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Drop Down


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Hi Im using this tutorial to create two drop downs (the second depending on the whats selected from the first) using this page:




I have got the two drop downs working however I want to be able to use the value of the second drop down for something else but not sure how I can retrieve this.


E.g Ive got drop down 1 consisting of regions - 'North West','North East','South' and if I select 'North West' I get the options of 'Liverpool','Manchester','Preston'.


Now say I select Liverpool, how can I use this value to do something else? I dont want another dropdown I basically want to use this Id to collect info about Liverpool.


Please see my code below:


$xajax = new xajax();

class myXajaxResponse extends xajaxResponse {

  function addCreateOptions($sSelectId, $options) {
    if (sizeof($options) >0) {
       foreach ($options as $option) {
//get regions
$aRegion = array();
	foreach($aRegions as $oRegion){
		array_push($aRegion, $oRegion['region_id']);

  //get stores
     $aStore = array();
	foreach ($aRegion as $rRegion){
		$aStores = $oTblStores->GetAjaxStoresByLocation($rRegion);

     		$aStore[$rRegion] = array();
		foreach ($aStores as $oStore){

			array_push($aStore[$rRegion], $oStore['Store']);


// adds an option to the select 
      function addStores($selectId, $aRegion) {

        global $aStore;
        $objResponse = new myXajaxResponse();
        $data = $aStore[$aRegion];
        $objResponse->addCreateOptions($selectId, $data);
	//return $objResponse->getXML();
			return $objResponse;
      function addHours($selectId, $transport) {
        global $aHour;
        $objResponse = new myXajaxResponse();
        $data = $aHour[$transport];
        $objResponse->addCreateOptions($selectId, $data);
        //return $objResponse->getXML();
			return $objResponse;
      if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {



<script type="text/javascript">
  function addOption(selectId, val, txt) {
    var objOption = new Option(txt, val);


Drop down html code

<div class="ordering-step">
          <div class="step-col step-col-border-right"><h2>Select store for collection</h2>    
         <form name="form1" method="POST" action="">
		<input name="sMode" type="hidden" value="save">
		<input name="region" id="region" type="hidden" value="">

		<label for="region">Choose Region</label>
      <select name="region_id" id="region_id" onchange="xajax_addStores('store', document.form1.region_id.value)">
        <option value="">Select Region</option>

        <?php while ($oRegion = mysql_fetch_object($rRegions)) {?>
        <option value="<?= $oRegion->region_id?>"><?= $oRegion->name?></option>
        <? } ?>
      </select><br clear="all" />
	<label for="store">Choose Store</label>
      <select name="store" id="store" onchange="xajax_addHours('hours', document.form1.store.value)">
<option value="">Select Store</option>


Any idea how I get the Id of the second drop down to use somewhere else?



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