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[SOLVED] Problem with results from mysql table


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I have a problem with a calculator script i am creating.


The script relies on user input, and as such I will not now which field in the table i need to pull in order to display the correct results.  EG: User chooses a surface 600mm wide with a front only downturn, they have the choice to select either front only or both as well as 13 different widths.


I then want to take the user input and select the correct database field.  my script is constructed as below:


$colour = $_POST['colour']; //colour selected
$band = $_POST['band']; //price band (choice of 4)
$down = $_POST['down'];  //front or both
$wide = $_POST['wide1']; //width selected (choice of 13)


   $sql = "SELECT $down_$wide FROM band_$band";
     $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Error in query: $query " . mysql_error());
// if records present
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
    while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))


$cost = $row->$down.'_'.$wide;
echo $cost;



using the above i usually only get the value of $wide echoed to the screen and not the value of the field $down_$wide.  However if I manually insert the values as below it works correctly:


$colour = $_POST['colour']; //colour selected
$band = $_POST['band']; //price band (choice of 4)
$down = $_POST['down'];  //front or both
$wide = $_POST['wide1']; //width selected (choice of 13)


   $sql = "SELECT front_600 FROM band_$band";
     $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Error in query: $query " . mysql_error());
// if records present
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
    while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))


$cost = $row->front_600;
echo $cost;



I've also attempted to use if statements so if ($down == 'front') then write the query afterwards using: $row->front_$wide.  But still the script only sees the value 600 (width) and not the value held in the database.


I figure I must be making a mistake in my syntax or in the structure of the database but cant seem to find an answer.


Cheers...  Please let me knopw if you need further info.

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