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php 4 to 5 help please


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I have the following script, howeber when moving server recently it no longer works,


I am a basic programmer so I am assuming this is because of a change from php4 to php5 on the new server  Below is the code if anyone could help me by telling me or showing me what is wrong with this for php 5 I would be for ever in your debt


//Config section\\
  $search_for = 'Yes';         //search phrase
  $search_field = 'NewHomePage';          //field to search in
  $filepath = '/home/pat95/public_html/inventory/';                //flat file path, with traling slash
  $filename = 'data.log';          //flat file name
  $divider = '::';                 //fields divider
  $cols = 5;                       //columns number per page
  $rows = 1;                       //rows number per page

  //fields to get from flat file, pay attenton to their order!
  $fields = Array (
'Swimming Pool',
'Car Parking',


//prints result template, use $variable as data filed, mentioned in $fields array
//replace code in print clause, better use DIV tags to enclose result template
//don't forget to write \" if you want to see a qoute in your html output
function print_result($arr){
print "<table  border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" id=\"table1\">
<td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFE1\">
<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" id=\"table2\">
<td width=\"163\" height=\"110\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">
<a href='http://www.xxx.org/cgi-bin/inv.pl?fid=$id&cgifunction=form'><img border=\"0\" src=\"$Image1Thumbnail\" width=130 height=100></a></td>
<td height=\"15\" valign=\"top\"><div align=\"center\">
<font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\">
$SalePrice $MonthlyRental Baht</font></div></td>
<td height=\"18\" valign=\"top\"><div align=\"center\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"2\">
$Bedrooms <br>$Bathrooms</font></div></td>
<td height=\"8\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFE1\"></td>
//End of Config section\\

// -- internal variables --
error_reporting(E_NONE); //security reason, change to E_ALL to debug script
$qty = 0;   //how many results found
$founded = array();    //selected lines
$raw = array();   //global array containing flat file splitted

//Begin main script

    $raw = make_array();   //get all records

    $founded = search_array($raw);          //get array with selected items
    $qty = count($founded);                 //how many results we have
    if ($qty<1) {die("No results found");};
    unset($raw);       //del initial array


   $countedpages=ceil($qty/$showperpage);     // number of pages

     if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['page']))
     if ($currentpage>$countedpages)
     if ($currentpage<1)

   $start_pos=($currentpage-1)*$showperpage;      //1st record number

   $end_pos=$start_pos+$showperpage-1;              //last record number

     if ($end_pos>$qty)

//   echo "<center>" . $qty . " items. Page " . $currentpage . " from " . $countedpages . "<center>";

//   print_nav();


//  print_nav();

   //Functions here

//buil invisible table and show results
function build_table($rows,$cols,$start_pos,$end_pos){
global $founded;
$curr = $start_pos;
//echo $start_pos," - ",$end_pos;
print "
           <table border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0>";
     for ($i=1;$i<=$rows;$i++)
     {  if ($curr>$end_pos){break;};
        print "<tr>\n";
            for ($j=1;$j<=$cols;$j++)
                print "<td>\n";
                    if ($curr<=$end_pos)
                    print_result($founded[$curr]);  //show result
                print "</td>\n";
        print "</tr>\n";

print "    </table>

  //navigation links build
function print_nav(){
   global $countedpages,$currentpage;
print "<CENTER><br>
        <td><font face=\"verdana\" size=\"1\" color=\"#000000\">go to page  >>  ";

  for ($i = 1; $i <= $countedpages; $i++) {
    if ($currentpage!=$i) {
     echo "<a class=\"cgilink\" href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?page=".$i."\">".$i."</a>";
    } else {
    echo $i;
   echo "  ";

  print "</font>

//searches for the value in a field
function search_array($input){
    global $search_for, $search_field;
    foreach($input as $val)
       if ($val[$search_field]==$search_for) {$res[]=$val;};
    return $res;

//makes an array from flat file
function make_array(){
    global $filepath,$filename;
    $flat = file($filepath . $filename);
    foreach($flat as $line)
       $all[] = divide($line);
    return $all;

//splits line into $vars
function divide($input){
   global $divider,$fields;

   $tmp = split($divider,$input);
   foreach($fields as $key=>$fl)
      ${$fl} = $tmp[$key];
   return compact($fields);


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The only thing that stands out is $HTTP_GET_VARS are depreciated, turned off by default in php5, and eliminated in php6. Change all occurrences of $HTTP_GET_VARS to $_GET


The above problem and perhaps other reasons why it is not working would be exposed if you turn on full php error reporting.

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