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Form tag affecting file upload


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I'm somewhat new at programming and I'm writing a simple program to be used on the intranet at my work that will allow anyone with access to the intranet the ability to run the different scripts needed to update the database.  I have a couple problems that I am unable to figure out. 


Everyone uses Firefox here, so that's the browser I need this program to work with.  The program queries the database to get the scripts that need to be run and lists them out in a table with the files that they require in order to run.  The user uploads the required files and then selects the radio button for the script they want to run and clicks the Run Selected button at the bottom of the table. 


Everything works except for the file upload form for the first script that is listed in the table.  All the file upload forms work for each script after the first one.  It doesn't matter what script it is, but it's always the first script that doesn't work.  If I comment out the start form tag for the entire table, then that first file upload form works properly, but then the Run Selected button at the bottom of the page doesn't work.  But if I don't edit out the form tag and I move it anywhere else, the Run Selected button doesn't work.  Any ideas?


The form line below that causes the problem is:

echo "<form value='SR_ScriptRunnerTest.php' method='post'>";    // start form


I've attached the code below.  I would appreciate any help or feedback.  Thanks!


$radioset = $_REQUEST["radioset"];
$run = $_REQUEST["run"];
$File1 = $_REQUEST["File1"];

if (!empty($File1)) echo "<font align='center'>*File <font color='red'>$File1</font> was uploaded successfully*</font>";

$Date = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
$Today = date("Y-m-d",$Date);

$query = "SELECT ScriptName, ScriptDescription, FileType1, FileType2, DATE_FORMAT(NextRunTime, '%m-%d-%Y'), DATE_FORMAT(LastRunTime, '%m-%d-%Y<br>%l:%i %p'),
          Category, RunOrder FROM sr_scriptrunner where LastRunTime < \"$Today\" and Category=\"Today\" ORDER BY RunOrder ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
// layout results from query
$number_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($number_rows == 0) echo "<h3 align='center'><font>No scripts need to be run at this time.</font></h3><br>";
else if ($number_rows > 0)
  {  // start table header for today

    echo "<br>\n";
    echo "<form value='SR_ScriptRunnerTest.php' method='post'>";    // start form (this is the problem)
    echo "<table border='2' bordercolor='black' width='100%' align='center'>\n";      // start table
    echo "<tr>\n"; // start row
    echo "<th>Select</th>\n";               // column title
    echo "<th>Script Description</th>\n";   // column title
    echo "<th>Upload File(s)</th>\n";       // column title
    echo "<th>Upload</th>\n";               // column title
    echo "<th>Files Required</th>\n";       // column title
    echo "<th>Next Run Date</th>\n";        // column title
    echo "<th>Last Run Time</th>\n";        // column title
    echo "<th>View<br>History</th>\n";      // column title

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
        list($ScriptName, $ScriptDescription, $FileType1, $FileType2, $NextRunTime, $LastRunTime, $Category, $RunOrder) = $row;

                echo "</tr>\n";                                        // end row
                echo "<tr>\n";                                         // start row

                $FileName1 = $FileType1.'.csv';
                if (!empty($FileType2))
                $FileName2 = $FileType2.'.csv';
                $FileName2 = "";

                file_exists("uploads/$FileName1");                     // check to see if file exists for conditional
                file_exists("uploads/$FileName2");                     // displaying the select box DISABLED or not

                echo "<td align='center'>";
                if (file_exists("uploads/$FileName1") && file_exists("uploads/$FileName2")) echo "<input type='radio' name='radioset' value='$ScriptName'>"; // checkbox field
                else echo "<input type='radio' name='radioset' value='$ScriptName' DISABLED>";    // selectbox field
                echo "</td>\n";                                        // end row

                echo "<td align='left'>";                              // start row
                echo "<A onMouseover=\"stm('Instructions','1) Upload file(s) listed under FILES REQUIRED<br>2) Select script to be run<br>3) Click RUN SELECTED<br>See HELP link above for more information',Style[9])\" onMouseOut=\"htm()\"\n>";
                if (file_exists("uploads/$FileName1") && file_exists("uploads/$FileName2")) echo "<font color='green'>$ScriptName:</font> $ScriptDescription"; // script description field
                else echo "<font color='red'>$ScriptName:</font> $ScriptDescription";             // script name and description display
                echo "</a>";
                echo "</td>\n";                                        // end row

                if ((!file_exists("uploads/$FileName1")) or (!file_exists("uploads/$FileName2"))) {
                  echo "<td align='center' valign='middle'>";                                   // displays upload form
                  echo "<form action='SR_UploadFile.php?Category=$Category' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>";
                  echo "<label for='file'></label>";                                              
                  echo "<input type='file' name='file' size='10' id='file'>";
                  echo "</td>";
                } else {
                  echo "<td align='center' valign='middle'>";
                  echo "<font color='black'>All Files Uploaded</font>";
                  echo "</td>";

                if ((!file_exists("uploads/$FileName1")) or (!file_exists("uploads/$FileName2"))) {   
                  echo "<td align='center' valign='middle'>";                           // displays upload button
                  echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Upload'>";
                  echo "</td>";
                } else {
                  echo "<td align='center' valign='middle'>";
                  echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Upload' DISABLED>";
                  echo "</td>";
                echo "</form>";

                echo "<td align='center'>";                            // display required file name
                if (file_exists("uploads/$FileName1") && file_exists("uploads/$FileName2")) echo "<font color=green>$FileName1<br>$FileName2</font>";
                else echo "<font color=red>$FileName1<br>$FileName2</font>";
                echo "</td>\n";

                echo "<td align='center'>";
                echo $NextRunTime;                                     // display next run date
                echo "</td>\n";

                echo "<td align='center'>";
                if (!empty($LastRunTime)) echo $LastRunTime;           // display last run time
                else echo "No record";
                echo "</td>\n";

                echo "<td align=\"middle\">";     // view upload history link
                echo "<A HREF=\"SR_History.php?ScriptName=$ScriptName\" title=\"Click here to view history for this script\" target=\"_blank\"><img border=0 src=\"sr_history.jpg\"></A>";
                echo "</td>\n";

        } // end while

        echo "</table>"; // end table for today's scripts
        if ($number_rows <> 0) echo "<br><input type='submit' name='run' value='Run Selected'><br><br></form>";     // Run Selected scripts button

     } // end number rows

if ((!empty($run)) and ($run == 'Run Selected'))
  if (!empty($radioset)) {                                       // conditions for running script

  $IncludeFile = $radioset.'.php';
    echo "Running: ",$IncludeFile;
    echo "<br>";
    include ($IncludeFile);                                      // include script file
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<br>";
    echo "End Execution of: ",$IncludeFile;

// query to rename uploaded files
$query = "Select FileType1, FileType2 from callcenter.sr_scriptrunner where ScriptName = \"$radioset\"";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
$number_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
  list($FileType1, $FileType2) = $row;
  $File1 = $Today.'.csv';
  $File2 = $Today.'.csv';

  rename("uploads/$FileType1.csv", "uploads/$FileType1 $File1");  // rename files after upload
  if (!empty($FileType2)) {
  rename("uploads/$FileType2.csv", "uploads/$FileType2 $File2");

$FileInfo = date('Y-m-d H:i');

  $Tomorrow = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")+1, date("Y"));  // get date to load into database with the following query
  $Schedule = date('Y-m-d',$Tomorrow);

// update last run time and next run time in db
$query = "UPDATE callcenter.sr_scriptrunner SET LastRunTime=\"$FileInfo\", NextRunTime=\"$Schedule\" WHERE ScriptName=\"$radioset\"";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());

echo "</body>";
echo "</html>";


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If I read your code right, you will end up with forms nested inside a form, which I don't think browsers like so much. Also, I don't think it will make a difference, but it should <form action= not <form value=


I do end up with forms nested inside a form, but I only have the problem with the first file upload form that gets listed.  I changed the form tag to <form action= instead of <form value= but it had no affect.  Any other ideas?

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