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[SOLVED] Can't fathom the regex needed for this


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Here's what I need from the following;


Size: 8,007,272

Band: Band Name

Song: Song Name

Extension: ext


12/18/2007  05:43 PM        8,007,272 Band Name - Song Name.ext

12/18/2007  05:43 PM        4,007,272 Band Name - Song Name.ext


Obviously, some will have single word names for band/song, and some will have more.


I just need to capture the bandname, songname, filesize and file extension.


Thoughts? Or.. anyone just have a plain ol' regex for it handy? :)


It goes without saying, I don't understand anything beyond the bare basics of regex functionality.

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I'm not great at regex either (and I don't pretend to be) so I often seek solutions other ways.


Seeing asthough the length of the time & date and the spaces between are always the same length, you could return the pieces of info you need by applying a substr() to it.


$neededInfo = substr($longString, 30, strlen($longString));


Replace $longString with whatever the line is that's containing the data (I hope you're reading the file line-by-line).  Then if you're wanting to split up all the other info, I guess you can use explode(), and some strpos() to figure out where the info begins/ends.


If you'd like to the code on how to do this I could probably get it working once I'm home, but at work right now sorry!

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Got it resolved with this;



$input = <<<EOF
12/18/2007  05:43 PM         8,007,272 Band Name - Song Name.ext
12/18/2007  05:43 PM         4,007,272 Band Name - Song Name.ext

-rw------- 1 root   utmp    11657088 2008-02-04 20:48 Band Name - Song Name.ext

$fields = array('matched_line','file_size','band_name','song_name','extension');
$results = array();

preg_match_all('/^.+(?:utmp|[AP]M)\s*([\d,]+)\s*(?:\d+-.+?:\d+\s*)?([\w ]+)\s+-\s+([\w ]+)\.(\w+)$/m', $input, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

foreach ($matches as $row) {
        $row = array_combine($fields,$row);
        $row['file_size'] = str_replace(',', '', $row['file_size']);
        $results[] = $row;


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