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Calling a php file within html to return a result.


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I've got an html file that calls a php file in 3 places, and depending on whats passed in, 3 different pieces of info is passed back.


Iteration 1:

<img src="script.php?i=1"> - which returns the image name pertaining to position 1 in my array.


Iteration 2:

<a href="script.php?l=1"> - which returns the hyperlink relating to the same image.


Iteration 3:

This is the bit i'm stuck on. I need to effectively call script.php?n=1 to get the title for the image but as I want to display it as plain text I dont know how to call it as obviously if I just put script.php?n=1 in the html it will display exactly that as text rather than the result of the php script.


I know doing the whole page in php would have solved this but its a change to an already well placed page in the search engines so the client would prefer to keep the existing name.


Anyone got any suggestions on how I call the script in iteration 3?


Thanks in advance!



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Thats cool thanks, got one more problem.


I have 3 arrays each with the same number of elements.


I need to randomise the arrays so that they are moved into a random order but the relationship between the 3 arrays remain ie image x still ties up with link x with name x.


I was using this code but this doesnt seem to quite do the trick :






for ($i=0;$i<$total;++$i)



$temp =$images[$i];



$temp =$links[$i];



$temp =$names[$i];






I get duplicate names in the list, what have I done wrong?

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Wouldn't it be better to combine all the data as one and then randomize that? Example:

$images = array('array of images');
$links = array('array of links');
$names = array('array of names');
$length = count($images);

// Create a single array
$data = array();
for($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
    $data[] = array(
        'image' => $images[$i],
        'link'  => $links[$i],
        'name'  => $names[$i]

// Now randomly select an item
$item = $data[mt_rand(0, $length-1)];

// Do something with item
printf('<a href="%s" alt="%s"><img src="%s" /></a>',
       $item['link'], $item['name'], $item['image']);

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