - 1;
function getFileNameAndExt()
if (total > "2") {
document.getElementById('viewIt').innerHTML = thisFile[total] + '<br/><br/>';
else {
document.getElementById('viewIt').innerHTML='index.' + thisExt[total] + '<br/><br/>';

<div id="viewIt"></div>

<a href="javascript:getFileNameAndExt()">Where Am I At? - Click Here To Find Out</a>

it looked so good when i looked it over but i tested it on 2 index pages and both show up blank.


the url is http://www.site.com    and i tried http://www.site.com/folder

both load index.php but index.php doesnt show up in the script

ok - try this; I had to change a few things, sorry made a mistake or two. :D


<script language="javascript">
var presently = document.URL;
var thisFile = presently.split("/");
var thisExt = presently.split(".");
var total = thisFile.length - 1;
var totaled = thisExt.length - 1;
function getFileNameAndExt()
if (total > "3") {
document.getElementById('viewIt').innerHTML = thisFile[total] + '<br/><br/>';
else if (totaled == "2") {
document.getElementById('viewIt').innerHTML='index.' + thisExt[totaled] + '<br/><br/>';
else {

<div id="viewIt"></div>

<a href="javascript:getFileNameAndExt()">Where Am I At? - Click Here To Find Out</a>



if you have your htacess file set where it changes your extensions in sub-directory urls; then it's not going to work.




before htacess change




after htacess change




yea its not changed.  As far as i know thats basic procedure with webpages.


you need either index.htm, index.html, or main.html so that when your site loads www.yoursite.com it knows which page to load, EVEN THOUGH the URL just says http://www.yoursite.com.  Thats the problem that were having, i think javascript just tries to read the URL but the file isnt loaded in the URL its gotta be done some other way.  Which is, im pretty sure what your trying to accomplish here.



well im not gonna give out the ftp info to my server. Basically the code you gave me, im pasting it after the <body> tag on my index.htm page.  Upload to ftp then in my browser go to www.mysite.com


if you have access to your own site then you can try it, but i cant give mine out


well I am not going to change my domain forward page for this either - sorry - lol. I am not sure why it's not working; I suggest just keep toying with the script I provided you or look into a server side method of doing this.


good luck ;)

Also, after looking at you example; if you are not using htacess file to change your urls into sub-directory urls (so to speak) - then even if you type: "http://www.4tenonline.com/createDatabase/" - you should automatically be redirected to: "http://www.4tenonline.com/createDatabase/index.htm". The only way the url will continuously stay in sub-directory format (without showing the file or extension); is if you have changed your htaccess file or if you are using a script or service to mask the url.

try this; I thought I would give this one more shot :D


<script language="javascript">
var presently = document.URL;
var thisFile = presently.split("/");
var thisExt = presently.split(".");
var total = thisFile.length - 1;
var totaled = thisExt.length - 1;
var getEXT = thisExt[totaled];
function getFileNameAndExt()
if (total > "3") {
document.getElementById('viewIt').innerHTML = thisFile[total] + '<br/><br/>';
else if (getEXT != "htm" || getEXT != "html") // you can keep adding web page extensions as needed
else {

<div id="viewIt"></div>

<a href="javascript:getFileNameAndExt()">Where Am I At? - Click Here To Find Out</a>

lol thanks for the last attempt, same thing going on though.  So on your server, say you own www.phpquestioner.com.  When users go to www.phpquestioner.com the URL bar says www.phpquestioner.com/index.htm ?  Im not implying anything by this next statement, but i didnt edit my domain forwarding either, i just created a false directory to test this on.  I found that if i dont have an index.htm page in a directory, it actually shows me a dir listing of all the files.


The reason i cant be fine with changing the url, is because this needs to work with anybodys domain, not mine, im writing a universal program, so what works only for me, may not for other people.  Thanks again tho,


Try this then:


<script language="javascript">
var presently = document.URL;
var thisFile = presently.split("/");
var thisExt = presently.split(".");
var total = thisFile.length - 1;
var totaled = thisExt.length - 1;
var getEXT = thisExt[totaled];
function getFileNameAndExt()
if (total > "3") {
document.getElementById('viewIt').innerHTML = thisFile[total] + '<br/><br/>';
if (getEXT != "htm")
else {

<div id="viewIt"></div>

<a href="javascript:getFileNameAndExt()">Where Am I At? - Click Here To Find Out</a>


I would like to make this sucker work - lol :D

OK making progress!!! great job!!


The only problem is that if the index file is index.php and not index.htm then it still shows index.htm even though that doesnt exist.  Can we modify to accept all forms of index types?

here are some common ones


index.html, index.htm, main.html, main.htm, index.pl, index.php


great job btw!

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