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Help with a form


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Ive got a form which contains questions such as "Choose your shape" with 2 images as the answers and other questions such as "choose your flavour" with 4 images as answers to this question.


How should I go about coding this form? Im guessing each answer will sort of act like a radio button but I dont want to actually display the radio button just the image as selected or not. (Selected will have a selected class with it)


How do I do this? Is it better to do this with ajax?



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Anyone else got any ideas? Im not quite sure what the best way is, I cant see how submitting the form everytime will work.


If I have a question saying "Please choose flavour?" with 3 answers and I click answer 2, this will then change this answer(image) to the selected class as well as storing the answer as answer 2.


Any idea?



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i believe this is in fact a javascript question, if you want to submit the form just once you will need to use javascript to change say, a "hidden" text field for each question, every time someone clicks an image a javascript function on the page changes the value of the hidden fields.

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this is javascript, i have just researched and made this, it works on its own as html file, im sure you can incorporate it into your script:


<script type="text/javascript">
function flavourclick(answer)
  document.quiz.flavour.value = answer

function shapeclick(answer)
  document.quiz.shape.value = answer

<form action="test.html" method="get" name="quiz">

What Flavour?<br>
<input type="hidden" name="flavour" value="">

<img src="image1.jpg" alt="chocolate" width="100" height="100" onclick="flavourclick('chocolate');"><br>
<img src="image1.jpg" alt="vanilla" width="100" height="100" onclick="flavourclick('vanilla');"><br>
<img src="image1.jpg" alt="blueberry" width="100" height="100" onclick="flavourclick('blueberry');"><hr>

What Shape?<br>
<input type="hidden" name="shape" value="">

<img src="image1.jpg" alt="square" width="100" height="100" onclick="shapeclick('square');"><br>
<img src="image1.jpg" alt="circle" width="100" height="100" onclick="shapeclick('circle');"><br>
<img src="image1.jpg" alt="rectangle" width="100" height="100" onclick="shapeclick('rectangle');"><hr>

<input type="submit">



notice the functions flavourclick() and shapeclick(), you will need a function for each question (i am unsure how to make a single function for all with my limited knowledge)



hope this helps, good luck

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Thanks for your help.


Ive ended up doing it using Ajax but I have one more question.


Basically one of the questions can have 2 answers so a checkbox would be great here, however I am not allowed to use a checkbox, therefore I need to find a way of being able to have two answers.


At the moment whatever answer I click gets updated to a "selected" class and the hidden input field is populated with what I click.


How can I turn this into having two answers?


I could have two hidden inputs, answer one and answer two but how do I keep both classes as selected?


This sounds straight forward but it updates the answer using whatever answer is posted and only 1 answer can be posted, I need to keep both values.


Any ideas?

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