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Select * from ... query error


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Table is SiteItems

with the following fields :

  id int(11)  Nee  auto_increment             

  klant tinyint(3)  UNSIGNED Ja NULL               

  titel varchar(80) utf8_general_ci  Ja NULL               

  oms text utf8_general_ci  Ja NULL               

  tekst text utf8_general_ci  Ja NULL               

  soort int(11)  Ja NULL               

  timestamp timestamp  ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Nee CURRENT_TIMESTAMP               

  auteur varchar(50) utf8_general_ci  Ja NULL               

  del tinyint(4)  Ja 0


Using MySQL 5.0.32 & PHP 4


In my PHP code it says :

$strSQL = "select * from SiteItems where id = " . $id . ";";
$result = mysql_query($strSQL)
     or die("Fout bij uitvoeren query");
$line = mysql_fetch_array($result);


after connecting to the DB. Connection goes fine, but then it gives a query error...

The . $id . refers to id 170 in the index.php with :

header("location: si.php?id=170");

Anyone a suggestion ?



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a) in future, post the query error.  things will go much faster.


b) drop the semicolon from the end of the query:


$strSQL = "select * from SiteItems where id = " . $id;


c) you don't need to exit from double quotes to insert a variable:


$strSQL = "select * from SiteItems where id=$id";

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The frontpage is showing now, as told before but the content of the DB is not showing.

More specific the content of this field : tekst text utf8_general_ci  Ja NULL


any idea ?

This is a site i took over from a company that went bankrupt... and i have no idea how they put it together...

Should i post the complete site in zip or just some codes ??

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Hereby the code of the si.php :

include 'includes/webfunctions.php';
setlocale (LC_ALL, 'nl_NL');
// Verbinding maken, een database selecteren
$link = mysql_connect(DB_Server,DB_Login,DB_Pasword)
     or die("Kan geen verbinding maken");
     or die("Kan geen database selecteren");
$strSQL = "select * from SiteItems where id='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($strSQL)
     or die("Fout bij uitvoeren query");
$line = mysql_fetch_array($result);

switch ($line["soort"]) {
Case "1":?>
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  <td "width=100%"><?php print $line['tekst']?></td>

Case "2": Case"3": Case"5":
$strSQL = "select SiteItems.titel,SiteItems.tekst,lenicoTeKoop.*, lenicoTeKoopProvincie.titel as provincie,lenicoTeKoop.prijsklasse from SiteItems ";
$strSQL.= " LEFT JOIN lenicoTeKoop ON (SiteItems.id=lenicoTeKoop.siteitem) ";
$strSQL.= " LEFT JOIN lenicoTeKoopProvincie ON (lenicoTeKoop.provincie=lenicoTeKoopProvincie.id) ";
//$strSQL.= " LEFT JOIN lenicoTeKoopPrijsKlasse ON (lenicoTeKoop.prijsklasse=lenicoTeKoopPrijsKlasse.id) ";
$strSQL.= " where SiteItems.id = " . $id . ";";
$result = mysql_query($strSQL)
     or die("Fout bij uitvoeren query");
$line = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$oppervlakte = $line["grondopp1"]*100 + $line["grondopp2"];
if ($oppervlakte > 0){
if ($oppervlakte > 9999){
 $oppervlakte = round($oppervlakte/10000,2) ." ha";
 $oppervlakte = $oppervlakte ." m²";
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td valign="top">
<?$makelink = 0;
$strSQL = "select id,naam,ext from Resources where id=".$line["foto1"];
$result = mysql_query($strSQL)
     or die("Fout bij uitvoeren query");
$line2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if (stristr("gif jpg jpeg png bmp",$line2["ext"])) {
$imageSize =  getimagesize("res/ref".$line2["id"].".".$line2["ext"]);
if ($imageSize[0] > 150){ 
  $breedte = 150;
  $makelink = 1;
  $breedte = $imageSize[0];
$hoogte = $breedte*$imageSize[1]/$imageSize[0];
if ($makelink == 1){?><a href="#" onclick="javascript:window.open('showpicture.php?id=<?php print $line["foto1"]?>','showpicture','resizable=1')"><?}?><img src="res/ref<?php print $line2["id"]?>.<?php print $line2["ext"]?>" alt="<?php print $line2["naam"]?>" width="<?=$breedte?>" height="<?=$hoogte?>" border="0" hspace="5"></a>
  	<?php if (stristr("gif jpg jpeg png bmp",$line2["ext"])) { ?>
    <td>   </td>
<?php } ?>
<td valign="top" width="100%" align="left">
  <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  	<tr><td colspan="2" class="titel"><?php print $line["titel"]?></td></tr>
   <tr><td width="11%"><b>Locatie</b>:</td><td width="89%"><?php print $line["gemeente"]?>, <?php print $line["adres"]?></td></tr>
   <tr><td><b>Provincie</b>: </td><td><?php print $line["provincie"]?></td></tr>
   <? if($oppervlakte != "") { ?>
   <tr><td><b>Oppervlakte</b>:</td><td><?php print $oppervlakte?></td></tr>
   <? } ?>
   <?if($line["grondbreedte"]<>""){?><tr><td><b>Gevelbreedte</b>:</td><td><?php print $line["grondbreedte"]?> m</td></tr><?}?>
   <?if($line["ki"]<>""){?><tr><td><b>Kadastraal inkomen</b>:</td><td><?php print $line["ki"]?></td></tr><?}?>
   <?if($line["slaapkamers"]<>"0"){?><tr><td><b>Slaapkamers</b>:</td><td><?php print $line["slaapkamers"]?></td></tr><?}?>
   <? if($line["cv"] != "") { ?>
   <tr><td nowrap><b>Centrale verwarming</b>:</td><td><?php print $line["cv"]?></td></tr>
   <? } ?>
   <?if($line["bj"]<>""){?><tr><td><b>Bouwjaar</b>:</td><td><?php print $line["bj"]?></td></tr><?}?>
   <? if($line["prijsklasse"] != "") { ?>
   <tr><td><b>Prijs</b>:</td><td><?php print $line["prijsklasse"]?></td></tr>
   <? } ?>
   <?if($line["referentie"]<>""){?><tr><td><b>Referentie</b>:</td><td><?php print $line["referentie"]?></td></tr><?}?>
	<td colspan="3"><br></td>
<? if($line["tekst"] != "") { ?>
<td colspan="3">
	<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
	<td valign="top"><b>Omschrijving</b>: </td><td><?php print $line["tekst"]?></td>	
<? } ?>
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<tr><td colspan="3"> </td></tr>
<?$makelink = 0;
$strSQL = "select id,naam,ext from Resources where id=".$line["foto2"];
$result = mysql_query($strSQL)
     or die("Fout bij uitvoeren query");
$line2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if (stristr("gif jpg jpeg png bmp",$line2["ext"])) {
$imageSize =  getimagesize("res/ref".$line2["id"].".".$line2["ext"]);
if ($imageSize[0] > 180){ 
$breedte = 180;
$makelink = 1;
$breedte = $imageSize[0];
$hoogte = $breedte*$imageSize[1]/$imageSize[0];
if ($makelink == 1){?><a href="#" onclick="javascript:window.open('showpicture.php?id=<?php print $line["foto2"]?>','showpicture','resizable=1')"><?}?><img src="res/ref<?php print $line2["id"]?>.<?php print $line2["ext"]?>" alt="<?php print $line2["naam"]?>" width="<?=$breedte?>" height="<?=$hoogte?>" border="0"></a>
<?$makelink = 0;
$strSQL = "select id,naam,ext from Resources where id=".$line["foto3"];
$result = mysql_query($strSQL)
     or die("Fout bij uitvoeren query");
$line2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if (stristr("gif jpg jpeg png bmp",$line2["ext"])) {
$imageSize =  getimagesize("res/ref".$line2["id"].".".$line2["ext"]);
if ($imageSize[0] > 180){ 
$breedte = 180;
$makelink = 1;
$breedte = $imageSize[0];
$hoogte = $breedte*$imageSize[1]/$imageSize[0];
if ($makelink == 1){?><a href="#" onclick="javascript:window.open('showpicture.php?id=<?php print $line["foto3"]?>','showpicture','resizable=1')"><?}?><img src="res/ref<?php print $line2["id"]?>.<?php print $line2["ext"]?>" alt="<?php print $line2["naam"]?>" width="<?=$breedte?>" height="<?=$hoogte?>" border="0"></a>
<?$makelink = 0;
$strSQL = "select id,naam,ext from Resources where id=".$line["foto4"];
$result = mysql_query($strSQL)
     or die("Fout bij uitvoeren query");
$line2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if (stristr("gif jpg jpeg png bmp",$line2["ext"])) {
$imageSize =  getimagesize("res/ref".$line2["id"].".".$line2["ext"]);
if ($imageSize[0] > 180){ 
$breedte = 180;
$makelink = 1;
$breedte = $imageSize[0];
$hoogte = $breedte*$imageSize[1]/$imageSize[0];
if ($makelink == 1){?><a href="#" onclick="javascript:window.open('showpicture.php?id=<?php print $line["foto4"]?>','showpicture','resizable=1')"><?}?><img src="res/ref<?php print $line2["id"]?>.<?php print $line2["ext"]?>" alt="<?php print $line2["naam"]?>" width="<?=$breedte?>" height="<?=$hoogte?>" border="0"></a>

Case "4":
$strSQL = "select SiteItems.titel,SiteItems.tekst,lenicoTeKoop.*, lenicoTeKoopProvincie.titel as provincie,lenicoTeKoopPrijsKlasse.titel as prijsklasse from SiteItems ";
$strSQL.= " LEFT JOIN lenicoTeKoop ON (SiteItems.id=lenicoTeKoop.siteitem) ";
$strSQL.= " LEFT JOIN lenicoTeKoopProvincie ON (lenicoTeKoop.provincie=lenicoTeKoopProvincie.id) ";
$strSQL.= " LEFT JOIN lenicoTeKoopPrijsKlasse ON (lenicoTeKoop.prijsklasse=lenicoTeKoopPrijsKlasse.id) ";
$strSQL.= " where SiteItems.id = " . $id . ";";
$result = mysql_query($strSQL)
     or die("Fout bij uitvoeren query");
$line = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$oppervlakte = $line["grondopp1"]*100 + $line["grondopp2"];
if ($oppervlakte > 9999){
$oppervlakte = round($oppervlakte/10000,2) ." ha";
$oppervlakte = $oppervlakte ." m²";

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td valign="top">
<?$strSQL = "select id,naam,ext from Resources where id=".$line["foto1"];
$result = mysql_query($strSQL)
     or die("Fout bij uitvoeren query");
$line2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if (stristr("gif jpg jpeg png bmp",$line2["ext"])) {
$imageSize =  getimagesize("res/ref".$line2["id"].".".$line2["ext"]);
if ($imageSize[0] > 500){ 
$breedte = 500;
$breedte = $imageSize[0];
$hoogte = $breedte*$imageSize[1]/$imageSize[0]?>
<a href="#" onclick="javascript:window.open('showpicture.php?id=<?php print $line["foto1"]?>','showpicture','resizable=1')"><img src="res/ref<?php print $line2["id"]?>.<?php print $line2["ext"]?>" alt="<?php print $line2["naam"]?>" width="<?=$breedte?>" height="<?=$hoogte?>" border="0"></a>
  	<?php if (stristr("gif jpg jpeg png bmp",$line2["ext"])) { ?>
    <td>   </td>
<?php } ?>
<td valign="top" width="100%" align="left">

<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<tr><td width="100%" class="titel" colspan="2"><?php print $line["titel"]?></td></tr>
<tr><td width="11%"><b>Locatie</b>:</td><td width="89%"><?php print $line["gemeente"]?>, <?php print $line["adres"]?></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Provincie</b>:</td><td><?php print $line["provincie"]?></td></tr>
<tr><td nowrap><b>Oppervlakte</b>:</td><td><?php print $oppervlakte?></td></tr>
<?if($line["referentie"]<>""){?><tr><td><b>Referentie</b>:</td><td><?php print $line["referentie"]?></td></tr><?}?>
	<td colspan="3"><br></td>
<? if($line["tekst"] != "") { ?>
<td colspan="3">
	<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
	<td valign="top"><b>Omschrijving</b>: </td><td><?php print $line["tekst"]?></td>	
<? } ?>

echo "Er doen zich technishe problemen voor bij deze site. We trachten deze zo snel mogelijk op te lossen.";

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