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Need a little bit of code help


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Can someone who knows php please help?


I am new to php. After a lot of research, I got my form to work by using some php code, however I know nothing about it and I am not sure what I need to add to make stuff work etc.


I have a form mailer script that I created in php and I have an option on my html form that I want users to be able to select multiple options using control+click, however, when I test the form only the first option selected comes to my email inbox. Everything else works how it should, except for that.


Here is my code. Do I need to add something in my php to make it work? If so what code to I need to add, where to I add it?



$property = $_POST['property'];

$cities = $_POST['cities'];

$other = $_POST['other'];

$min = $_POST['min'];

$max = $_POST['max'];

$feet = $_POST['feet'];

$type = $_POST['type'];

$rooms = $_POST['rooms'];

$bath = $_POST['bath'];

$comments = $_POST['comments'];

$email = $_POST['email'];


header( "Location: http://www.findourpad.com/thanks.htm" );


$to = "sweez55@comcast.net";

$subject = ";Custom Home Search Results";




$headers = "From: ". $full_name ." <". $email .">".$eol;

$headers .= "Reply-To: ". $full_name." <". $email .">".$eol;


$message .= ";Property Type: ". $property . "\n";

$message .= ";Cities: ". $cities."\n";

$message .= ";Other Locations: ". $other . "\n";

$message .= ";Minimum Price: ". $min . "\n";

$message .= ";Maximum Price: ". $max . "\n";

$message .= ";Square Feet: ". $feet . "\n";

$message .= ";Home Type: ". $type . "\n";

$message .= ";Minimum Bedrooms: ". $rooms . "\n";

$message .= ";Minimum Bathrooms: ". $bath . "\n";

$message .= ";Additional Comments: ". $comments . "\n";

$message .= ";Email Address: ". $email . "\n";


foreach($_POST as $k => $v) {

        if ($v == '') continue; // skip empty fields


        if($htmlFormat) {

                $v = str_replace("\n","<br>\n",$v);


        if (is_array($v)) {

                for ($z=0;$z<count($v);$z++) {

                        if($i) {

                                $msg .= "$bl0$k:$ld$v[$z]$el";

                        } else {

                                $msg .= "$bl1$k:$ld$v[$z]$el";


                        $i = !$i;


        } else {

                if($i) {

                        $msg .= "$bl0$k:$ld$v$el";

                } else {

                        $msg .= "$bl1$k:$ld$v$el";


                $i = !$i;




if(mail("$to", "$subject", "$message", "$headers")){


echo "Mail Was Sent, Check Your Junk or Inbox.";




echo "There was an error delivering your message, please try again";






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I don't know anything about php. What code to I need to add and where on the form do I need to add it.


I have my form set up, my variable for my option is named cities, I have 8 or so city selections on a drop down menu for a user to pick from. My php script works just fine, I get my results to my inbox, it directs the user to a thank you page, etc.


But when a user selects multiple options, only the first on selected is listed in my results. I don't know what code to add, where to add it, etc.


I am a total php newbie and it took me a while to even understand it enough to get this much of it working.


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Step 1. Format your <select> as


<select name="field_name[]" size="##" multiple>


The [] says your submitting an array,


Step 2. Your not going to want to see an ugly array line so


$field_name = implode(', ', $_POST['field_name']);


Therefor if some one selects


This option

That option

Oh and the other option


The string will be produced


This option, That option, On and the other option

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Okay, I tried that, hopefully I did it right, I will test it and see if it works. Thank you very much.


I have asked a ton of people I know how to get this to work and I don't know anyone who knows php that got back to me, I signed up here and posted and I have got more help here so far than anywhere or with anyone else.



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