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New to OOP need help


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Okay I'm trying to get into OOP so I am trying to re-write this code


On display at http://naez.myftp.org/sqltests.php

// Testing some basic database functions

include ('mysqlconnect.php');


// selecting information from the forum_id that == our site news
$sql1 = "SELECT * FROM phpbb_topics WHERE forum_id = '8' ORDER BY topic_id DESC LIMIT 5";
$result1 = mysql_query($sql1);

// now we will display the 5 that we chose.
while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {
echo "<b>" . $row1['topic_title'] . "</b> - ";

	$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_id = '" . $row1['topic_poster'] . "'";
	$result2 = mysql_query($sql2);
	$row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);

	echo "by: " . $row2['username'] . "<br>";

/* Grabbing all the info regarding posts where our topic_id's match, 
	whats good is it automatically picks the first post in the topic
	so it's real easy											*/

	$sql3 = "SELECT * FROM phpbb_posts WHERE topic_id = '" . $row1['topic_id'] . "'";
	$result3 = mysql_query($sql3);
	$row3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3);
echo nl2br($row3['post_text']) . "<br /><br />";






So I'm thinking that especially within the main loop some Objects would make this easier so im trying to write that but im not very good, this is wha i have so far.



On display @ http://naez.myftp.org/tester.php

include 'mysqlconnect.php';
include 'dbstuffclass.php';

$where = "forum_id = '8' ORDER BY topic_id DESC LIMIT 5";
$table = "phpbb_topics";
$dbobject = new dbstuff($table, $where);

echo $dbobject->showData();




class dbstuff {
var $table_name;        // table we'll pull data from
var $where_statement;   // our WHERE sql statement
  	var $data_array;        // data from the database
  	var $errors;            // array of error messages

function dbstuff($table, $where) {
	$this->table_name = $table;
	$this->where_statement = $where;	

		if (empty($this->where_statement)){
			$where_str = NULL;
		} else {
			$where_str = "WHERE " . $this->where_statement;

  $query = "SELECT * FROM " .  $this->table_name . " " . $where_str;
      $result = mysql_query($query);
      $this->data_array = $result;

function showData() {
	while ($showdata = mysql_fetch_array($this->data_array)) {
		foreach ($showdata as $key => $value) {
   		 		echo "Key: ". $key . " Value: " . $value . "<br />\n";

class db2stuff extends dbstuff
	// omg i need halp




I hope I made it clear what i'm trying to do here... I've never really dabbled into OOP so I'm in over my head <0>.. if someone could provide some examples on how to go about doing this that would be super awesome pawsum

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Yea now that I'm a little bit more acquainted with OOP im not sure what I was trying to do there >.>


Anyways here's my first "real" OOP PHP class!


class mailingList {
var $email;
var $errors;
var $code;
var $customMsg;
var $customSubj;
var $action;

// if we have the email adress already, we'll do stuff with it, otherwise we'll display the form.
function __construct() {
	// if we get the email in the .php?email= we will send it along to our validator/mailer or if an action is specified perform it
	if (isset($_GET['email'])){
		$this->email = addslashes($_GET['email']);

		$act = $_GET['action'];

		switch ($act){
		case "validate":
			// we have gotten an email coming in and we'll validate it now.
			$this->code = $_GET['rancode'];
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM mailinglist WHERE randomcode='" . $this->code . "'";
			$result = mysql_query($sql);
			$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
				// woops! there was no randomcode that matched our $_GET so we'll show the form again, so the person can type their
				if (!$row){ 
					$this->errors = "That was not a valid code.";
				} else {
				// success! the codes match and thus the account will be activated
					$query = "UPDATE mailinglist SET active=1 WHERE randomcode='" . $this->code . "'";
					echo "Your email <b>" . $this->email . "</b> has been validated and is now in our mailing list.";
		case "resend":
			// this is if the person needs to get the confirmation email resent.
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM mailinglist WHERE email='" . $this->email . "'";
			$result = mysql_query($sql);
			$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
				// ruh roh! there is no email by that name!! show the form!
				if (!$row){ 
					$this->errors = "An error occured when searching for your email.";
				} else {
				// okay everything looks good so we'll send a custom email with the link to validate their email.
					$this->code = $row['randomcode'];
					$this->customMsg = "This email was sent to activate your email to recieve our newsletter.";
					$this->customSubj = "Confirmation Resent regarding mailing list.";
					$this->action = "validate";
		case "remove";
			// this is if someone wants to remove their email from our mailing list.
			$this->code = $_GET['rancode'];
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM mailinglist WHERE email='" . $this->email . "'";
			$result = mysql_query($sql);
			$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
			// is there a code in the $_GET?  If not we'll see whatsup.
			if ($this->code){ 

				if (!$row){ 
					// okay that email doesnt even exist... someone must be trying to fool the system!
					$this->errors = "An error occured when searching for your email.";
				} else {
					// okay since theres an email we'll do a check if the codes match
					if ($this->code == $row['randomcode']){
						$query = "UPDATE mailinglist SET active=0 WHERE randomcode='" . $this->code . "'";
						echo "Your email <b>" . $this->email . "</b> has been removed from our mailing list.";
					} else {
						$this->errors = "Your code did not match ours.";
			} else {
				// since no code has been entered yet, we must believe they want a confirmation to delete!
				$this->code = $row['randomcode'];
				$this->customMsg = "This email was sent because you wish to be removed from our mailing list.";
				$this->customSubj = "Remove from our Mailing list.";
				$this->action = "remove";
			// no action specified or an invalid one results in basically our first validation email being sent if the email passes.
	} else {
	// An email has not been supplied so we'll show our form.

public function showform() {
	// just our form, it gets shown alot and is nothing special!!
	echo "Sign up for the " . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . " mailing list?<br />";
	echo $this->errors;
	echo '<form action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method="get">';
	echo '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="mailinglist" />';
	echo '<input type="text" name="email" />';
	echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />';

public function firstmail($email) {
	// the function that happens when a new email is entered into our form.  Check if the email is valid
	if ($this->validateEmail($this->email)){

		if (!$this->errors){
			// double check for errors! if not we'll go ahead and enter it into our database and send an email
			// with a link to confirm the address!
			$randomcode = new randomGen(10);
			$this->code = $randomcode->key;
			$sql = "INSERT INTO mailinglist (`email`, `randomcode`) VALUES ('" . $this->email . "', '" . $this->code . "')";
			$result = mysql_query($sql);
			$this->customMsg = "Our records show that " . $this->email . " has signed up for our newsletter."; 
			$this->customSubj = "Confirm Signup to the Newsletter";
			$this->action = "validate";

	} else {
		// failed inspection


public function confirmationEmail() {
	// a generic email that thanks to OOP we can make it very custom!		
	echo "An email has been dispatched to <b>" . $this->email . "</b>. <br><br>";
	echo "Please follow the link within it to confirm your action.";
	$link = "http://" .$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?mode=mailinglist&email=" . $this->email . "&action=" . $this->action . "&rancode=" . $this->code;
	$to      = $this->email;
	$subject = $this->customSubj;
	$message = $this->customMsg . "\n\n" . ' Follow this link: ' . $link;
	$headers = 'From: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "\r\n" .
	'Reply-To: noreply@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];

	mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);


public function validateEmail($email) {
*  This function checks if an email is valid.. Syntax:
*	validateEmail($_GET['email]);
*	if(!validateEmail($_GET['email']) { include('whatever.php'); exit(); }
	if (!preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([\.a-zA-Z0-9_-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)*\.([a-zA-Z]{2,6})$/", $email)){
	// if it passes this stage (aka being a real email or at least looking like one, we'll check if its in our db yet
		$this->errors = "Email is not valid.";
		return false;

	} else {
	 	// check if its in our db yet
	 	$sql = "SELECT * FROM mailinglist WHERE email='" . $email . "'";
		$result = mysql_query($sql);
		$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
		if ($num_rows == 0){ 
			// its not in our db and looks like a valid email so we'll let it pass
			return true;
		} else {
			// ruh roh its already in our DB!  both of these will return false but we want a custom error msg
			$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
				if ($row['active'] == 0){
				// 0 specifies that this email is not active... so we'll see whatsup.
					$this->errors = "Email is already in our database, but inactive. Click <a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?mode=mailinglist&action=resend&email=" . $this->email . "\">here</a> to resend the validation email.";
				} else {
				// obviously its an active email... perhaps the person wants to remove themselve
					$this->errors = "Email is in our database, and active.  Click <a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?mode=mailinglist&action=remove&email=" . $this->email . "\">here</a> to remove yourself from the mailing list.";
				// by returning false the form will get shown wit our custom error msg imo!
			return false;


} // end of function

} // end of class

class randomGen {
*	randomGen creates a random number/letter combination
*	$mybox = new randomGen(20);
*	echo $mybox->key;
public $key;

function __construct($length) {

private function keygen($length){
		for($i=0; $i<$length; $i++){
	return $out;




Little messy but works great!


in case anyone is wondering my database is structed like this


id active email             randomcode

1 1 yes@yes.com S3dS23fsads

2 0 test@test.com asd2Dwasd2

3 1 nO@no.com c4w5fds345[/pre]

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