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phpSuExec and Web Applications


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Hello all,


I've come across an apparently unusual problem that I cannot seem to find a fix for anywhere, and I'm hoping someone here can help.  Let me explain.


I run a website where we have games that PC users can play online.  When you lose, your score is submitted from the game applets to a script that runs in the background, which appends a text database on the server.  This script was totally functional until a few days ago when my host upgraded the server and installed phpSuExec.  Now my games can no longer access these text databases.


I've come to understand that my scripts are actually fine.  If I manually go in and send variables through the browser, the script writes to the text file with no problem... but my games still cannot open them.  From the research I've done, I believe it has to do with the games not running as the same "user" as the person manually accessing the script.  However, I get no error messages in my logs about not being able to run the script, or open files.  I get NOTHING.  All of my directory and file permissions are correct ( 755 ).


Is it possible to define my "user" somehow while running phpSuExec?  I realize that this could be solved by using a MySQL database instead, but I would need to recode the whole system, and I'm somewhat strapped for time at the moment.  I'm hoping there's a simple way out of this that I just don't know about.


for reference, the link to my site is http://www.thegamespage.com/backroom/


I can post the code if you like, but like I said before, it was totally functional before the server upgrade.


Thanks to anyone who can guide me in the right direction!

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