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We use XAMPP and have problem with our mail function. Whenever we send out a mail through php, the header replies back as "mail failed". We host our DNS at godaddy.com and our email is also at godaddy, but we have a problem configuring the mail function. Thanks for the help in advance!


Here is our PHP.ini file...


[mail function]

; For Win32 only.

SMTP = smtpout.secureserver.net

smtp_port = 3535

username= admin@domain.com



; For Win32 only.

sendmail_from = admin@domain.com


We don't know what is wrong. Our DNS configs are correctly setup, but it's a server side problem. We host our own website using XAMPP. Everything works, just the mail function is not responding. No emails are being sent! If you're experience with php.ini (mail function), your help is appreciated!

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Although I'm not great with configuring PHP for e-mailing (nor do I pretend to be) I believe you'll need to get hold of an SMTP client that runs on the same server as XAMPP.  Usually it's "sendmail", but that's only on Linux based servers.  Chances are you'll have to try and get hold of one for Windows, I remember hearing about one called "Mail Enable" or something similar.


From what I can gather, these clients pick up e-mails being sent from your web server, then communicate with your SMTP server (in your case godaddy) in order to send the e-mail.  Now we just have to sit back and wait for someone to say my wild guess was completely wrong!

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Any other mail server suggestion? Also, how exactly would you configure the php.ini file ? There are two "php.ini" file in XAMPP, one in apache, & one in php directory. And also there is a sendmail.ini that seems like there needs configuration too. Which one do I need to configure?

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