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Membership area logic question

Grant Holmes

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Hey gang. A little discussion here. I need to create a membership area. I found a script here from http://phpsnips.com/snippet.php?id=16 That would allow creation of a basic user.


We're going to collect other basic demographic information, including a couple photos. I assume I should only use one database. Should I have this initial user file setup information (above) ONLY in one table and all the other information (call this demographic stuff) in another table? Should the photo images (ONLY) be in a totally separate table, or should the images be in with the demographic stuff?


I know little about PHP and nothing about "Joining" tables, but I'm learning.


Please give me guidance on how best to proceed.

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the question of if I need a new table for some data comes down to answering the question


"Can I have all this data stored in rows that are linked by a single key"


If the answer is no make tables to satisify it


If its yes you are good


In your case the answer is no because the photos need to be many photos to 1 row, and mysql doesn't expand that way naturally (adding additional fields)

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You'll actually want to look into "relational database tables".  There are several good articles on the web about them.  As a previous reply mentioned, the a great way to think about it is "does all this information fit easily on one row".  You might also want to ask yourself "is this information likely to be duplicated over and over again within my rows".  If so...and dependent on the complexity of the information...you'll also want to build a separate table for that information.


If you take some time to build your database tables correctly, you will save a myriad of headaches down the road.

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Thanks all for the great informative replies.


In this case, we'd be limiting users to five image, not unlimited.

And for the most part, I FEEL like it could be in one row, one for each user.


Is there "more security" in having 'user' information separate from 'demographic' information? I would think this would be moot, but am unsure.

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