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IIS/PHP/MySQL intergation Error


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Dear All,


I'm new in this area but  i'm trying to install php and mysql on iis


IIS is running fine... after installing PHP, i used a test phpinfo() and the page was loaded with no errors


After installing MySQL, i tried a test, the result was a blank page.. just white and nothing else


i'm running Windows XP Pro x64 SP2


i'm not sure if this would be helpful but i entered a php code as a test for my server and i got the following:



PHP Version: 5.2.3


Error Reporting: 6143 (E_ALL)

Register Globals: Off

Short Tags: Off

Display Errors: Off

Magic Quotes GPC: Off

Magic Quotes Runtime: Off

Magic Quotes Sybase: Off

Loaded Extensions:

  bcmath      calendar    com_dotnet  ctype   

  session      filter      ftp          hash     

  iconv        json        odbc        pcre     

  Reflection  date        libxml      standard 

  tokenizer    zlib        SimpleXML    dom     

  SPL          wddx        xml          xmlreader

  xmlwriter    ISAPI

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When you say you tried a test after the MySQL installation - do you mean you attempted to connect and retreive some data using a php script or that phpinfo() returned a blank page..


I dont use IIS but I cant see a reason why the mysql installation would stop phpinfo() working if that is the case.


Also it doesnt look like you are loading the mysql ext for php - open your php.ini file and find the line


;extension = php_mysql.dll


remove the ;


Ensure that your extension_path is set correctly also.


Hope this helps a little.





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