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Problem updating entries in my database


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I have an edit page for products on a website. when you click on edit to edit an item, it brings you to the edit page, and it echos out all the information on the db about the item. that part of the querys work. i have it that on submit, to process the form for the updates and the echo out the result, when it processes the updates it errors with this message: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/rock925/admin/editproduct.php on line 136


here is my code






//if it hasnt been posted, show selected entry.

$productId = (isset($_REQUEST['productid']))?$_REQUEST['productid']:"";

//if productid is a number, its legit, so get it from the database

if(preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $productId))


$viewSql = "SELECT productname, productprice, productdscrb, productimg, available, category 

			FROM products WHERE productid='$productId'";

$viewResult = mysql_query($viewSql)or die ("Error in query: $viewSql. " . mysql_error());

if(mysql_num_rows($viewResult) > 0){

$myproduct = mysql_fetch_array($viewResult);

	$productTitle = $myproduct['productname'];

	$productPrice = $myproduct['productprice'];

	$productCategory = $myproduct['category'];

	$productAvilb = $myproduct['available'];

	$productImg = $myproduct['productimg'];

	$productDscrb = stripslashes($myproduct['productdscrb']);

	$productDscrb = trim($productDscrb);

	$updateDscrb = str_replace("'","",$updateDscrb);

		$html  = '<div id="productThumb">';

		$html .= '<h3>product id: '.$productId.'</h3>';

		$html .= '<h2>product name: '.$productTitle.'</h2>';

		$html .= '<img height="140" width="100" src="'.$productImg.'"</img>';

		$html .= '<br />';

		$html .= '<span>Product Describtion '.$productDscrb.'</span>';

		$html .= '</div>';

		echo $html;	





$message = "no products match that id";



<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?page=editprod&productid='.$productId.';' ?>">


  <p class="form1">

  <input type="hidden" name="productid" value="<?php echo $productId; ?>">

  <label for="productname">Product Name:</label>

  <input type="text" name="productname" value="<?php if(isset($productTitle)){ echo $productTitle;} ?>"/>



<p class="form1">

  <label for="productname">Product Price:</label>

  <input type="text" name="productprice" value='<?php if(isset($productPrice)){ echo $productPrice;} ?>'/>


   <h3>Product Available</h3>

  <p class="form1">

<input id="avil_yes" checked="checked" class="radio" name="avil" type="radio"  value="yes" />

<lable for="avil_yes">Yes</lable>


    <p class="form1">

<input id="avil_no"  class="radio" name="avil" type="radio"  value="no" />

<lable for="avil_no">No</lable>



  <h3>Product Category</h3>

  <select name="productCat" id="productCat">


   $getCats = "SELECT * FROM categories";

   $catResult = mysql_query($getCats)or die(mysql_error());

   while($cats = mysql_fetch_array($catResult))


  //$selected = ($cats['catid'] == $catid)? 'selected':'';

   	echo "<option value=".$cats['catname'].">".$cats['catname']."</option>";





<p class="form1">

<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="10000000" />

    	<lable id="productimage">Product image:</label>

     <input type="file" name="productimage" value='<?php if(isset($productImg)){ echo $productImg;} ?>' >


   <p class="form1">

  <label for="productname">Product Description:</label>

  <textarea type="textarea" name="productdesc" rows='10' cols='50'/>

  '<?php if(isset($productDscrb)){ echo $productDscrb;} ?>'




  <br />

<div id="subdiv">

<p class="submitarea">

   <input type="submit" name="submitUpdate"/>







//if pressed submit.


$productId = $_POST['productid'];

$updateTitle = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productname'])))?$_POST['productname']:"";

$updatePrice = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productprice'])))?$_POST['productprice']:"";

$updateDscrb = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productdesc'])))?$_POST['productdesc']:"";

$updateDscrb = stripslashes($updateDscrb);

$updateDscrb = trim($updateDscrb);

$updateDscrb = str_replace("'","",$updateDscrb);

$updateImg = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productimage'])))?$_POST['productimage']:"";

$updateAvilb = cleanentry((isset($_POST['avil'])))?$_POST['avil']:"";

$updateCategory = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productCat'])))?$_POST['productCat']:"";

$updateCategory = str_replace("'"," ", $updateCategory);

$updateSql = "UPDATE products SET 

			productname = '$updateTitle', 

			productprice = '$updatePrice', 

			productdscrb = '$updateDscrb', 

			available = '$updateAvilb',  

			category  = '$updateCategory' 

			WHERE productid = '$productId'";

echo $updateSql;

$updateQuery = mysql_query($updateSql);

$info = mysql_fetch_array($updateQuery);


		$html  = '<div id="productThumb">';

		$html .= '<h3>product id: '.$info['productid'].'</h3>';

		$html .= '<h2>product name: '.$info['productname'].'</h2>';

		//$html .= '<img height="140" width="100" src="'.$info['productimg'].'"</img>';

		$html .= '<br />';

		$html .= '<span>Product Describtion '.$info['productdscrb'].'</span>';

		$html .= "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?page=editprod&productid=".$info['productid'].">edit</a>";

		$html .= '</div>';

		echo $html;





i hope someone can help me with this, because i dont see where im going wrong


thankyou very much

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ok, i tried the mysql_data_seek() and i still got the same error. when i update the entry thats displayed i get this warning:

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

so here is my code, im having issues with the second sql query which is to update the current viewed product.







//if it hasnt been posted, show selected entry.

$productId = (isset($_REQUEST['productid']))?$_REQUEST['productid']:"";

//if productid is a number, its legit, so get it from the database

if(preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $productId))


$viewSql = "SELECT productname, productprice, productdscrb, productimg, available, category 

			FROM products WHERE productid='$productId'";

$viewResult = mysql_query($viewSql)or die ("Error in query: $viewSql. " . mysql_error());

if(mysql_num_rows($viewResult) > 0){

$myproduct = mysql_fetch_array($viewResult);

	$productTitle = $myproduct['productname'];

	$productPrice = $myproduct['productprice'];

	$productCategory = $myproduct['category'];

	$productAvilb = $myproduct['available'];

	$productImg = $myproduct['productimg'];

	$productDscrb = stripslashes($myproduct['productdscrb']);

	$productDscrb = trim($productDscrb);

	$updateDscrb = str_replace("'","",$updateDscrb);

		$html  = '<div id="productThumb">';

		$html .= '<h3>product id: '.$productId.'</h3>';

		$html .= '<h2>product name: '.$productTitle.'</h2>';

		$html .= '<img height="140" width="100" src="'.$productImg.'"</img>';

		$html .= '<br />';

		$html .= '<span>Product Describtion '.$productDscrb.'</span>';

		$html .= '</div>';

		echo $html;	





$message = "no products match that id";



<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?page=editprod&productid='.$productId; ?>">


  <p class="form1">

  <input type="hidden" name="productid" value="<?php echo $productId; ?>">

  <label for="productname">Product Name:</label>

  <input type="text" name="productname" value="<?php if(isset($productTitle)){ echo $productTitle;} ?>"/>



<p class="form1">

  <label for="productname">Product Price:</label>

  <input type="text" name="productprice" value='<?php if(isset($productPrice)){ echo $productPrice;} ?>'/>


   <h3>Product Available</h3>

  <p class="form1">

<input id="avil_yes" checked="checked" class="radio" name="avil" type="radio"  value="yes" />

<lable for="avil_yes">Yes</lable>


    <p class="form1">

<input id="avil_no"  class="radio" name="avil" type="radio"  value="no" />

<lable for="avil_no">No</lable>



  <h3>Product Category</h3>

  <select name="productCat" id="productCat">


   $getCats = "SELECT * FROM categories";

   $catResult = mysql_query($getCats)or die(mysql_error());

   while($cats = mysql_fetch_array($catResult))


  //$selected = ($cats['catid'] == $catid)? 'selected':'';

   	echo "<option value=".$cats['catname'].">".$cats['catname']."</option>";





<p class="form1">

<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="10000000" />

    	<lable id="productimage">Product image:</label>

     <input type="file" name="productimage" value='<?php if(isset($productImg)){ echo $productImg;} ?>' >


   <p class="form1">

  <label for="productname">Product Description:</label>

  <textarea type="textarea" name="productdesc" rows='10' cols='50'/>

  '<?php if(isset($productDscrb)){ echo $productDscrb;} ?>'




  <br />

<div id="subdiv">

<p class="submitarea">

   <input type="submit" name="submitUpdate"/>







//if pressed submit.

$productId = $_POST['productid'];

$updateTitle = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productname'])))?$_POST['productname']:"";

$updatePrice = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productprice'])))?$_POST['productprice']:"";

$updateDscrb = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productdesc'])))?$_POST['productdesc']:"";

$updateDscrb = stripslashes($updateDscrb);

$updateDscrb = trim($updateDscrb);

$updateDscrb = str_replace("'","",$updateDscrb);

$updateImg = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productimage'])))?$_POST['productimage']:"";

$updateAvilb = cleanentry((isset($_POST['avil'])))?$_POST['avil']:"";

$updateCategory = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productCat'])))?$_POST['productCat']:"";

$updateCategory = str_replace("'"," ", $updateCategory);

$file_dir = "../assets/productimages";

//designate file upload folder

foreach($_FILES as $file_name => $file_array)


echo "name: ".$file_array['name']."<br>\n";

	//file location

	$file_loc = $file_dir . "/" . $file_array['name'];



		move_uploaded_file($file_array['tmp_name'], $file_loc) or die ("couldnt copy file");

		echo "file was moved!<br>";



// create query

$updateSql = "UPDATE products SET 

			productname = '$updateTitle', 

			productprice = '$updatePrice', 

			productdscrb = '$updateDscrb',

			productimg = '$file_loc', 

			available = '$updateAvilb',  

			category  = '$updateCategory' 

			WHERE productid = '$productId';";

echo $updateSql;

$updateQuery = mysql_query($updateSql);

if(mysql_num_rows($updateQuery) > 0){


$info = mysql_fetch_array($updateQuery);


		$html  = '<div id="productThumb">';

		$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="productid" value="<?php echo $productId; ?>">';

		$html .= '<h3>product id: '.$info['productid'].'</h3>';

		$html .= '<h2>product name: '.$info['productname'].'</h2>';

		$html .= '<img height="140" width="100" src="'.$info['productimg'].'"</img>';

		$html .= '<br />';

		$html .= '<span>Product Describtion '.$info['productdscrb'].'</span>';

		$html .= "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?page=editprod&productid=".$info['productid'].">edit</a>";

		$html .= '</div>';

		echo $html;







thank you.


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whenever you use mysql_query its a good idea to add an "or die()" function like you did with your select statement earlier in the code,


use this: $updateQuery = mysql_query($updateSql) or die("MySQL Query: $updateSql <br>".mysql_error());


tell us if it errors out.




to fix your num_rows error you need to use mysql_affected_rows($updateQuery); as num rows deals with result sets from SELECT and SHOW statements.

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ok so i tried the affected rows function and now, the information updates, but i still get an error message.... Warning: mysql_affected_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/rock925/admin/editproduct.php on line 156


here is my code, where i kick the update query to mysql, and process the results. anything else i can try?




//if pressed submit.

$productId = $_POST['productid'];

$updateTitle = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productname'])))?$_POST['productname']:"";

$updatePrice = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productprice'])))?$_POST['productprice']:"";

$updateDscrb = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productdesc'])))?$_POST['productdesc']:"";

$updateDscrb = stripslashes($updateDscrb);

$updateDscrb = trim($updateDscrb);

$updateDscrb = str_replace("'","",$updateDscrb);

$updateImg = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productimage'])))?$_POST['productimage']:"";

$updateAvilb = cleanentry((isset($_POST['avil'])))?$_POST['avil']:"";

$updateCategory = cleanentry((isset($_POST['productCat'])))?$_POST['productCat']:"";

$updateCategory = str_replace("'"," ", $updateCategory);

$file_dir = "../assets/productimages";

//designate file upload folder

foreach($_FILES as $file_name => $file_array)


echo "name: ".$file_array['name']."<br>\n";

	//file location

	$file_loc = $file_dir . "/" . $file_array['name'];



		move_uploaded_file($file_array['tmp_name'], $file_loc) or die ("couldnt copy file");

		echo "file was moved!<br>";



// create query

$updateSql = "UPDATE products SET 

			productname = '$updateTitle', 

			productprice = '$updatePrice', 

			productdscrb = '$updateDscrb',

			productimg = '$file_loc', 

			available = '$updateAvilb',  

			category  = '$updateCategory' 

			WHERE productid = '$productId';";

//echo $updateSql;

$updateResult = mysql_query($updateSql)or die ("Error in query: $updateSql. " . mysql_error());

if(mysql_affected_rows($updateResult) > 0){

$updatedInfo = mysql_fetch_array($updateResult);


		$html  = '<div id="productThumb">';

		$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="productid" value="<?php echo $productId; ?>">';

		$html .= '<h3>product id: '.$updatedInfo['productid'].'</h3>';

		$html .= '<h2>product name: '.$updatedInfo['productname'].'</h2>';

		$html .= '<img height="140" width="100" src="'.$updatedInfo['productimg'].'"</img>';

		$html .= '<br />';

		$html .= '<span>Product Describtion '.$info['productdscrb'].'</span>';

		$html .= "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?page=editprod&productid=".$updatedInfo['productid'].">edit</a>";

		$html .= '</div>';

		echo $html;





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Sorry my bad try mysql_affected_rows(); if not what is the variable you used when initiating the connection to mysql?




Also i do not think mysql_fetch_array($updateResult) will work as an UPDATE query does not return any rows (it literally just updates data, doesn't find anything), you may need to create another query with a SELECT statement.

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