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flash - php mail form problem


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I always used this php file - worked great.

moved servers some time ago and now it is not working anymore.


tried everything but it is not gonna happen I guess


here the file (where does it go wrong?)


<style type="text/css">


.php_serious {

font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 15px;

color: #00FF00;





//Initialize PHP


//Checks if an email pattern is okay

function emailOK($str) {

//Check empty

if(empty($str)) return false;


//Check for @

if(!ereg("@",$str)) return false;


//Check for at least 1 dot

if(!ereg("\.",$str)) return false;


//Get a user and a host

list($user, $host) = explode("@", $str);


//Make sure we have a user and host

if((empty($user)) || (empty($host))) return false;


//These characters are not allowed in email addresses

$badChars = "[ ]+| |\+|=|[|]|{|}|`|\(|\)|,|;|:|!|<|>|%|\*|/|'|\"|~|\?|#|\\$|\\&|\\^|www[.]";

return !eregi($badChars, $str);

}//End Function


//This function reads any file and spits out its contents in the return

function readTextFile($file){

if(!($fp=@fopen($file,"r"))) return false;


//Read the file


while (!feof($fp)) {

$fileContent.= fgets($fp, 1024);

}//End while loop


//Close the file

if(!fclose($fp)) return false;



}//End function


//Plain text email sending function

function sendMsg($to, $toEmail, $sub, $msg, $from, $fromEmail) {

//Compose headers for plain text email

$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";

$headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";

$headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion()."\r\n"; //The mailer name

$headers .= "From: ".$from."<".$fromEmail.">\r\n";

$headers .= "Reply-to: ".$from."<".$fromEmail.">\r\n";


//Compose recipient

$recipient = empty($to) ? $toEmail : $to."<".$toEmail.">";

return mail($recipient, $sub, $msg, $headers);

}//End function


//Cleans up a string by trimming it

//if magic_quotes are on.. then stripslashes as well

function cleanUpData($data){




}//End if


}//End function


//Sends email from Flash Data

function flashEmail($postVars){


//These variables in $postVars came from Flash

//They are urlencoded for safe transfers

//So we have urldecode them and then we trim them

$name = cleanUpData(urldecode($postVars["name"]));

$email = cleanUpData(urldecode($postVars["email"]));

$message = cleanUpData(urldecode($postVars["message"]));




//Email is required

if (empty($email)) {

$status = "You have not filled in your email address!\n\nThe message could not be send.";


}//End if


//Check if email is okay..

if (!emailOK($email)) {

$status = "This is not a proper e-mail address!\nThe message can not be send.\nPlease try it again. ";


}//End if


//Something in the message is required

if (empty($message)) {

$status = "There is no message!\nYou Cannot send an empty message!";


}//end if




//Everything looks good.. we are still alive!


//Deal with flash carriage return and convert to new lines

$message = ereg_replace("\r", "\n", $message);


//The subject line

$subject = "ourname Email";


//Change this to your information

$ourName = "ourname";

$ourEmail = "info@ourname.com";



//Open the template files

$toSenderMsg = readTextFile("senderThanks.txt");

//Replace in-built variables in the senderThanks.txt file

$toSenderMsg = ereg_replace("\{greetings\}", empty($name) ? "Hello" : "Dear ".$name.",", $toSenderMsg);

$toSenderMsg = ereg_replace("\{date\}", date("m/d/Y"), $toSenderMsg);

$toSenderMsg = ereg_replace("\{message\}", $message, $toSenderMsg);


$ourVersion = readTextFile("websiteMail.txt");

$ourVersion = ereg_replace("\{greetings\}", "Hi,", $ourVersion);

$ourVersion = ereg_replace("\{date\}", date("m/d/Y"), $ourVersion);

$ourVersion = ereg_replace("\{name\}", empty($name) ? "none" : $name, $ourVersion);

$ourVersion = ereg_replace("\{email\}", $email, $ourVersion);

$ourVersion = ereg_replace("\{message\}", $message, $ourVersion);


//Done with all formatting.. let's send our messages

$tTasks = 2;

$tDone = 0;


//sendMsg function arguments?

//sendMsg($to, $toEmail, $subject, $message, $from, $fromEmail)


//Send a copy the website user

if (sendMsg($name, $email, $subject, $toSenderMsg, $ourName, $ourEmail)) $tDone++;


//Send a copy to ourselves

if (sendMsg($ourName, $ourEmail, $subject, $ourVersion, empty($name) ? $email : $name, $email)) $tDone++;


if ($tDone == $tTasks) {

$status = "The message is Sent!\n\nThank you";

print "status=".urlencode($status)."&sent=1&";

return true;

} else {

$status = "Could not send the message because of an internal server error\nPlease try it again";


}//End if

}//End function


//Send Flash Email



//Goodbye PHP






thanx for any help


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