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Number combination calculation


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I am trying to find a calculation that will determine the number of two digit combinations that can be derived from twelve numbers, and what those number are. Any thoughts?


Example: 68 41 90 100 are the numbers.


68  41 

68  90 

68  100 

41  68 

41  90

41  100

90  68

90  41

90  100

100  68

100  41

100  90




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Good job!! But


Result (incorrect): 68 4168 9068 10041 6841 9041 10090 6890 4190 100100 68100 41100 90 


correct 100%

68  41 

68  90 

68  100 

41  68 

41  90

41  100

90  68

90  41

90  100

100  68

100  41

100  90



my English is not very good

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It is correct, I just didn't put a line break tag in it:

  $nums = array(68,41,90,100);
  foreach($nums as $i=>$num1){
    foreach($nums as $j=>$num2){
      if($i == $j) continue;
      print "$num1 $num2<br>";

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so something like this?


  function getCombos ( $arr, $n ,$stack = array(), $combos = array()){
    if(count($stack) < $n){
      foreach(array_keys($arr) as $key){
        if(in_array($key,array_keys($stack))) continue;
        $combos = getCombos($arr,$n,array_merge($stack,array($key=>$arr[$key])),$combos);
      $combos[] = array_values($stack);
    return $combos;

  $nums = array(68,41,90,100,32,56,78,34,23,53);
  $combos = getCombos($nums,3);
  foreach($combos as $combo)
    print implode(' ',$combo)."<br>";

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How do!


When creating a combination of numbers, the number sequence becomes too long, and to avoid this, you need to bring in an exact number (68).



$number = array([68],41,90,100,32,56

[68] is exact number


68 41 90 100 32 56

68 41 90 100 56 56

68 41 90 32 32 56

68 41 90 32 56 56

68 41 90 56 32 56

68 41 90 56 56 56

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$nums = array(68,41,90,100,32,56)


That it takes the first number (68) and creates a combination with other numbers; then further number 41 and creates new combination, etcetera. I would need it this way, that by giving it a number, the system would create a combination with other numbers.




My English is not very good


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I think I see what you are asking. Just leave the first number off the front of the array, and add it back when printing:


  function getCombos ( $arr, $n ,$stack = array(), $combos = array()){
    if(count($stack) < $n){
      foreach(array_keys($arr) as $key){
        if(in_array($key,array_keys($stack))) continue;
        $combos = getCombos($arr,$n,array_merge($stack,array($key=>$arr[$key])),$combos);
      $combos[] = array_values($stack);
    return $combos;

  $base = 68;
  $nums = array(41,90,100,32,56);
  $combos = getCombos($nums,count($nums));
  foreach($combos as $combo)
    print $base." ".implode(' ',$combo)."<br>";



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68 41 90 100 56 56
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68 90 90 100 32 56
68 90 90 100 56 56
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68 56 56 56 56 56

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