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Shortening portion of script/making script better/more efficient...


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I am currently using the script below as a header for my php gallery application.  However, I wanted to use it as a learning experience, and see if there were things I could be doing better.  In particular, I am basically using the same code twice to add new images and then, later, new videos, to the MySQL database.  Is there a way to combine those to pieces of code into something more efficient? Do you have any other suggestions?  Tear it apart!


Thank you all in advance!



    /*//////General gallery includes, variables, etc.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

    include_once "gallery.configurations.inc.php";
    include_once "gallery.functions.inc.php";

    //Getting required variables
    $album = $_GET['album'];   
    $page = $_GET['page'];
        if (!$page) {$page = 1;}
    $image = $_GET['image'];

    //If there is no album directory by that name, will send the user to an error page
    if (($album != "") AND (!file_exists("$server_photo_album_location/$album/")) AND (!file_exists("$server_video_album_location/$album/"))) {

    //If the photo album is restricted by .htaccess, will also add authentication as well
    if ((file_exists("$server_photo_album_location/$album/.htaccess")) OR (file_exists("$server_video_album_location/$album/.htaccess"))) {

    /* Will determine the number of photos to display based on a default value or on a user selected
       value from a form at the bottom of the page main album page

    if (!$_POST["number_displayed"]) {
        if (!$_SESSION['number_displayed']) {
            $number_displayed = 2;
            } else {
            $number_displayed = $_SESSION['number_displayed'];
        } else {
            $number_displayed = $_POST["number_displayed"];
            $_SESSION['number_displayed'] = $number_displayed;

    //  Database Name: Gallery
    //  Database Structure
    //  Albums Table: id  ||  full_title  ||  short_title  ||  dir  ||  timestamp
    //                 |
    //                 +----------------------------------------------------+
    //                                                                      |
    //  Images Table: id  ||  filename  ||  caption date  ||  location  || album  ||  timestamp
    //                                                                      |
    //                                                   +------------------+
    //                                                   |
    //  Videos Table: id  ||  filename  ||  title  ||  album  ||  timestamp

    //Connecting to MySQL gallery database

    //Will create tables (as outlined above), if not already present
    include_once "gallery.table.generation.inc.php";

    //Bringing in album information from MySQL gallery database, album table
    $query = "SELECT * FROM albums WHERE dir = '$album'";
    $album_results = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query));
        $album_id = $album_results['id'];
        $full_title = $album_results['full_title'];
        //Setting page title

    if ($album_id != "") {

    /*//////Adding any new images to the MySQL gallery database//////////////////////////////////////////// */

    $number_of_image_files = count(glob("$server_photo_album_location/$album/*.*"));
    $number_of_mysql_image_entries = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images WHERE album = '$album_id'"));
    if ($number_of_image_files != $number_of_mysql_image_entries) {
        include_once "gallery.add.images.inc.php";}

    /*//////Retrieving the total number of photos and photo pages////////////////////////////////////////// */

    //Finding the total number of images for any particular album from MySQL gallery database, images table
    $query = "SELECT * FROM images WHERE album = $album_id";
    $number_of_images = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($query));

    //Calculating total number of photo pages
    $number_of_photo_pages = ceil($number_of_images / $number_displayed);

    /*//////Adding any new videos to the MySQL gallery database//////////////////////////////////////////// */

    $number_of_video_files = count(glob("$server_video_album_location/$album/*.*"));
    $number_of_mysql_video_entries = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM videos WHERE album = '$album_id'"));
    if ($number_of_video_files != $number_of_mysql_video_entries) {
        include_once "gallery.add.videos.inc.php";}

    /*//////Retrieving the total number of videos and video pages////////////////////////////////////////// */

    //Finding the total number of videos for any particular album from MySQL gallery database, videos table
    $query = "SELECT * FROM videos WHERE album = $album_id";
    $number_of_videos = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($query));

    //Calculating total number of video pages
    $number_of_video_pages = ceil($number_of_videos / $number_displayed);



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