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BMI Calculations


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Hi all


I have this page which collects some information on our clients.


As part of this assessment, it collects their height and weight.  I want to get this to automatically calculate their BMI (which is calculated by Weight / Height Squared.


Here is my coding - you will see the Height and Weight Variables.  What should I do to get the BMI to calcualte automatically or with the press of a button ??


Thanks Paul



if ($type=='') {
<a href='index.php?page=interventions&type=add'>Add new intervention</a><br>

<table border=1><tr><th width='140'>Client Name</th><th>Intervention Date</th><th width='140'>Options</th></tr><?
$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM interventions ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC, day DESC");
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<tr><td>";
$clientarray=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clients WHERE id='$clientid'"));
echo $clientarray['name'];
echo "</td><td>";

if ($day==01) { echo "1st"; }
elseif ($day==02) { echo "2nd"; }
elseif ($day==03) { echo "3rd"; }
elseif ($day==04) { echo "4th"; }
elseif ($day==05) { echo "5th"; }
elseif ($day==06) { echo "6th"; }
elseif ($day==07) { echo "7th"; }
elseif ($day==08) { echo "8th"; }
elseif ($day==09) { echo "9th"; }
elseif ($day==21) { echo "21st"; }
elseif ($day==22) { echo "22nd"; }
elseif ($day==23) { echo "23rd"; }
elseif ($day==31) { echo "31st"; }
else { echo $day; echo "th"; }
echo " ";
$montharray=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM months WHERE id='$monthid'"));
echo $montharray['month'];
echo " ";
echo $row['year'];
echo "</td><td><a href='index.php?page=interventions&type=add&interid=".$row['id']."'>Update Intervention</a><br>
<a href='index.php?page=delete&type=interventions&id=".$row['id']."'>Delete Intervention</a></tr>";


echo "</table>";

elseif ($type=='add') {

echo "Please fill in the following form to add a new intervention.<br><br><table border=1>
<form name='form1' action='index.php?page=interventions&type=add2' method='post'>";
if ($interid=='') {
echo "<input type='hidden' name='interid' value='NEW'>";
} else {

echo "<input type='hidden' name='interid' value='$interid'>";
$client=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM interventions WHERE id='$interid'"));

echo "<tr><td> Client Name</td><td>";
echo " <select name='clientid'><option></option>";
$res1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clients ORDER BY name ASC, dobyear DESC, dobmonth DESC, dobday DESC");
while ($r=mysql_fetch_array($res1)) {

echo "<option value='".$r['id']."' ";
if ($client['clientid']==$r['id']) { echo "selected"; }
echo ">".$r['name']." (".$r['dobday']."/".$r['dobmonth']."/".$r['dobyear'].")</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "</td></tr>";

echo "<tr><td>Intervention Date</td><td><select name='day'><option></option>";
while ($x<$times) {
echo "<option ";
if ($client['day']==$x) { echo "selected"; }
echo ">";
if ($x<10) { echo "0"; }
echo $x;
echo "</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo " <select name='month'><option></option>";
$res1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM months");
while ($r=mysql_fetch_array($res1)) {

echo "<option value='".$r['id']."' ";
if ($client['month']==$r['id']) { echo "selected"; }
echo ">".$r['month']."</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "<select name='year'>";
while ($x<$times) {

echo "<option ";
if ($client['year']==$x) { echo "selected"; }
echo ">".$x."</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Venue</td><td>";
echo " <select name='venueid'><option></option>";
$res1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM venues WHERE 1");
while ($r=mysql_fetch_array($res1)) {

echo "<option value='".$r['id']."' ";
if ($client['venueid']==$r['id']) { echo "selected"; }
echo ">".$r['name']."</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Staff Member Involved</td><td>";
echo " <select name='staffid'><option></option>";
$res1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM staff WHERE 1");
while ($r=mysql_fetch_array($res1)) {

echo "<option value='".$r['id']."' ";
if ($staffhold==$r['id']) { echo "selected"; }
echo ">".$r['name']."</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "</td></tr>";

echo "<tr><td>Improvements since last visit</td><td><textarea name='improvements' rows='6' cols='50'>".$client['improvements']."</textarea></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Risk Assessment Used</td><td>";
echo " <select name='assessment'><option></option>";
$res1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM assessment");
while ($r=mysql_fetch_array($res1)) {

echo "<option value='".$r['id']."' ";
if ($client['assessment']==$r['id']) { echo "selected"; }
echo ">".$r['assessment']."</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Review Of Risk Score</td><td>";
echo " <select name='review'><option></option>";
$res1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM review");
while ($r=mysql_fetch_array($res1)) {

echo "<option class='".$r['id']."' value='".$r['id']."' ";
if ($client['review']==$r['id']) { echo "selected"; }
echo ">".$r['name']."</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "(before any improvements made)</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Advice Offered and Improvements Suggested</td><td><textarea name='actions' rows='6' cols='50'>".$client['actions']."</textarea></td></tr>";

echo "<tr><td>BP Reading (Systolic)</td><td><input type='text' name='BPSystolic' size='5' value='".$client['BPSystolic']."'></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>BP Reading (Diastolic)</td><td><input type='text' name='BPDiastolic' size='5' value='".$client['BPDiastolic']."'></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Height</td><td><input type='text' name='Height' size='15' value='".$client['Height']."'> Enter This as XX.x m</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Weight</td><td><input type='text' name='Weight' size='15' value='".$client['Weight']."'> Enter this as XX.x Kg</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>BMI</td><td><input type='text' name='BMI' size='15' value='".$client['BMI']."'> This is calculated by Weight (in Kg) / Height Squared (in m) </td></tr>";

echo "<tr><td>Referral agencies suggested</td><td><table spacing='0' padding='0'><tr><th width='280'></th><th>Yes</th><th width='5'></th><th>No</th></tr>";
while ($x<$times) { 
$array=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM referral WHERE id='$x'"));
echo "<tr><td class='";
echo $background;
echo "'>";
echo $array['name'];
echo "</td><td class='";
echo $background;
echo "'><input type='radio' name='$x' value='Yes' ";
if ($client["{$x}"]=='Yes') { echo "checked"; }
echo ">
</td><td class='";
echo $background;
echo "'></td><td class='";
echo $background;
echo "'>
  <input type='radio' name='$x' value='No' ";
  if ($client["{$x}"]=='No' || $client["{$x}"]=='') { echo "checked"; }
  echo ">
if ($background==3) { $background=1; }
$x++; }
echo "</table><br><br>Other (please specify)<input type='text' name='referral' size='40' value='".$client['referral']."'></td></tr>";

echo "<tr><td>Letter Sent To GP</td><td><input name='gpletter' type='checkbox' value='Yes' ";
if ($client['gpletter']=='Yes') { echo "checked"; }
echo ">";
echo "</table>";
echo "<br><br><input type='submit' name='submit' value='";
if ($interid=='') { echo "Add New Intervention"; } 
else { echo "Update Intervention"; }
echo "'>";
echo "</form>";
} elseif ($type=='add2') {



if ($interid=='NEW') {

mysql_query("INSERT INTO interventions (clientid, venueid, staffid, improvements, assessment, BPDiastolic, BPSystolic, Height, Weight, BMI, review, actions, referral, gpletter, day, month, year,`1`,`2`,`3`,`4`,`5`,`6`,`7`,`8`,`9`,`10`,`11`,`12`,`13`,`14`,`15`,`16`,`17`) VALUES 
('$clientid', '$venueid', '$staffid', '$improvements', '$assessment', '$BPDiastolic', '$BPSystolic', '$Height', '$Weight', '$Weight', '$review', '$actions', '$referral', '$gpletter', '$day', '$month', '$year','$i1','$i2','$i3','$i4','$i5','$i6','$i7','$i8','$i9','$i10','$i11','$i12','$i13','$i14','$i15','$i16','$i17')");
echo "New intervention succesfully added. Click <a href='index.php'>HERE</a> to continue";
} else {

mysql_query("UPDATE interventions SET clientid='$clientid', venueid='$venueid', staffid='$staffid', improvements='$improvements', BPDiastolic='$BPDiastolic', BPSystolic='$BPSystolic', Height='$Height', Weight='$Weight', BMI='$BMI', assessment='$assessment', review='$review',
actions='$actions', referral='$referral', gpletter='$gpletter', day='$day', month='$month', year='$year',`1`='$i1',`2`='$i2',`3`='$i3',`4`='$i4',`5`='$i5',`6`='$i6',`7`='$i7',`8`='$i8',`9`='$i9',`10`='$i10',
`11`='$i11',`12`='$i12',`13`='$i13',`14`='$i14',`15`='$i15',`16`='$i16',`17`='$i17' WHERE id='$interid'");
echo "Existing intervention successfully updated. Click <a href='index.php'>HERE</a> to continue";






mod edit: Use code tags

     // your code



and just post the relevant code if you expect people to read it

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if (isset($_GET['sub']))
    $wt = $_GET['wt'];
    $ht = $_GET['ht'];
    echo "BMI = " . number_format($wt/($ht*$ht), 2);


Weight <input type="text" name="wt" size="5"> kgm<br/>
Height <input type="text" name="ht" size="5"> m.<br/>
<input type="submit" name="sub" value="Get BMI">

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