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[SOLVED] $_POST array and $_GET ?


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Im creating a 'select item and confirm order' script. I have items displayed on a page in the following format:




I have the item id and the quantity collect in their own arrays and now want to transfer that information from products.php into final.php where the user can view their selected items and then click 'finalize' which will then input the data into a database.


From the snippet below can someone suggest how i might go about doing the above?



if (isset($_POST['update']) && ($_POST['update']==="Submit Order")) {

  $orderid = array();
  $quantity = array();

  foreach($_POST['orderid'] as $id){
    $orderid[] = $id;
    $quantity[] = $_POST['quantity'][$id];

  $orderid = implode(',', $orderid);
  $quantity = implode(',', $quantity);



$_GET[$orderid] = $orderid;
$_GET[$quantity] = $quantity; 

print "$orderid";
print "quantity";
<form name="the_form2" id="the_form2" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER[php_SELF]; ?>">
<?php   print "$orderid<br />";
	print "quantity";
<input name="update" type="submit" value="Submit Order" />


I am thinking that i need some kind of '$_GET' in final.php but have no idea how to exchange the information for the user to confirm their items are correct.


Any ideas? If you have any questions you need answering before you can help please do ask!



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Try to avoid passing data from page to page via POST and GET. Look at using sessions instead.


At the top of your scripts (be wary of any includes you use) place the following,




Now from your script you will be able to assign values to session variables and then on your other script read them in,



// assign values
$_SESSION['myName'] = $myvar;

//read in
if (isset($_SESSION['myName'])) {
$myvar = $_SESSION['myName'];
} else {
// create a default if session is not found
$myvar = "";


These are basic examples, so read up on sessions ;)

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Ok, I forgot about sessions!


I took products.php and added:


if (isset($_POST['update']) && ($_POST['update']==="Submit Order")) {

  $orderid = array();
  $quantity = array();

  foreach($_POST['orderid'] as $id){
    $orderid[] = $id;
    $quantity[] = $_POST['quantity'][$id];

  $orderid = implode(',', $orderid);
  $quantity = implode(',', $quantity);
  $_SESSION['quan'] = $quantity; //added
  $_SESSION['ord'] = $orderid;  //added


And on final.php i used:



if (isset($_SESSION['quan']) && isset($_SESSION['ord'])) {
$quantity = $_SESSION['quan'];
$orderid = $_SESSION['ord'];
print "$quantity<br /><br />$orderid<br />";



The Result is 'Array'  'Array', not the values. Do i need to explode them or something?


Thanks for the help (Again..) lol

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As you have copied two arrays to the two session variables, they now become arrays themselves.


So in order to print or echo out the information you would need to iterate through the array. Something like this,


foreach($quantity as $quan) {
echo "{$quan}<br /><br />";


Looking at your code though I have to ask why you are creating two separate arrays? I can see your data becoming a little disjointed, why not store the Order ID as the Key name and quantity as the key value?

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