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Script Problems


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I've been developing an order script for learning purposes. Yesterday it was doing exactly as it should but i had to stop working on it and when i came back to it today it doesn't input any data into my database. Now i can't remember what i changed/did to the script before i stopped working on it.


I have been looking over it for hours now but i still can't spot what is wrong with it. The script is meant to display items (complete) which the user can select and type their desired quantity (complete). When they have selected what they want to order they click 'next' and their choices are displayed for conformation. (complete) To confirm the order they can click 'Confirm', the script appears to work but doesn't add any new entries into the database at all..


Im not sure what to do, could someone take a look and see if there is anything glaringly obvious?



// check to see if user is logged in

$cust_name = $_SESSION['userName'];
$recordupdate = ""; 

// if 'next' is clicked item numbers & quantities user has picked are displayed, along with a 'Confirm' button to proceed with the next part of the script.
if (isset($_POST['update']) && ($_POST['update']==="Next")) {

  $orderid = array();
  $quantity = array();

  foreach($_POST['orderid'] as $id){
	$orderid[] = $id;
	$quantity[] = $_POST['quantity'][$id];

  $orderid = implode(',', $orderid);
  $quantity = implode(',', $quantity);
  //print out the item numbers and quantities here. At present they print out correctly, but nothing gets inputted into the database once 'Confirm' is clicked.
  print "Order Number $orderid<br />";
  print "Quantity     $quantity";
  print "<form name=\"the_forma\" id=\"the_forma\" method=\"post\" action=\"?id=products\">";
  print "<input name=\"updatea\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Confirm\">";
  print "</form>";
if (isset($_POST['updatea'])==="Confirm") {

	$date = date('d m y');

	$conn = odbc_connect('CentralProduct', 'root', '') or die('Could not Connect to ODBC Database!');

	// execute SQL Statement

	$sql = "INSERT INTO [Order1] ([CustomerName], [OrderDate], [OrderNotes], [Quantity]) VALUES ('$cust_name', '$date', '$orderid', '$quantity')";

	$rs = odbc_exec($conn, $sql);

	if ($rs===false) {
		$recordupdate = "<span class=\"main\">The record was successfully inserted.</span>"; 

<title>W D Smith & Sons</title>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<style type="text/css"></style>
<form name="the_form" id="the_form" method="post" action="?id=products">

// connect to access database and find the table 'Product1'
$sql2 = odbc_exec($odbc, "SELECT * FROM Product1 ORDER BY CategoryName") or die (odbc_errormsg());

// define variables - use lowercase for variables names
$prevcat = "";

while($row = odbc_fetch_array($sql2))
	$category = $row["CategoryName"];
	$productid = $row["ProductId"];
	$productname = $row["ProductName"];
	$price = $row["Price"];
	$type = $row["Type"];
	$habit = $row["Habit"];
	$colour = $row["Colour"];
	$status = $row["Status"];

	// find out if category has changed
	// if so, print it, and it's contents
	if ($category != $prevcat)  {
		echo "<p class='title'><u>{$category}</u></p>"; 

	echo  "<p class=main2>
	<strong>{$productname}</strong> - 
	({$colour} {$status} Item#{$productid}) 
	<span class=address1>£{$price} <input name=\"orderid[]\" value=\"{$productid}\" type=\"checkbox\"/> 
	<input name=\"quantity[{$productid}]\" type=\"text\" size=\"3\" maxlength=\"3\" /></span></p>";	

	$prevcat = $category;
<hr />
	 <? echo $recordupdate; ?>
	 <input name="update" type="submit" value="Next" />


Thanks in advance!

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