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Cannot log in to FTP using ftp_login - PLS URGENT HELP NEEDED!


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I've tried everything to accomplish something AS SIMPLE AS logging in to an FTP server and I cannot get it to work from PHP.


server: XXX.com.ar........  username: YYY.......... password: ZZZ


In Filezilla I have everything configured by default (type: normal, port: 21) and it works PERFECTLY.


BUT in PHP I do this: $cid = ftp_connect("XXX.com.ar",21);

and I get $cid variable null. WHICH SUCKS.


so I tried this: $cid = ftp_connect("XXX.com",21); (notice that I took off .ar)

and I get $cid = "Resource id #2".... WHICH IS GOOD.

but then when I try $result= ftp_login($cid, "YYY","ZZZ");

I get "ftp_login(): Login incorrect".


I'm going NUTS. I've already tried the "gethostbyname" thing in case that was the problem.... but I just got the same.


HELP!!! anyone? THANK YOU!!




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I don't know anything about the FTP server and I do not have control over it.


I tried ping ftp.xxx.com.ar and I got the IP address which looks like this:  200.123.nnn.103.

I tried this IP instead of hostname in Filezilla and it works perfectly.

I tried typing FTP 200.123.nnn.103 on the windows command line and it requested user and password. And it worked too!! (I was able to do DIR at least)


Then I tried it on my script, and ftp_connect() fails (returns blank resource id)


Any ideas? this is driving me nuts.

thank you!!!



So, can your server actually get reverse DNS on XXX.com.ar?


Have you tried via the IP Address?

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I thought I might include 3 pieces of code and what I get as output..... that may help you help me :)





$cid = ftp_connect("ftp.xxx.com.ar",21);

echo "conn result: ".$cid."<br>";

$resultado = ftp_login($cid, "yyy","zzz");

echo "login result: ".$resultado ;



conn result:

Warning: ftp_login() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in...



$cid = ftp_connect("ftp.xxx.com",21);

echo "conn result: ".$cid."<br>";

$resultado = ftp_login($cid, "yyy","zzz");

echo "login result: ".$resultado ;



conn result: Resource id #2

Warning: ftp_login(): Login incorrect. in ...




$cid = ftp_connect("200.123.nnn.103",21);

echo "conn result: ".$cid."<br>";

$resultado = ftp_login($cid, "yyy","zzz");

echo "login result: ".$resultado ;


conn result:

Warning: ftp_login() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in ...


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