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[SOLVED] PHP Session?


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When I have a post command on a certain page, and then just link to a different page after the command has been executed, and then try again to go back to the same page I started from by clicking on the 'back button' in IE, I get the following error:


Error Message: Warning: Page Has Expired: The Page You Requested...blah blah


and my question is, how do you get rid off of that?


I hope this makes sense?!


It's a search page, and to get rid off of the error I have to click refresh and then OK to get the same results as from before. I suppose it has something to do with the PHP session ID? I just think it's a pain in the ass lol and I wish it would automatically update the page.


Appreciate any help. Thanks.

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My users are getting the following error message when they try to go back a



Warning: Page has expired ......


Why is this happening and how can I change it






There is an error in IE4 that is fixed by SP1. You can download this from







Lol simple explaination i guess hahaha

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alryt dont shoot im just the messenger loool joking.



ermm well its a bit difficult to get wot it is unless i have experienced it myself b4 loool which i havnt.



check that you have a session_start at the top loool and its on the top of the page loool :)



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