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Manipulating Dates (weeks of year number?)


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Hello all, I have a pretty tough question (for my standards) regarding dates handling in php.


I have a date variable called $realdate. Gotten from:

$realdatestring = "20" . $year . $month . $daycounter;
$realdate = strtotime($realdatestring);


I have another variable, a timestamp from a mysql table (onupdate current timestamp), called $edited.


So I now have 2 datetime variables right?



I would like to check the $edited variable to see if it's value is more recent than the Friday of the week which the $realdate variable is in.


EG: if $realdate is 2008-01-01 (a Tuesday), and $edited is 2008-01-06 (the Sunday)... then $edited is after the Friday of the week that $realdate is a part of.


Did that make sense? Lol. I'll try to explain it in other words if that's not clear.


Thanks for any input or ideas!

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Give this a shot



$realdate = "2008-01-01";

//We will say this is your timestamp
$edited = time();

//convert timestamp to proper format
$edited = date("Y-m-d", $edited);

//check if $edited is more recent
if ($edited > $realdate){
   echo "Yes, edited date is more recent";
} else {
   echo "No, realdate is more recent";


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Ok, so thats how I check if it's more recent. Thanks for making that clear :)


Do you know if its possible to:


I have date variable. I need to find the date of the next Friday that occurs. eg: $date is 2008-01-01 (is a Tuesday), the first following Friday is 2008-01-04.


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Unfortunately that code only adds a week regardless of the day.


Maybe I could just make a table which stores a hard coded amount.




If the day of the week is a Friday, add 0 days.

If the day of the week is a Thursday, add 1 day.

If the day of the week is a Wednesday, add 2 days.



That way it should always find the next friday!


The down side is that I dont think I can add times that way, so I couldnt do "5pm Friday", only just "Friday".

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