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restarting a loop


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Hi, i am trying to get a loop to start over if a condition is true, is that possible? how do i instruct him to restart the loop?



here is the concept of what i am trying to do:

i am building an application for a social network which you fill information about yourself and answer questions about your friends

i want to:

display a question that is NOT

1. answered about that specific friend

2. same question twice in a row on different friends(still haven't figured that out)


once i see a question WAS answered randomize the question again and start over...

the questions must be random!


Thanks in advance for all helpers


here is the code:

#defining an array will be replaced by real data by the network
$friend = array ("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10");

#counts the number of friends
$fnum = COUNT($friend);
#negative 1 to fix the 0 starting position in an array
$fnum -= 1;
#randomizing a friend
$fr = rand(0,"$fnum");
#saving the friends id(numbers will not be 1, 2 etc they will be at least 10 char length and not in order)
$fid = "$friend[$fr]";

$sql = " SELECT * FROM questions";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('error fetching data);
#counting the number of rows in mysql database
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
#adjusting to 0 in array
$numrows -= 1;
#randomizing a row for a question id
$qtmp = mt_rand(1,$numrows);
#saving the question id in the correct format
$qid = "q$qtmp";

#setting variables for looping
$i = 0;
$x = 0;

#while number is smaller than sum of questions
while ($i <= $numrows) {
#select a question from friends values
$sql = " select $qid FROM users WHERE user_id='$fid'";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('cant select question');
$answer = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
if ($answer[$i] = null) { 
#this is where i want to change the question id, and start over the loop
$qtmp = mt_rand(1,$numrows);
$qid = "q$qtmp";
else {
#selecting the user accessing the page info in the database to see if he has answered the question about the randomized user
	$sql = " select * from users WHERE user_id='12345'";
        $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('error fetching data from web_user');
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
#turning the data into an array
	$an = explode(',', $row["f$qid"]);
#counting the number of array objects
$anum = count($an);
#reference for me to see the array outputs correctly
echo "<br> an ARRAY:";
echo "<br>";
#while x is smaller or equal to number of array objects
while ($x <= $anum) {
# checks if user exists in the array list
if ($fid == $an[$x]) {
#self reference
echo "<br> friend is  IN array <br>";
#this is also where i want to re start the loop with a new question
$qtmp = mt_rand(1,$numrows);
$qid = "q$qtmp";

#if x is not equal to number of objects increase x and check another object
elseif ($x != $anum) {  $x++;  }
#when x is equal verify that the user is not in the questions answered database
else { echo "question verified you have not answerd it"; break; }


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Instead of thinking about restarting a loop, why not put it in a loop and based on the results, EXITING the loop. That will give you the same results.

$loopme = 0;

while ($loopme == 0):

  // Code runs here

  if ($readytoexit):

    $loopme = 1;



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