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hello, I've been searching for a tutorial on making a menu for my links and I finally found one.

heres the link: http://www.webmaster-talk.com/html-forum/71017-help-pulling-content-links-several-pages.html#post324589

But the problem is I would like it to appear like so:


Say I have my links in my index.php file right?

<a href="me.php">About me</a>
<a href="you.php">About you</a>
<a href="us.php">About Us</a>
<a href="everyone.php">About everyone</a>

ok now lets say I click on "about us" right? it loads the page and some content shows up, but I have more links that I would like to have and thats where my menu comes in. Is there a way where when I click on "about us" it would load the menu.php file and add a new menu on top of the original menu? like so.

<a href="meu.php">me & you</a>
<a href="who.php">Who's us?</a>
<a href="we.php">We're Us</a>
<a href="cool.php">We're Cool</a>

<a href="me.php">About me</a>
<a href="you.php">About you</a>
<a href="us.php">About Us</a>
<a href="everyone.php">About everyone</a>

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maybe someone will know a way with this code I'm using right now?


ok what I want is another meny to show up if I were to click on lets say Final Fantasy 7.

Then another menu would appear above the main menu links. here is the code I use right now so I don't have to put my layout on every singe page.


$val = $_GET['bleach'];
$val .= ".php";
$dirty = array("..");
$clean = array("");
$val = str_replace($dirty, $clean, $val);

if (isset($_GET['bleach'])) { 
if (file_exists($val)) { 
include "$val";
else {
include "index.php"; 
else {
$number = "3";
include "bnews/show_news.php"; 


Is there a way??



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i dont get it, wheres your menu coming in? is it per file?


All you need to do is add an if statement like:


if($_GET['bleach'] == "aboutus"){
  $menu .= "Extra Links"; // this will put extra info underneath the menu
  // $menu = "Extra Links".$menu; // this will put extra info before the menu


im guessing as to how your menu script works so the above example may not work as defined. we may need more info like how your menu system actually works, give us index.php perhaps?

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i dont get it, wheres your menu coming in? is it per file?


All you need to do is add an if statement like:


if($_GET['bleach'] == "aboutus"){
  $menu .= "Extra Links"; // this will put extra info underneath the menu
  // $menu = "Extra Links".$menu; // this will put extra info before the menu


im guessing as to how your menu script works so the above example may not work as defined. we may need more info like how your menu system actually works, give us index.php perhaps?


ok so where "extra links" is I would make a php file called extra links? and put my links in that file for them to show up? anyway here is what my index.php file looks like.


<meta name="verify-v1" content="uqg9MDJiAHsLcoN8lEN1TFdIQ9KZNrWhOpiOXOeVd0M=" />
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$val = $_GET['ffbte'];
$val .= ".php";
$dirty = array("..");
$clean = array("");
$val = str_replace($dirty, $clean, $val);

if (isset($_GET['ffbte'])) { 
if (file_exists($val)) { 
include "$val";
else {
include "index2.php"; 
else {
$number = "5";
$template = "FFv2";
include "/home/ffbte0/public_html/ffnews/show_news.php"; 

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did u say you were already using a dynamic php menu?


Basically have one file called MainMenu.php, this file holds your "Main" menu.


Then you make a file called Menu2.php, this will hold your "Other" html links.



in mainmenu.php have the following:


<a href="me.php">About me</a>
<a href="you.php">About you</a>
<a href="us.php">About Us</a>
<a href="everyone.php">About everyone</a>'

<?php if($_GET['bleach'] == "aboutus"){ include("./Menu2.php"); } ?>


now, instead of the links in your index.php, put:

<?php include("./Mainmenu.php"); ?>




sorry i cant explain better my monitor is on the fritz, keeps blanking out for no reason extremely annoyingly randomly.




hope this helps,

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hey thanks..I'll try that out. And maybe your graphic card is loose? or your monitor connection could be loose? If thats not the problem then I guess you might need a new monitor ???


ok so lets say my links was

Final Fantasy 7 and the php file was ffvii.php


would I change it to something like this

<?php if($_GET['bleach'] == "ffvii"){ include("./Menu2.php"); } ?>

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OMG IT WORKED!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! sorry for the caps but at last!!!!! thank you thank you thank you!!! I'm so happy you figured it out for me. ;D ;D ;D thank you sooo sooo much.


I changed my code the the neccessary files and what not and I got this.


<?php if($_GET['ffbte'] == "ffvii"){ include("./ff7menu.php"); } ?>


and it works but I also had to add

<?php if($_GET['ffbte'] == "ff7/characters"){ include("./ff7menu.php"); } ?>
<?php if($_GET['ffbte'] == "ff7/access"){ include("./ff7menu.php"); } ?>
<?php if($_GET['ffbte'] == "ff7/armor"){ include("./ff7menu.php"); } ?>
<?php if($_GET['ffbte'] == "ff7/midis"){ include("./ff7menu.php"); } ?>


so when I click on characters and those other links. They would still show up.

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ya will be getting a samsung, glad you figured it out :), keep coding and i love final fantasy so tell me your url if you get one :).


il be getting this mon:

Samsung 20" TFT LCD monitor Pebble SM2032BW widescreen Glossy Black DVI 2ms 3000:1 (3year manufacturer's warranty)


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