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[SOLVED] Getting user's $_POST data


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Hi guys,


I am trying to create an order form which collects an order number and quantity. A checkbox is


used to select an item and a textbox is for the user to enter their required quantity.


Below is a picture of the order form layout.




The following code echo's out the database items and order form:


echo "	
<p class=main2>

<strong>{$ProductName}</strong> - 

({$Type} , {$Habit} , {$Colour} , {$Status}, Item#{$ProductId}) 

<span class=address1>£{$Price} <input name=\"orderid[]\" value=\"{$ProductId}\" 
type=\"checkbox\"/> <input name=\"quantity[{$ProductId}]\" type=\"text\" size=\"3\" 
maxlength=\"3\" /></span>




What i am trying to do is get both the selected $ProductId's and $quantity's into my database. The


selected items and quantities need to be inputed into the database as an array separated by






Code so far:

if ($_POST[submit] == "Submit")

  $orderid = array();
  $quantity = array();
  foreach($_POST['orderid'] as $id){
    $orderid[] = $id;
    $quantity[] = $_POST['quantity'][$id];
  $orderid = implode(',',$orderid);
  $quantity = implode(',',$quantity);

$sql = "INSERT INTO Order1 " . "(ProductNotes,CustomerName,OrderDate,OrderNotes,Quantity) VALUES 



This however, doesn't actually add anything into my database.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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// check to see if user is logged in

$cust_name = $_SESSION['userName'];
<title>W D Smith & Sons</title>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<style type="text/css"></style>

<form name="the_form" id="the_form" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER[php_SELF]; ?>">

// connect to access database and find the table 'Product1'
$sql2 = odbc_exec($odbc, "SELECT * FROM Product1 ORDER BY CategoryName") or die (odbc_errormsg());

// define variables
while($row = odbc_fetch_array($sql2))
$Category = $row["CategoryName"];
$ProductId = $row["ProductId"];
$ProductName = $row["ProductName"];
$Price = $row["Price"];
$Type = $row["Type"];
$Habit = $row["Habit"];
$Colour = $row["Colour"];
$Price = $row["Price"];
$Status = $row["Status"];

// find out if category has changed
// if so, print it, and it's contents
if ($Category != $prevCat)  {
	echo "<p class=title><u>$Category</u></p>";
echo  "	
<p class=main2>
<strong>{$ProductName}</strong> - 
({$Type} , {$Habit} , {$Colour} , {$Status}, Item#{$ProductId}) 
<span class=address1>£{$Price} <input name=\"orderid[]\" value=\"{$ProductId}\" type=\"checkbox\"/> <input name=\"quantity[{$ProductId}]\" type=\"text\" size=\"3\" maxlength=\"3\" /></span>

$prevCat = $Category;
<hr />

<div align="center">
  <p align="left"><span class="main"><Br />
    </span><span class="title">Order Quantity-</span><span class="main"> If you would like to order more than one batch of any of the above, please state in the textbox below the Item# and quantity you wish to order in the format shown:</span> <span class="main">(If you do not wish to order more than one of any item do not fill in the textbox below.)</span><br />
    <br />
    <textarea name="ProductNotes" cols="70" rows="10">1 of Selected</textarea>
     <img src="images/eg.jpg" /><br />
     <br />
     <input name="submit" type="Submit" value="Submit" />

if ($_POST[submit] == "Submit")

  $orderid = array();
  $quantity = array();
  foreach($_POST['orderid'] as $id){
    $orderid[] = $id;
    $quantity[] = $_POST['quantity'][$id];
  $orderid = implode(',',$orderid);
  $quantity = implode(',',$quantity);

$conn = odbc_connect('CentralProduct', 'root', '') or die('Could not Connect to ODBC Database!');

$date = date('d m y');
$notes = htmlspecialchars($_POST['ProductNotes']);

// execute SQL Statement
$sql = "INSERT INTO Order1 " . "(ProductNotes,CustomerName,OrderDate,OrderNotes,Quantity) VALUES ('$value','$cust_name','$date','$orderid','$quantity')";

$rs = @odbc_exec($conn,$sql);

if (!$rs)

echo "";




echo "<span class=\"main\">The record was successfully inserted.</span>";


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My post highlights coding mistakes amongst others, though I cannot say the script will "run". I wanted to point out the problems in your script so that you can learn from your mistakes rather then post a script were you learn nothing.


session_start(); // Always put this at the top of your script were possible
include_once('odbc/odbc.php'); // use the include_once statement rather then include

// check to see if user is logged in

$cust_name = $_SESSION['userName'];
$recordupdate = ""; // New variable for your update information

* Copied your submit test from below (though I do not like the original approach you have used
* so I have slightly updated it, always perform a check before output, isset() will check to see if the
* post variable exists
if (isset($_POST['update']) && ($_POST['update']==="upd")) {

  $orderid = array();
  $quantity = array();
  foreach($_POST['orderid'] as $id){
    $orderid[] = $id;
    $quantity[] = $_POST['quantity'][$id];
  $orderid = implode(',', $orderid);
  $quantity = implode(',', $quantity);
  // Below code is copied from the bottom of your original document
  	// Why are you reconnecting to the database here? Surely you already have an open connection above?
//$conn = odbc_connect('CentralProduct', 'root', '') or die('Could not Connect to ODBC Database!');

$date = date('d m y');
$notes = htmlspecialchars($_POST['ProductNotes']); // Good, glad to see some validation, read up on the, 
// function your using it has extra attributes you could use here

// execute SQL Statement

// Access SQL is rather funny in its syntax all field and table names in an insert must be bracketed, 
// plus you do not need to concatenate your sql string and spacing values out makes it easier to read
//$sql = "INSERT INTO Order1 " . "(ProductNotes,CustomerName,OrderDate,OrderNotes,Quantity) VALUES ('$value','$cust_name','$date','$orderid','$quantity')";
$sql = "INSERT INTO [Order1] ([ProductNotes], [ContactName], [OrderDate], [OrderNotes], [Quantity]) VALUES ('$value', '$cust_name', '$date', '$orderid', '$quantity')";

// As $conn has been removed, just use your original connection variable.
$rs = odbc_exec($conn, $sql);

All wrong

if (!$rs) {
	echo ""; //this does nothing
} else {
	echo "<span class=\"main\">The record was successfully inserted.</span>";

if ($rs===false) {
	$recordupdate = "<span class=\"main\">The record was successfully inserted.</span>"; 

// You forgot the HTML tag, I won't go any further about DTD tags etc but you should look them up
<title>W D Smith & Sons</title>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<style type="text/css"></style>
<form name="the_form" id="the_form" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER[php_SELF]; ?>">

// connect to access database and find the table 'Product1'
$sql2 = odbc_exec($odbc, "SELECT * FROM Product1 ORDER BY CategoryName") or die (odbc_errormsg());

// define variables - use lowercase for variables names
$prevcat = "";

while($row = odbc_fetch_array($sql2))
$category = $row["CategoryName"];
$productid = $row["ProductId"];
$productname = $row["ProductName"];
$price = $row["Price"];
$type = $row["Type"];
$habit = $row["Habit"];
$colour = $row["Colour"];
$price = $row["Price"];
$status = $row["Status"];

// find out if category has changed
// if so, print it, and it's contents
if ($category != $prevcat)  {
	echo "<p class='title'><u>{$category}</u></p>"; // try to surround html attributes with quotes

echo  "<p class=main2>
<strong>{$productName}</strong> - 
({$type} , {$habit} , {$colour} , {$status}, Item#{$productid}) 
<span class=address1>£{$price} <input name=\"orderid[]\" value=\"{$productid}\" type=\"checkbox\"/> 
<input name=\"quantity[{$productid}]\" type=\"text\" size=\"3\" maxlength=\"3\" /></span></p>";	

$prevcat = $category;
<hr />
<div align="center">
  <p align="left"><span class="main"><Br />
    </span><span class="title">Order Quantity-</span><span class="main"> If you would like to order more than one batch of any of the above, please state in the textbox below the Item# and quantity you wish to order in the format shown:</span> <span class="main">(If you do not wish to order more than one of any item do not fill in the textbox below.)</span><br />
    <br />
    <textarea name="ProductNotes" cols="70" rows="10">1 of Selected</textarea>
     <img src="images/eg.jpg" /><br />
     <br />
     <? echo $recordupdate; ?>
     <input name="update" type="submit" value="upd" />
// Close your body and html tags

// Testing your form has been submitted here is a waste of time.
if ($_POST[submit] == "Submit") {

  $orderid = array();
  $quantity = array();
  foreach($_POST['orderid'] as $id){
    $orderid[] = $id;
    $quantity[] = $_POST['quantity'][$id];
  $orderid = implode(',',$orderid);
  $quantity = implode(',',$quantity);

There is no need to close then reopen PHP tags here



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i've read your commented version, and just run it.


Now for debugging! i've not seen these error messages before?


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\wdlayout\products.php on line 22


Warning: odbc_exec() [function.odbc-exec]: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Field 'Order1.OrderNotes' cannot be a zero-length string., SQL state S1000 in SQLExecDirect in C:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\wdlayout\products.php on line 47

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I am unable to modify the post but I made a slight cut and paste error when posting,


at line 124 I removed some doubled php tags

// Close your body and html tags

// Testing your form has been submitted here is a waste of time.


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The first error,


if (isset($_POST['orderid'])) {
// do some sort of validation here
if (is_array($_POST['orderid']) {
$data = $_POST['orderid'];

foreach($data as $id){
    $orderid[] = $id;
    $quantity[] = $_POST['quantity'][$id];
} else {
// return some error message here


The zero length string refers to an Access issue, text fields in Access tables can be set with a "do not allow zero length" attribute, remove this in Access.

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