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html_entity_decode Array Placement


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Put the Wrong Code Sorry But THANK YOU very MUCH!



if (_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "quote") != "") $tpl->Zone("personalQuote", "printQuote");
	if (_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "header") != "") $tpl->Zone("personalHeader", "printHeader");
	else $tpl ->Zone("personalHeader", "noHeader");


Thanks in advance!

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so it would be


if (_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "quote") != "") $tpl->Zone html_entity_decode("personalQuote", "printQuote");
	if (_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "header") != "") $tpl->Zone html_entity_decode("personalHeader", "printHeader");
	else $tpl ->Zone("personalHeader", "noHeader");



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if (_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "quote") != "") html_entity_decode($tpl->Zone("personalQuote", "printQuote"));
	if (_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "header") != "") html_entity_decode($tpl->Zone("personalHeader", "printHeader"));
	else html_entity_decode($tpl ->Zone("personalHeader", "noHeader"));

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hmm nothing seems to happen so i will explain myself a little more




Ok i am Running PHP Ibazi and i want to make these profiles have HTML and i thought that , adding an html_entity_decode would let me so i will show you the exact code from profile.php



// PHPizabi 0.848b C1 [ALICIA]                               http://www.phpizabi.net //
// Please read the license.txt file before using / modifying this software           //
// Original author:         Claude Desjardins, R - feedback@realitymedias.com        //
// Last modification date:  August 13th 2006                                         //
// Version:                 PHPizabi 0.848b C1                                       //
//                                                                                   //
// (C) 2005, 2006 Real!ty Medias / PHPizabi - All rights reserved                    //

/* Check Structure Availability */
if (!defined("CORE_STRAP")) die("Out of structure call");

	Only act if a user ID has been provided
if (isset($_GET["id"])) {

	// GET ID MODS (USERNAMES IN ID) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		The following couple lines will handle a USERNAME posted
		as a user ID in the URL, if the "ID" value is not numeric,
		it must be one. Let's try to find a user entry for that username
	if (!is_numeric($_GET["id"])) {
		$fetchUserName = myF(myQ("SELECT `id` FROM `[x]users` WHERE LCASE(`username`)='".strtolower($_GET["id"])."'"));
		if (is_array($fetchUserName)) $_GET["id"] = $fetchUserName["id"];

	// TEMPLATE HANDLING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		Load up the template, assign the file and the 
		user array, get objects...
	$tpl = new template;

	// CHECK USER (EXIST / ACTIVE) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	$userRow = myF(myQ("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `count` FROM `[x]users` WHERE `id` = '{$_GET["id"]}' AND `active` = '1'"));
	if ($userRow["count"] == 0) 
		$tpl -> Zone("main", "disabled");
		$tpl -> Zone("main", "enabled");

	// CREATE A LANE TOKEN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	if ($_GET["id"] != me("id") && isset($_SESSION["id"])) _fnc("laneMakeToken", "view_profile", $_GET["id"], array(
		"{user.username}" => me("username"),
		"{user.id}" => me("id")

	// MAP DATA ???????? ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	$tpl->AssignArray(array("map.data"=>_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "city")."+"._fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "country")."+"._fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "state")));

	// DISTANCE DATA ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		"distance" => _fnc("distance", $_GET["id"], me("id"))

	// MY PAGE SWITCHING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	if (is_file("system/cache/mypage/".strtolower($_GET["id"]).".dat")) {
		$tpl -> Zone("mypage", "enabled");

	// SELF & GUESTS NOTICES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		If the user is a guest, or if the user is
		viewing his own profile, we will show a notice
		to the user so he/she knows why all the options
	if (!isset($_SESSION["id"])) $tpl->Zone("top_notice", "guest");
	elseif ($_GET["id"] == me('id')) $tpl->Zone("top_notice", "self");

		Some things need to be done if the user is not
		a guest nor self!
	else {

		// LAST PROFILE VIEWS HANDLING //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			Let's check if this profile is the last profile view
			for this same user, we'll save a bit on database access
			if we stop this here!
		if (!isset($_SESSION["LAST_PROFILE_VIEW"]) || $_SESSION["LAST_PROFILE_VIEW"] != $_GET["id"]) {

				Ok .. we will go ahead, let's first set this
				session so we don't access the db too much

				We will get the user's profile view array and unpack it
			$profileViewArray = unpk(_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "profile_views"));
			if (!is_array($profileViewArray)) $profileViewArray = array();

				So ... is selfuser in that array?
			if (!_fnc("in_multiarray", $profileViewArray, me("username"))) {

					No, it's not! Let's create that array entry
				$profileViewArray[] = array(
					"id" => me("id"), 
					"username" => me("username"), 
					"date" => date("U")

					This one isnt that very tricky but a long explanation
					may prevent a VERY LONG guessing. The profile view array
					only holds the last 5 users who visited the profile, BUT
					its keys constitutes the TOTAL views for this user.

					The following will pop off the first element of the array
					if its size is greater than 5. Doing so the following
					way will keep the keys of the array.
				if (count($profileViewArray) > 5) {
						Make sure the pointer is at the beginning
						of the array so we don't pop any element 

						The "key" function here will return the key of 
						the row where the pointer is ... unsetting this 
						value pops the first element off.

					Let's save what we got now.
				myQ("UPDATE `[x]users` SET `profile_views`='".pk($profileViewArray)."' WHERE `id`='{$_GET["id"]}'");

		// ADD TO MY CONTACTS LINK //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			If the user is not self nor guest, we may enable a link
			for the user to add this profile user to his contacts
			list. We will first get the selfuser's contacts array.
		$myContacts = unpk(me("contacts"));
		if (is_array($myContacts)) {
				Let's see if this user is already in the selfuser's list.
				If it's not, we will tell the template to enabled that zone.
			if (!_fnc("in_multiarray", $myContacts, $_GET["id"])) $tpl->Zone("addToContacts", "enabled");


			The selfuser contacts array was not an array? Let's
			guess this means the user is not in in! 
		else $tpl->Zone("addToContacts", "enabled");

		// ADD TO MY BLOCKS LINK ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			If the user is not self, nor guest, he/she may add
			the profile' user to his block list. This only can
			be done if the user is not already blocked, of course.
			Let's first get the array...
		$myBlockListArray = unpk(me('block'));
		if (is_array($myBlockListArray)) {
				The followin confirms the user is not already
				in the selfuser's block list. If not, we will
				show that link.
			if (!in_array($_GET["id"], $myBlockListArray)) $tpl ->Zone("addToBlock", "enabled");

				The user was there, we will show the unblock option instead
			else $tpl ->Zone("addToBlock", "unBlock");


			The block list was not an array, the user
			is not blocked. Show the block option.
		else $tpl ->Zone("addToBlock", "enabled");


	// PROFILE VIEWS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		Why not compute the last profile views to send
		to the viewport now ... ?! Let's get the profile views
		array if we don't already have it (maybe we processed
		that with the previous couple lines, needless to
		get it again if we already have it
	if (!isset($profileViewArray)) $profileViewArray = unpk(_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "profile_views"));


		If the profile views array is actually an array, 
		we will loop against it
	if (is_array($profileViewArray)) foreach (array_keys($profileViewArray) as $viewKey) {

			Let's make sure the view data array is an array.
			Technically that shouldn't be possible that it
			would be something else but ... well ... shit happens!
		if (is_array($profileViewArray[$viewKey])) {

				Generate the replacement array
			$profileViewsRender[$i] = array(
				"view.username" => $profileViewArray[$viewKey]["username"],
				"view.time" => date($CONF["LOCALE_HEADER_DATE_TIME"], $profileViewArray[$viewKey]["date"]),
				"view.id" => $profileViewArray[$viewKey]["id"],
				"view.mainpicture" => _fnc("user", $profileViewArray[$viewKey]["id"], "mainpicture"),
				"view.gender" => _fnc("user", $profileViewArray[$viewKey]["id"], "gender"),
				"view.age" => _fnc("user", $profileViewArray[$viewKey]["id"], "age"),
				"view.date" => date($CONF["LOCALE_HEADER_DATE_TIME"], $profileViewArray[$viewKey]["date"]),


				We will set this key as the residual view
				key, the last set key will remain past the
				loop and we consider that value as the
				total views for this profile.
			$residualViewKey = $viewKey;

		If we got a profileviewsrender result array, we 
		pass it to the template engine looper
	if (isset($profileViewsRender)) {
		$tpl->Zone("profileViews", "enabled");
		$tpl->Loop("profileViewsList", $profileViewsRender);
		$tpl->AssignArray(array("views.total"=>$residualViewKey + 1));

		The array does not exist, we will show the
		odd message that this user never got a view... 
	else $tpl->Zone("profileViews", "noViews");

	// USER'S PICTURES STATISTICS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		We will now computer the user's pictures array, 
		the first thing to do, of course, is to get
		the array open!
	$userPicturesArray = unpk(_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "pictures"));


			Lets's loop against the pictures array. We
			need to do that as we will build some statistics
			for those pictures.
	if (is_array($userPicturesArray)) foreach ($userPicturesArray as $pictureKey => $pictureArray) {

			Increment the private pictures count value
		if (isset($pictureArray["PRIVATE"]) && $pictureArray["PRIVATE"] == true) $totalPrivatePictures++;

			Increment the total pictures count value

		Let's throw those stats to the template engine
		for replacement.

	// LATEST BLOG ARTICLE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		Get latest blog entry for that user, let's start
		the receip with oignons and mySQL queries.
	$latestBlogArticle = myF(myQ("SELECT * FROM `[x]blogs` WHERE `user`='{$_GET["id"]}' ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 1"));
	if (is_array($latestBlogArticle)) {

			The following will generate the replacement 
			array to be passed to the template engine.
		$blogArticleArray["blog.title"] = $latestBlogArticle["title"];
		$blogArticleArray["blog.body"] = _fnc("clearBodyCodes", _fnc("strtrim", $latestBlogArticle["body"], 500));
		$blogArticleArray["blog.views"] = $latestBlogArticle["views"];
		$blogArticleArray["blog.date"] = date($CONF["LOCALE_SHORT_DATE_TIME"], $latestBlogArticle["date"]);
		$blogArticleArray["blog.comments"] = $latestBlogArticle["comments"];
		$blogArticleArray["blog.id"] = $latestBlogArticle["id"];

			Enable that template zone and assign it the array
		$tpl -> Zone("latestBlogArticle", "enabled");
		$tpl -> AssignArray($blogArticleArray);

		That was not an array? So we have nothing to show, we
		will throw a nasty message
	else $tpl -> Zone("latestBlogArticle", "noArticle");

	// USER's PERSONAL HEADER & QUOTE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		The following few lines will print the user's personal
		quote and header on the top of the template page
	if (_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "quote") != "") html_entity_decode($tpl->Zone("personalQuote", "printQuote"));
	if (_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "header") != "") html_entity_decode($tpl->Zone("personalHeader", "printHeader"));
	else html_entity_decode($tpl ->Zone("personalHeader", "noHeader"));

	// CONTACTS TAB HANDLING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		Get the user's contact array, show a tab and a list
		if contacts if possible
	$userContactsArray = unpk(_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "contacts"));


		We will only act if the usercontactsarray is ... an array!
		If it is, start looping!
	if (is_array($userContactsArray)) foreach($userContactsArray as $userContactGroup => $contactsUsersArray) {

			Loop in the users array if it is an	array
		if (is_array($contactsUsersArray)) foreach($contactsUsersArray as $contactsUserID) {

				Now things starts being tricky  -- We will get the
				third party user contacts array and verity that this
				user is also in the other user's contacts ... If
				both are in a relationship, we will show that user
				on the profile page
			$thirdUserContactsArray = unpk(_fnc("user", $contactsUserID, "contacts"));

				if it's an array, and that the user is in...
			if (is_array($thirdUserContactsArray) && _fnc("in_multiarray", $thirdUserContactsArray, $_GET["id"])) {

					If "i" is zero, it means this is the first
					successful cycle, we will enable the contact
					tab in the template.
				if ($i==0) $tpl->Zone("contactsTab", "enabled");

					Generate this entity' entry in the contacts array.
				$contactEntityArray[$i]["contact.username"] = _fnc("user", $contactsUserID, "username");
				$contactEntityArray[$i]["contact.id"] = $contactsUserID;
				$contactEntityArray[$i]["contact.mainpicture"] = _fnc("user", $contactsUserID, "mainpicture");


		If the contactsEntityArray is set, we got
		some contacts to show... Nice eh? Let's 
		pass that to the looping engine
	if (isset($contactEntityArray)) $tpl -> Loop("contactEntity", $contactEntityArray);

	// HANDLE COMMENT REMOVAL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	if (isset($_GET["rmcomment"]) and is_mop()) {
		myQ("DELETE FROM `[x]comments` WHERE `id`='{$_GET["rmcomment"]}'");

	// HANDLE POSTED COMMENT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		A comment has been posted? Make sure that the title
		and the body are not empty - and that the user is not a guest
	if (isset($_POST["SubmitComment"]) && $_POST["title"] != "" && $_POST["body"] != "" && me("id") != "") {
			Everything is ok, we will add this post entry to
			the database.
			INSERT INTO `[x]comments` 

			Create a lane token
		_fnc("laneMakeToken", "profile_comment", $_GET["id"], array(
			"{user.username}" => me("username"), 
			"{me.id}" => $_GET["id"],
			"{comment.title}" => _fnc("strtrim", $_POST["title"], 10)

		// SEND NOTIFICATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		if (is_file("theme/templates/GLOBALS/mails/notification_newcomment.tpl")) {
			$nBuf = file_get_contents("theme/templates/GLOBALS/mails/notification_newcomment.tpl");

			$mailContent =  explode("\n", strtr($nBuf, array(
				"{to.username}" => _fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "username"),
				"{site.name}" => $CONF["SITE_NAME"],
				"{from.username}" => me("username"),
				"{site.url}" => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].str_replace("/index.php", NULL, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
			)), 2);

			$userSettings = unpk(_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "settings"));
			if (!is_array($userSettings)) $userSettings = array();

			if (ckbool($userSettings["MAIL"]["NOTIFICATION"]["PROFILECOMMENT"])) {

				/* Include the mail class and prepare it for the mailing */

				$mail = new SendMail;
				$mail -> From = 			"{$CONF["SITE_NAME"]} <{$CONF["SITE_SYSTEM_EMAIL"]}>";
				$mail -> To =				_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "email");
				$mail -> Subject = 			$mailContent[0];
				$mail -> Body = 			$mailContent[1];
				$mail -> SMTPHost = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_HOST"];
				$mail -> SMTPPort = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PORT"];
				$mail -> SMTPUser = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_USER"];
				$mail -> SMTPPassword = 	$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD"];
				$mail -> SMTPTimeout = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_TIMEOUT"];
				$mail -> MailMethod = 		$CONF["MAIL_METHOD"];
				$mail -> Charset = 			$CONF["MAIL_CHARSET"];
				$mail -> Encoding = 		$CONF["MAIL_ENCODING"];
				$mail -> SendmailPath = 	$CONF["MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH"];
				$mail -> Send();


			if (
					($userSettings["MOBILE"]["EXCLUDEONLINE"] && _fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "last_load") < date("U")-300)
			) {

				/* Include the mail class and prepare it for the mailing */

				$mail = new SendMail;
				$mail -> From = 			"{$CONF["SITE_NAME"]} <{$CONF["SITE_SYSTEM_EMAIL"]}>";
				$mail -> To =				$userSettings["MOBILE"]["SMSADDRESS"];
				$mail -> Subject = 			$mailContent[0];
				$mail -> Body = 			$mailContent[1];
				$mail -> SMTPHost = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_HOST"];
				$mail -> SMTPPort = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PORT"];
				$mail -> SMTPUser = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_USER"];
				$mail -> SMTPPassword = 	$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD"];
				$mail -> SMTPTimeout = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_TIMEOUT"];
				$mail -> MailMethod = 		$CONF["MAIL_METHOD"];
				$mail -> Charset = 			$CONF["MAIL_CHARSET"];
				$mail -> Encoding = 		$CONF["MAIL_ENCODING"];
				$mail -> SendmailPath = 	$CONF["MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH"];
				$mail -> Send();


			How about telling the user about it?
		$tpl->Zone("postComment", "success");

		No comment has been posted. We will show the
		comment form box if the user is not a guest, 
		or we show a message to guests.
	elseif (me("id") != "") $tpl->Zone("postComment", "enabled");
	else $tpl->Zone("postComment", "guest");

	// USER COMMENTS LIST //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		We will now create the user's comments list - First
		thing to do is to query the database!
	$userCommentsSelect = myQ("
		SELECT * FROM `[x]comments` 
		WHERE `relative`='{$_GET["id"]}' 
		AND `type`='user' 

	/* Loop inside the query results */
	while ($userCommentsRow = myF($userCommentsSelect)) {

			Generate the comments replacement array to
			be passed to the template looping engine
		$commentsArray[] = array(
			"comment.id" => 			$userCommentsRow["id"],
			"comment.title" => 			_fnc("strtrim", strip_tags($userCommentsRow["title"]), 40),
			"comment.body" => 			html_entity_decode($userCommentsRow["body"]),
			"comment.username" => 		_fnc("user", $userCommentsRow["user"], "username"),
			"comment.userid" => 		$userCommentsRow["user"],
			"comment.mainpicture" => 	_fnc("user", $userCommentsRow["user"], "mainpicture"),
			"comment.date" => 			date($CONF["LOCALE_SHORT_DATE_TIME"], $userCommentsRow["date"])


		If the comments replace array exists, we will
		forward it to the template looping engine
	if (isset($commentsArray)) {
		$tpl -> Zone("usersCommentsTab", "enabled");
		$tpl -> Loop("userComments", $commentsArray);

			If the previous array was set, we know that
			we got some comments for this profile. The follwoing
			query will generate some statistics on those.
		$receivedCommentsCount = myNum(myQ("SELECT `id` FROM `[x]comments` WHERE `relative`='{$_GET["id"]}' AND `type`='user'"));
		$postedCommentsCount = myNum(myQ("SELECT `id` FROM `[x]comments` WHERE `user`='{$_GET["id"]}' AND `type`='user'"));

			Assign the counters values for replacement
			"comments.postCount" => $postedCommentsCount, 
			"comments.getCount" => $receivedCommentsCount

	// HANDLE POSTED VOTES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		Got a vote "GET"? Let's make sure this user
		didn't voted on this profile yet... We will save
		a bit on database accesses with this!
	if (isset($_GET["vote"]) && is_numeric($_GET["vote"]) && $_GET["vote"] <= 5 && $_GET["vote"] > 0) {

		if ((isset($_SESSION["LAST_PROFILE_VOTE"]) && $_SESSION["LAST_PROFILE_VOTE"] != $_GET["id"]) || (!isset($_SESSION["LAST_PROFILE_VOTE"]))) {

				Create the vote session info

				We will now handle posted vote. As usual... get the data pack
			$userVotesArray = unpk(_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "profile_votes"));
			if (!is_array($userVotesArray)) $userVotesArray = array();

				We only want to allow one vote per user... let's 
				check if this one already voted!
			if (!isset($userVotesArray[me("id")])) {

					Ok, you never voted! We'll create a new
					vote entry in the array.
				$userVotesArray[me("id")] = $_GET["vote"];

					... and save it to the database
				myQ("UPDATE `[x]users` SET `profile_votes`='".pk($userVotesArray)."' WHERE `id`='{$_GET["id"]}'");

					Show something
				$tpl -> Zone("castVoteBlock", "success");

	// SHOW / HIDE THE "CAST VOTE" OPTION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		We will only show the "cast vote" zone if the user is actually
		allowed to vote. Let's get the votes array if we don't already
		have it
	if (!isset($userVotesArray)) {
		$userVotesArray = unpk(_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "profile_votes"));
		if (!is_array($userVotesArray)) $userVotesArray = array();

		We only want to allow one vote per user... let's 
		check if this one already voted!
	if (!isset($userVotesArray[me("id")])) $tpl -> Zone("castVoteBlock", "enabled");	

	// COMPUTE VOTE DATA STATS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		This will compute all the votes for this user. Actually
		we MAY have this data pack as we may have computed it 
		with the previous few lines, let's see if we got it, or
		get it if needed
	if (!isset($userVotesArray)) $userVotesArray = unpk(_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "profile_votes"));
	if (!is_array($userVotesArray)) $userVotesArray = array();

		Ininitalize some cyclic variables

		Loop inside the votes array, we will generate
		the total votes and the average...
	foreach($userVotesArray as $voteFromUser => $voteValue) {

			In order to generate an agerage, we need
			a compiled total vote points for that user, 
			the following line adds the actual vote to a 
			global total
		$totalVotes = $totalVotes + $voteValue;



		Now we can generate the average - rocket science 
		here: total points divided by total votes = average.
		A good think to notice tho is the little conditional
		element that prevents division by zero.

		The "i" cyclic variable is used as a total votes 
		counter here
	$votesAverage = ($i>0?round($totalVotes/$i):0);

		...and we assign that to the template!
	$tpl -> AssignArray(array(

	/* Get the nudges */
	$nArr = unpk(file_get_contents("system/cache/nudges.dat"));
	if (is_array($nArr)) {

		/* Handle sent nudges */
		if (isset($_GET["nudge"]) && is_array($nArr[$_GET["nudge"]])) {
			$actNudges = unpk(_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "nudges"));
			if (!is_array($actNudges)) $actNudges = array(); 

			$lang = _fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "language");
			if ($lang == "") {

			$nudgeBody = str_replace("[f_name]", me('username'), str_replace("[t_name]", _fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "username"), $nArr[$_GET["nudge"]]["body"][$lang]));

			$actNudges[] = array(
				"user" => me('id'),
				"body" => $nudgeBody,
				"icon" => $nArr[$_GET["nudge"]]["icon"]
			myQ("UPDATE `[x]users` SET `nudges`='".pk($actNudges)."' WHERE `id`='{$_GET["id"]}'");

				Create a lane token
			_fnc("laneMakeToken", "new_nudge", $_GET["id"], array(
				"{user.username}" => me("username"), 
				"{nudge.body}" => $nudgeBody,
				"{nudge.icon}" => $nArr[$_GET["nudge"]]["icon"]

			// SEND NOTIFICATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			if (is_file("theme/templates/GLOBALS/mails/notification_newnudge.tpl")) {
				$nBuf = file_get_contents("theme/templates/GLOBALS/mails/notification_newnudge.tpl");

				$mailContent =  explode("\n", strtr($nBuf, array(
					"{to.username}" => _fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "username"),
					"{site.name}" => $CONF["SITE_NAME"],
					"{from.username}" => me("username"),
					"{site.url}" => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].str_replace("/index.php", NULL, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
				)), 2);

				$userSettings = unpk(_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "settings"));
				if (!is_array($userSettings)) $userSettings = array();

				if (ckbool($userSettings["MAIL"]["NOTIFICATION"]["NUDGE"])) {

					/* Include the mail class and prepare it for the mailing */

					$mail = new SendMail;
					$mail -> From = 			"{$CONF["SITE_NAME"]} <{$CONF["SITE_SYSTEM_EMAIL"]}>";
					$mail -> To =				_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "email");
					$mail -> Subject = 			$mailContent[0];
					$mail -> Body = 			$mailContent[1];
					$mail -> SMTPHost = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_HOST"];
					$mail -> SMTPPort = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PORT"];
					$mail -> SMTPUser = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_USER"];
					$mail -> SMTPPassword = 	$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD"];
					$mail -> SMTPTimeout = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_TIMEOUT"];
					$mail -> MailMethod = 		$CONF["MAIL_METHOD"];
					$mail -> Charset = 			$CONF["MAIL_CHARSET"];
					$mail -> Encoding = 		$CONF["MAIL_ENCODING"];
					$mail -> SendmailPath = 	$CONF["MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH"];
					$mail -> Send();


				if (
						($userSettings["MOBILE"]["EXCLUDEONLINE"] && _fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "last_load") < date("U")-300)
				) {

					/* Include the mail class and prepare it for the mailing */

					$mail = new SendMail;
					$mail -> From = 			"{$CONF["SITE_NAME"]} <{$CONF["SITE_SYSTEM_EMAIL"]}>";
					$mail -> To =				$userSettings["MOBILE"]["SMSADDRESS"];
					$mail -> Subject = 			$mailContent[0];
					$mail -> Body = 			$mailContent[1];
					$mail -> SMTPHost = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_HOST"];
					$mail -> SMTPPort = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PORT"];
					$mail -> SMTPUser = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_USER"];
					$mail -> SMTPPassword = 	$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD"];
					$mail -> SMTPTimeout = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_TIMEOUT"];
					$mail -> MailMethod = 		$CONF["MAIL_METHOD"];
					$mail -> Charset = 			$CONF["MAIL_CHARSET"];
					$mail -> Encoding = 		$CONF["MAIL_ENCODING"];
					$mail -> SendmailPath = 	$CONF["MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH"];
					$mail -> Send();


			$tpl -> Zone("nudges", "block");
			$tpl -> Zone("nudge", "sent");

		} else {

			if (me('id') != "") {
				$tpl -> Zone("nudges", "block");
				$tpl -> Zone("nudge", "nudges");

				foreach ($nArr as $key => $array) {
					$nudges[$i]["nudge.title"] = $nArr[$key]["title"]["english"];
					$nudges[$i]["nudge.id"] = $key;
					$nudges[$i]["nudge.icon"] = $nArr[$key]["icon"];
				$tpl -> Loop("nudge", $nudges);
			} else {
				$tpl->Zone("nudges", "guest");

	/* Figure out if the user is online or not */
	if (_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "last_load") > (date("U") - 180)) {
		$tpl -> Zone("onlinecheck", "online");
		$tpl -> AssignArray(array(
			"onlinesince" => date($CONF["LOCALE_SHORT_TIME"], _fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "last_login")),
			"online.object" => $GLOBALS["OBJ"]["online"]			

	} elseif (_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "last_login") != 0) {
		$tpl -> Zone("onlinecheck", "offline");
		$tpl -> AssignArray(array(
			"lastlogin" => date($CONF["LOCALE_SHORT_DATE_TIME"], _fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "last_login")),
			"online.object" => NULL

	} else {
		$tpl -> Zone("onlinecheck", "nologin");
		$tpl -> AssignArray(array(
			"lastlogin" => NULL,
			"online.object" => NULL

	/* Compute the profile data */
	if ($CONF["DISPLAY_PROFILE_DATA:INLINE"]) $formType = $GLOBALS["OBJ"]["inlineQuestionAnswer"];
	else $formType = $GLOBALS["OBJ"]["wrappedQuestionAnswer"];

	$profileResult = NULL;
	$data = unpk(_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "profile_data"));
	if (is_array($data)) {
		foreach ($data as $group => $arr) {
			$profileResult .= str_replace("{title}", $group, $GLOBALS["OBJ"]["questionaire"]);
			foreach ($arr as $question => $answer) {
				$t = new template;
				$t->AssignArray(array("question"=>stripslashes($question), "answer"=>_fnc("clearBodyCodes", stripslashes($answer))));
				$profileResult .= $t->Flush(1);
	$tpl -> AssignArray(array("profiledata"=>$profileResult));

		Swap the km / miles labels
	$tpl -> Zone("distanceLabel", ($CONF["DISTANCE_VALUES_UNIT:MILES"]?"miles":"kilometers"));

	$tpl -> CleanZones();
	$tpl -> Flush();





That is for PROFILE.php

Link to comment
Share on other sites

And there is a .tpl file





And there is a .tpl which contains php as well





<zone main enabled><!-- header --><!-- /header --><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">  <tr>    <td width="530"> </td>    <td rowspan="2"> </td>    <td width="290"> </td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td width="530" valign="top"><!-- leftpane --><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">      <tr>        <td width="25"> </td>        <td colspan="2"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">                <tr>                  <td width="1%" valign="top"><img src="system/image.php?file={user.mainpicture}" alt="[My Picture {125}]" name="picture" hspace="5" vspace="2" border="0" id="picture" /></td>                  <td valign="top">				    <h1>[Welcome to my profile! {8195}] </h1>					<ZONE personalQuote noQuote></ZONE personalQuote noQuote>					<ZONE personalQuote printQuote>					<h4>{user.quote}</h4>					</ZONE personalQuote printQuote>					                    <ZONE personalHeader noHeader>					

<p>[Oh! This person has not written anything to place in their About Me. {8200}] 					<a href="?L=users.myself">[Have you {8205}]</a>? </p>					</ZONE personalHeader noHeader>					<ZONE personalHeader printHeader>					<p>{user.header}</p>					</ZONE personalHeader printHeader><!-- breadcrumbs --><!-- /breadcrumbs --></td>                </tr>                <tr>                  <td colspan="2" valign="top">				  <ZONE mypage enabled></ZONE mypage enabled></td>                </tr>              </table>          </td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td> </td>        <td colspan="2"> </td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="8" colspan="3"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="8" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td colspan="3" background="theme/default/images/frame/block_border_top.gif" bgcolor="#AEC5FD"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="14" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td bgcolor="#DCE6FF"> </td>        <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#DCE6FF"> </td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td bgcolor="#DCE6FF"> </td>        <td bgcolor="#DCE6FF"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">                <tr>                  <td><h1>[Me, Myself, I! {8210}] </h1>                  <h6>[{user.username}, {user.gender}, {user.age} Years old {8215}] </h6></td>     

<IFRAME SRC="/theme/default/templates/mp3/mp3.html"width="100%"height="100%" ></iframe>

             <td align="right">{online.object}				  <OBJ online>		            <img src="{themePath}/images/icons/status/onlinelargeblue.gif" alt="[Online {425}]" title="Online" />		          </OBJ online>				</td>              </tr>              </table></td>        <td bgcolor="#DCE6FF"> </td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="6" colspan="3" bgcolor="#DCE6FF"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="6" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td bgcolor="#DCE6FF"> </td>        <td bgcolor="#DCE6FF" style="padding-right: 5px;">		<div class="tabber">     <div class="tabbertab">	  <h2>[Profile {445}]</h2>	  <p>{profiledata}</p>	  	  <OBJ questionaire>	  <br />	  <h4>{title}</h4>	  </OBJ questionaire>	  <OBJ wrappedQuestionAnswer>	  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0">        <tr>          <td valign="top"><strong>{question}?</strong></td>          </tr>        <tr>          <td valign="top">{answer}</td>          </tr>        <tr>          <td valign="top"> </td>        </tr>      </table>	  </OBJ wrappedQuestionAnswer>	  <OBJ inlineQuestionAnswer>	  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0">        <tr>          <td width="50%" valign="top"><strong>{question}?</strong></td>          <td width="50%" valign="top">{answer}</td>        </tr>        <tr>          <td colspan="2" valign="top"> </td>          </tr>      </table>	  </OBJ inlineQuestionAnswer>     </div>	<ZONE contactsTab enabled>	 <div class="tabbertab">	  <h2>[Contacts {8220}]</h2>	    <LOOP contactEntity>	      <div style="float:left;">            <a href="?L=users.profile&id={contact.id}">              <img src="system/image.php?file={contact.mainpicture}" alt="[Picture {150}]" hspace="2" border="0" id="picture" />			</a>            <br />            <a href="?L=users.profile&id={contact.id}">{contact.username}</a>		  </div>	    </LOOP contactEntity>		<ZONE addtocontactstab enabled>		<a href="?L=contacts.adduser&id={user.id}">[Add {user.username} to my contacts list {8225}]</a>		</ZONE addtocontactstab enabled>     </div>	</ZONE contactsTab enabled>		<ZONE usersCommentsTab enabled>	  <div class="tabbertab">	  <h2>[Comments {500}]</h2>	  <p>[{user.username} received {comments.getCount} comments and sent {8230}] <span class="small"> {comments.postCount} </span>[for others | {8235}] <a href="?L=comments.usercomments&id={user.id}">[View all comments {8240}]</a></p>	  <p> </p>	  <LOOP userComments>		  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">            <tr>              <td width="90" valign="top" class="small"><a href="?L=users.profile&id={comment.userid}"><img src="system/image.php?file={comment.mainpicture}" alt="[Picture {150}]" name="picture" hspace="5" border="0" id="picture" /></a><br />                <a href="?L=users.profile&id={comment.userid}">{comment.username}</a></td>              <td valign="top"><h4> {comment.title}</h4>                  <h6><img src="{themePath}/images/icons/date.gif" alt="Date" width="16" height="16" hspace="2" align="absmiddle" /> {comment.date} </h6>                <p>{comment.body}</p>				  <is_mop>				    <div style="float:right; clear:none;">				      <a href="?L=users.profile&id={user.id}&rmcomment={comment.id}">Delete</a>				    </div>				  </is_mop>				</td>            </tr>            <tr>              <td height="1" colspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#AEC9FF" class="small"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="1" /></td>            </tr>          </table>		  <br />		<br />        </LOOP userComments>		<br />		<p>[{user.username} received {comments.getCount} comments and sent {8245}]  <span class="small"> {comments.postCount} </span>for others | <a href="?L=comments.usercomments&id={user.id}">View all comments</a> </p>	  </div>    </ZONE usersCommentsTab enabled>    </div>	</td>        <td bgcolor="#DCE6FF"> </td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="2" colspan="3" bgcolor="#DCE6FF"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="2" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td colspan="3" background="theme/default/images/frame/block_border_bottom.gif" bgcolor="#AEC5FD"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="14" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="20" colspan="3"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="20" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td> </td>        <td colspan="2"><h1>[Latest Blog Article by {user.username} {8250}] </h1></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="5"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="5" /></td>        <td height="5" colspan="2" background="{themePath}/images/frame/greenbar.gif" bgcolor="#C0FF5E"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="5" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td> </td>        <td colspan="2">		  <ZONE latestBlogArticle enabled>          <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3">            <tr>              <td valign="top" style="padding-top:5px;"><a href="?L=blogs.blog&article={blog.id}">                <h4>{blog.title}</h4>                </a>                      <h6><img src="{themePath}/images/icons/date.gif" alt="[Date {135}]" width="16" height="16" hspace="2" align="absmiddle" /> {blog.date} <img src="{themePath}/images/icons/comment.gif" alt="[Date {135}]" width="16" height="16" hspace="2" align="absmiddle" /> {blog.comments} <img src="{themePath}/images/icons/document.gif" alt="[icon {140}]" width="16" height="16" hspace="2" align="absmiddle" /> {blog.views}</h6>                  {blog.body}  ... <a href="?L=blogs.blog&article={blog.id}">[Read this article {8255}]</a> | <a href="?L=blogs.blog&id={user.id}">[user's blog {8260}]</a> </td>              </tr>          </table>		  </ZONE latestBlogArticle enabled>		  		  <ZONE latestBlogArticle noArticle>		  [sorry, {user.username} has no blog article yet. {8265}]		  </ZONE latestBlogArticle noArticle>	 </td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="20" colspan="3"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="20" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td> </td>        <td colspan="2"><h1>[Drop your comment for this profile {8270}] </h1></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="5"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="5" /></td>        <td height="5" colspan="2" background="{themePath}/images/frame/greenbar.gif"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="5" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="5" colspan="3"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="5" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td> </td>        <td colspan="2">		<ZONE postComment success>		<h2>[success! {315}]</h2>		<p>[Your comment has been successfully saved. Thank you! {8275}]</p>		</ZONE postComment success>				<ZONE postComment enabled>	    <form method="post">	  <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3">        <tr>          <td valign="top"><strong>[Title: {15}]</strong></td>          <td colspan="2" valign="top"><input name="title" type="text" id="title" class="fullwidth" /></td>        </tr>        <tr>          <td valign="top"><strong>[body: {20}]</strong></td>          <td colspan="2" valign="top"><textarea name="body" class="fullwidth" rows="5" id="body"></textarea></td>        </tr>        <tr>          <td valign="top"> </td>          <td valign="middle"><input type="submit" name="SubmitComment" value="[submit {295}]" class="submit" /></td>          <td align="right" valign="top"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3">            <tr>              <td><label>                <input name="polarity" type="radio" value="+" />                [Positive {25}]</label></td>              <td><label>                <input name="polarity" type="radio" value="=" checked="checked" />                [Neutral {30}]</label></td>              <td><label>                <input name="polarity" type="radio" value="-" />                [Negative {35}]</label></td>            </tr>          </table></td>        </tr>      </table>	  </form>	  </ZONE postComment enabled>	  <ZONE postComment guest>	    [sorry, guests can not post comments {45}] | <a href="?L=registration.register">[Register {50}]</a>	  </ZONE postComment guest>	  </td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td> </td>        <td colspan="2"> </td>      </tr>    </table><!-- /leftpane --></td>    <td width="290" valign="top"><!-- rightpane --><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">      <tr>        <td><h1>{user.username}</h1></td>        <td width="25"> </td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td colspan="2">		  <ZONE onlinecheck online>[Online since {onlinesince} {8280}]</ZONE onlinecheck online>	      <ZONE onlinecheck offline>[Last logged in on {lastlogin} {8285}]</ZONE onlinecheck offline>		  <ZONE onlinecheck nologin>[Never logged in {8290}]</ZONE onlinecheck nologin>		</td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td colspan="2" style="background-repeat:no-repeat;"><a href="?L=pictures.gallery&id={user.id}"><img src="system/image.php?file={user.mainpicture}&width=260" alt="[Me! {8410}]" name="picture" vspace="5" border="0" class="picture" id="picture" /></a><a href="?L=users.profile&id={me.id}"></a><br />          <img src="{themePath}/images/icons/icon_link.gif" alt="Bullet" width="9" height="11" align="baseline" /> [{pictures.count} pictures, {pictures.privatecount} private | {8295}]<a href="?L=pictures.gallery&id={user.id}">[View Gallery {8300}] </a></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="5" colspan="2"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="5" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="5" colspan="2" background="{themePath}/images/frame/greenbar.gif"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="5" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="8" colspan="2"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="8" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td><h2>[Keep in touch {8305}] </h2></td>        <td> </td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td>		<ZONE top_notice guest>		  <span class="text_redNotice">[You are a guest user, some options are disabled {8310}]</span> 		  <span class="text_grayNotice">· <a href="?L=registration.register">[Register {50}]</a></span><br /></ZONE top_notice guest>			    <ZONE top_notice self>		  <span class="text_redNotice">[This is your own profile page, some options are disabled {8315}]</span><br />		</ZONE top_notice self>				<ZONE addToContacts enabled>	  	  <a href="?L=contacts.adduser&id={user.id}">[Add {user.username} to my contacts list {8320}]</a><br />		</ZONE addToContacts enabled>				<ZONE addToBlock enabled>		  <a href="?L=contacts.block&id={user.id}">[block {user.username} from contacting me {8325}]</a><br />		</ZONE addToBlock enabled>				<ZONE addToBlock unBlock>		  <a href="?L=contacts.unblock&id={user.id}">[unBlock {user.username} from contacting me {8330}]</a><br />		</ZONE addToBlock unBlock>				<a href="?L=mails.write&to={user.username}">[send {user.username} a new message {8335}]</a><br />		<a href="?L=interact.page&id={user.id}">[Page {user.username} {8340}]</a> <br /></td>        <td> </td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="8" colspan="2"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="8" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="1" colspan="2" bgcolor="#E5E9EC"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="1" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="8" colspan="2"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="8" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td><h2>[Rate me! {8345}]</h2>          <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">            <tr>              <td valign="top">			  			  <ZONE castVoteBlock enabled>			  [Move your mouse over the slider - click to submit your vote {8350}]<br />               			    <div id="voteInt"></div>				<div id="votewrap" onmouseout="rankEval(0,0);">				  <div class="voteclear" id="voteObject1" onmouseover="rankEval(1,1);">				    <a href="?L=users.profile&id={user.id}&vote=1">					  <img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" height="10" width="10" />					</a>				  </div>				  <div class="voteclear" id="voteObject2" onmouseover="rankEval(1,2);">					<a href="?L=users.profile&id={user.id}&vote=2">					  <img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" height="10" width="10" />					</a>				  </div>				  <div class="voteclear" id="voteObject3" onmouseover="rankEval(1,3);">				    <a href="?L=users.profile&id={user.id}&vote=3">					  <img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" height="10" width="10" />					</a>				  </div>				  <div class="voteclear" id="voteObject4" onmouseover="rankEval(1,4);">				    <a href="?L=users.profile&id={user.id}&vote=4">					  <img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" height="10" width="10" />					</a>				  </div>				  <div class="voteclear" id="voteObject5" onmouseover="rankEval(1,5);">				    <a href="?L=users.profile&id={user.id}&vote=5">					  <img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" height="10" width="10" />					</a>				  </div>				</div>			  </ZONE castVoteBlock enabled>			  			  <ZONE castVoteBlock success>			    [Thank you - Your vote has been cast! {8355}]			  </ZONE castVoteBlock success>			</td>              <td width="98" valign="top"><table width="92" height="98" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">                  <tr>                    <td align="center" valign="middle" background="{themePath}/images/icons/rating.gif"><h1>{votes.average}/5</h1></td>                  </tr>                </table></td>            </tr>          </table>                    <h6>[{user.username} got <strong>{votes.total}</strong> votes with an average ranking of <strong>{votes.average}/5 {8360}]</strong></h6>          </td>        <td> </td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="8" colspan="2"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="8" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#E5E9EC"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="1" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="8" colspan="2"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="8" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td>        <h2>[send a Nudge {8365}]</h2>		<ZONE nudges block>        <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">          <tr>            <td>              <ZONE nudge nudges>                <LOOP nudge>		<a href="?L=users.profile&id={user.id}&nudge={nudge.id}"><img src="system/cache/images/nudges/{nudge.icon}" alt="{nudge.title}" title="{nudge.title}" hspace="2" vspace="2" border="0" /></a></LOOP nudge>              </ZONE nudge nudges>              <ZONE nudge sent>                <h6>[You just sent a nudge {8370}]</h6>              </ZONE nudge sent>		</td>        </tr>        </table>	  </ZONE nudges block>	  <ZONE nudges guest>	    [sorry, guests can not send nudges {8375}] | <a href="?L=registration.register">[Register {305}]</a>	  </ZONE nudges guest></td>        <td> </td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="8" colspan="2"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="8" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="1" colspan="2" bgcolor="#E5E9EC"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="1" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="8" colspan="2"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="8" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td>			<h2>[Recent Profile Views {8380}]</h2>          		  <ZONE profileViews noViews>            <h6>[sorry nobody saw this profile so far {8385}]</h6>          </ZONE profileViews noViews>          <ZONE profileViews enabled>		  	<h6>[{views.total} people have viewed this profile {8390}]</h6>            <br />			<LOOP profileViewsList>			  <div style="clear:both; padding-bottom:4px; padding-top:3px; border-bottom: solid 1px #E5E9EC; height:28px;">				<a href="?L=users.profile&id={view.id}">				  <img src="system/image.php?file={view.mainpicture}&width=30" hspace="2" border="0" id="picture" align="left" />				</a>				<a href="?L=users.profile&id={view.id}">				  {view.username}</a>, {view.gender}, {view.age}y <h5>{view.date}</h5></div>            </LOOP profileViewsList>          </ZONE profileViews enabled>			<br />		</td>        <td> </td>      </tr>	  <tr>        <td height="8" colspan="2"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="8" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="1" colspan="2" bgcolor="#E5E9EC"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="1" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td height="8" colspan="2"><img src="theme/default/images/frame/spacer.gif" alt="Spacer" height="8" /></td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td><h2>[Geographic Localisation {8395}] </h2>          </td>        <td> </td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td>		[{user.username} is living in {user.city} {user.state} {distance} <ZONE distanceLabel miles>miles</ZONE distanceLabel miles><ZONE distanceLabel kilometers>kilometers</ZONE distanceLabel kilometers> away from you. {8400}]		<a accesskey="h" href="http://www.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q={map.data}" target="_blank">[Map this {8405}]</a> </td>        <td> </td>      </tr>    </table><!-- /rightpane --></td>  </tr></table><!-- footer --><!-- /footer --></zone main enabled><zone main disabled>Sorry this user does not exist or is not activated</zone main disabled>


Im lost , please help. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST PHPfreaks! EVER!

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