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Adding music to your site


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Just wondering, with the amount of sites out there offering embedded music videos etc. Is it breaking copyright to have these on your own website?


I wanted the users on my site to be able to collect virtual CD's and when they click a cd in their collection they get a music video.


Now I know I cant go and name the CD after the real song or artist but well, just looking for your thoughts and opinions. Also if anyone knows any good links to royalty/copyright free music?

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You need to buy the rights to each video for it to be legal, Yahoo does it, (I am not sure how YouTube does it, or how that is legal, but I guess it helps the artist if it is on YouTube, so maybe they don't care?)


I think you aslo need to buy the rights to have music on your site too... or maybe I am in the dark about all of this music rights stuff...

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