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hello, i am about to ask several quiestions about:


how is link like: ..../index.php?page=1&sector=2 made ?


i thought about this and did something like this:


$p = &$_REQUEST['p'];
if (!file_exists("navigation/".$p.".php"))
{ include "main.php"; next;}
{ if (isset($p) && $p!='main')	{ include "navigation/".$p.".php"; }
{ include "main.php";  }


and as a rool it works fine..

but i found as i thought a hole in this way of building page:


now what is that..:  as you see all included files (which are filename.php) are kept in the FOLDER named NAVIGATION


and if someone will edit URL


http://somehostname.com/index.php?p=5 instead of this will type http://somehostname.com/navigation/filename.php the content of that page will be desplayed..


i checked such thing on several websites ... but none of them let me see that file (included on)

mybe i got wrong to use inclusion and desplaying pages dinamicaly?


or maybe there is no problem if someone can view that page outside of page ..... like




please give me some advice. thank you

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of course you need test and make sure everything is safe. Also, make sure none of the files in the navigation folder display anything important. Finally, filter the input for "?" or illegal characters (like spaces, commans, etc...)


If someone wants to view the navigation links by themselves, I don't see the harm in that :)

filter the input for "?" or illegal characters (like spaces, commans, etc...)



what does that mean? could you give me some example please?



and additionaly i did something like this:


i wrote in .htaccess file this:


redirect /navigation/ http://firstschool.skola.dlf.ge/

redirect /styles/ http://firstschool.skola.dlf.ge/

redirect /files/ http://firstschool.skola.dlf.ge/

redirect /images/ http://firstschool.skola.dlf.ge/

redirect /includes/ http://firstschool.skola.dlf.ge/


and then when i opened page... there were no image/styles/and other things attached from that folders i made redirection. why?




Why did you redirect the styles and images folders? When you do the redirect, nothing will be accessible from the browser, so you shouldn't redirect the style, images, or any files that is used in the page.


to filter the input, you can do something like this (to filter anything that is not in a-zA-Z0-9_


$p = preg_replace('/\W/g', "", $p);



$p = str_replace(array("?"," ",",",";","."), "", $p);

Not tested

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