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New to php - need help input data into a record


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Hello...just started yesterday trying out PHP and mysql.


I have created a database and connect to it and add records through a simple html form.


However, whenever I try to pass the input I type in via the form to either the form itself (via $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] or calling another php file) nothing gets passed.  When I try to use the $_SERVER method, I get a HTTP error 404, page not found add.phpaddrsvp=1 or when I pass to another php file, the code adds an empty record to the database.


Right now, I'm on an iteration where I have two seperate files...one to enter the data and another to add to the database.  I've included the code here.  I'm at a loss...I've searched the forums with no success...I'm sure it is something very basic that I'm missing.


Thanks for the help.


-----This is the first file.  Accepts the simple input and calls add.php ----------


<head><title>User Admin Page : Add a User</title></head>

<body bgcolor="#ffffff">

<table bgcolor=#000000 valign=top align=center border=0><tr><td

bgcolor=#000000><table cellpadding=4 bgcolor=#ffffff cellspacing=2 border=0>

<Tr><th>Add a User</th></tr><tr><td>

<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="add.php">

Last Name: <INPUT TYPE=text MAXLENGTH=70 NAME="lastname" SIZE=20><Br>

First Name: <INPUT TYPE=text MAXLENGTH=70 NAME="firstname" SIZE=20><Br>

<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Add">  <INPUT type=reset VALUE="Reset Form"></form>





-----This is the second file...supposed to get the lastname and firstname from the first file and add to database but it doesn't------





$db = mysql_connect("localhost","myusername","mypassword");


mysql_select_db (mydbtable);


$result = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO mydbtable(lastname, firstname)

                VALUES ('$lastname', '$firstname')");



  echo "<b>User not added:</b> ", mysql_error();






print "User <b>$lastname</b> added sucessfully!";




print ("Didn't work");





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Thanks a ton!  That made it work.  I still can't get the $_SERVER[php_SELF] to pass arguments back to itself.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.








<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">



<?php if (isset($_GET['addrsvp'])): //add a RSVP



<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">

<label>Last name: <input type="test" name="lastname" /></label><br />

<label>First name: <input type="test" name="firstname" /></label><br />

<input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" />



<?php else:  //Default page display


//Connect to DB server

$dbcnx=@mysql_connect('localhost', 'db', 'pswd');

if (!$dbcnx) {

  exit('<p>Unable to connect to server</p>');}


//Select the rsvp database

if (!@mysql_select_db('mydb')) {

  exit('<p> Unable to connect to database</p>'); }


if (isset($_POST['lastname'])) {



$sql="INSERT INTO rsvp SET




// if (!@mysql_query($sql)) {

//  echo '<p>Did not add RSVP to database</p>';

// }



//echo '<p>Here are all the people registered.</p>';


//Request all the rsvps

//$result=@mysql_query('SELECT lastname FROM rsvp');

//if (!$result) {

//  exit('<p>Error performing query: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>;);



//while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

//  echo '<p> .$row['lastname'] . '</p>';



//When clicked this link will load this page with the people listed


echo '<p><a href"' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .






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Maybe it's just me, but please explain a little more clearly on what your trying to accomplish...


also, instead of

echo '<p><a href"' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .
   '?addrsvp=1">RSVP<a></p>'; ?>



echo '<p><a href=" ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .
   '?addrsvp=1">RSVP</a></p>'; ?>




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