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[SOLVED] GROUP BY - getting weird results...


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I am trying to execute the following query:


SELECT COUNT(Incident_Id), Assignee_Group_Counter FROM Incident_Management WHERE (Submitter = 'Me') GROUP BY Assignee_Group_Counter;


When I execute from the command line, this is what I get:


Count(Incident_Id)      |  Assignee_Group_Count


                27            |                  1               

                  1            |                  2


That is perfect.  That's what I'm looking for.  However, when I try to output the results via PHP it's not showing correctly.  Here's my code:





$db_user = "";
$db_pass = "";
$dsn = "OPASRPT";

$conn = odbc_connect($dsn, '', '');

$query= "SELECT COUNT(Incident_Id), Assignee_Group_Counter FROM Incident_Management WHERE (Submitter = 'Me') GROUP BY Assignee_Group_Counter";

$result = odbc_exec($conn, $query);

$results_array = array();

  $results_array[] = array(
  'Result' => odbc_result($result, 1),


foreach($results_array AS $this_row)


echo "{$this_row['Result']}<br><br>";




The result I get is just






How can I make it look like the output at the command line?  Please help.

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Your making it harder than it needs to be by creating your own array to store the values in. Try it this way



while($row = odbc_fetch_row($result)){

   echo $row['num'] . ' - ' . $row['Assignee_Group_Counter'] . '<br>';



Your going to need to change your query to this

SELECT COUNT(Incident_Id) as num, Assignee_Group_Counter FROM Incident_Management WHERE (Submitter = 'Me') GROUP BY Assignee_Group_Counter;



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$db_user = "";
$db_pass = "";
$dsn = "OPASRPT";

$conn = odbc_connect($dsn, '', '');

$query= "SELECT COUNT(Incident_Id), Assignee_Group_Counter FROM Incident_Management WHERE (Submitter = 'Me') GROUP BY Assignee_Group_Counter";

$result = odbc_exec($conn, $query);

$results_array = array();

while(odbc_fetch_into($result, $a))
    $results_array[] = $a;

foreach ($results_array as $a)
    echo "$a[0] | $a[1] <br/>";

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I know this topic is solved...but one more quick question (rather than starting a new post):


Is it possible to get the TOTAL results from the array count (in this case it'd be 28)?


I tried:


echo "total = " . array_sum($a[1]) . "\n";


But I'm getting an empty value.  Is there an easier way?  I think also I'll eventually need the individual numbers (like 27 and 1) to make percentages.  For example:


1 / 28

27 / 28


Is that possible?

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array_sum only works on integers or floats values so lets try somethign


function non_numerical_array_sum($array){
   $total = 0;
   foreach($array as $value){
              $total = $total+floatval($value);
   return $total;



Try that

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Thanks!!  You did it again!  That seems like a much easier solution.  Now if I want to pull a certain number out of the array is that possible?  I know I saw it somewhere in the form of:


($a, 1)



..but it could have been different.  Is it possible?

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If I'd known where you were going my first solution would be different



$db_user = "";
$db_pass = "";
$dsn = "OPASRPT";

$conn = odbc_connect($dsn, '', '');
$query= "SELECT COUNT(Incident_Id), Assignee_Group_Counter FROM Incident_Management WHERE (Submitter = 'Me') GROUP BY Assignee_Group_Counter";

$result = odbc_exec($conn, $query);

$results_array = array();

while(odbc_fetch_into($result, $a))
    $results_array[$a[1]] = $a[0];                      // group is array key, count is the value

foreach ($results_array as $gp => $count)
    echo "$count | $gp <br/>";
$total=array_sum($results_array);                       // now it's a single dim array, you can array_sum it
echo $total;   


Now if you want the total for group  2

$gp = 2;
echo $results_array[$gp];

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