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Sending a HEAD request returns 407 Proxy Authentication Required


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    I'm trying to send a HEAD request to a webserver to query a file's meta data.

I used telnet to connect to my remote webserver as such


> telnet kitty.2y.idv.tw 80


I then typed a HEAD request message as


HEAD http://kitty.2y.idv.tw/pro/she.3gp HTTP/1.1

Host: kitty.2y.idv.tw


but It returns 407 Authentication Required.


If instead, I sent my HEAD request as


HEAD /pro/she.3gp HTTP/1.1

Host: kitty.2y.idv.tw


I will successfully received the HEAD response.


Can anybody explain to me why this is happening?

This only happens to kitty.2y.idv.tw, I tried it on other webserver and it works file with absolute URI


So which URI is the legitmate one to use? Absolute URI or Relative URI?



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I'd guess (and it is only a guess) that the message should be self-explanatory and that the different form triggers a proxy routing on that server due to a malformed HEAD resource request.


If the URI which omits the server name doesn't trigger the proxy request I'd go with that if it raises no other side issues. The RFCs seem as clear as mud here but maybe you might check them over?


Header Field Definitions RFC http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.23


HEAD http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html


HEAD http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP#Request_Methods







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