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Html Email


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I was wondering why one section of my site will send html email and the other just send crap mail as I call it. Below the code from both mailers is listed, take a look and tell me what the problems caused by and how I can fix it thanks!



HTML Email That Doesn't Work:

											Send the mail out!
										$mail = new template;
										$mail -> LoadThis(file_get_contents("theme/templates/GLOBALS/mails/registration.tpl"));
										$mail -> AssignArray(array(
											"site.name" => $CONF["SITE_NAME"],
											"site.url" => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].str_replace("/index.php", NULL, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),
											"reg.confirmURL" => "?L=registration.confirm&id={$id}&code=".md5($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"].$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"].md5($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"]))
										$mail -> AssignArray($_SESSION["REGISTER"]);

											Split the body and the subject, then
											send the mail
										$mailContent = explode("\n", $mail->Flush(1), 2);

										/* Include the mail class and prepare it for the mailing */

										$mail = new SendMail;
										$mail -> From = 			"{$CONF["SITE_NAME"]} <{$CONF["SITE_SYSTEM_EMAIL"]}>";
										$mail -> To =				$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"];
										$mail -> Subject = 			$mailContent[0];
										$mail -> Body = 			$mailContent[1];
										$mail -> SMTPHost = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_HOST"];
										$mail -> SMTPPort = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PORT"];
										$mail -> SMTPUser = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_USER"];
										$mail -> SMTPPassword = 	$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD"];
										$mail -> SMTPTimeout = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_TIMEOUT"];
										$mail -> MailMethod = 		$CONF["MAIL_METHOD"];
										$mail -> Charset = 			$CONF["MAIL_CHARSET"];
										$mail -> Encoding = 		$CONF["MAIL_ENCODING"];
										$mail -> SendmailPath = 	$CONF["MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH"];
										$mail -> Send();

										$_SESSION["REG_ID"] = $id;

										$tpl -> Zone("regform", "success");
										_fnc("reload", 2, "?L=registration.questionaire");

} else {
	$tpl -> Zone("regform", "regform");					




HTML Email That Works

/* Include the mail class and prepare it for the mailing */

				$mail = new SendMail;
				$mail -> From = 			"{$CONF["SITE_NAME"]} <{$CONF["SITE_SYSTEM_EMAIL"]}>";
				$mail -> To =				_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "email");
				$mail -> Subject = 			$mailContent[0];
				$mail -> Body = 			$mailContent[1];
				$mail -> SMTPHost = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_HOST"];
				$mail -> SMTPPort = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PORT"];
				$mail -> SMTPUser = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_USER"];
				$mail -> SMTPPassword = 	$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD"];
				$mail -> SMTPTimeout = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_TIMEOUT"];
				$mail -> MailMethod = 		$CONF["MAIL_METHOD"];
				$mail -> Charset = 			$CONF["MAIL_CHARSET"];
				$mail -> Encoding = 		$CONF["MAIL_ENCODING"];
				$mail -> SendmailPath = 	$CONF["MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH"];
				$mail -> Send();


			if (
					($userSettings["MOBILE"]["EXCLUDEONLINE"] && _fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "last_load") < date("U")-300)
			) {

				/* Include the mail class and prepare it for the mailing */

				$mail = new SendMail;
				$mail -> From = 			"{$CONF["SITE_NAME"]} <{$CONF["SITE_SYSTEM_EMAIL"]}>";
				$mail -> To =				$userSettings["MOBILE"]["SMSADDRESS"];
				$mail -> Subject = 			$mailContent[0];
				$mail -> Body = 			$mailContent[1];
				$mail -> SMTPHost = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_HOST"];
				$mail -> SMTPPort = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PORT"];
				$mail -> SMTPUser = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_USER"];
				$mail -> SMTPPassword = 	$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD"];
				$mail -> SMTPTimeout = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_TIMEOUT"];
				$mail -> MailMethod = 		$CONF["MAIL_METHOD"];
				$mail -> Charset = 			$CONF["MAIL_CHARSET"];
				$mail -> Encoding = 		$CONF["MAIL_ENCODING"];
				$mail -> SendmailPath = 	$CONF["MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH"];
				$mail -> Send();


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Below is my full new code but I get this error now:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/sites/spadespace.com/public_html/modules/registration/register.php on line 213


// PHPizabi 0.848b C1 [ALICIA]                               http://www.phpizabi.net //
// Please read the license.txt file before using / modifying this software           //
// Original author:         Claude Desjardins, R - feedback@realitymedias.com        //
// Last modification date:  August 13th 2006                                         //
// Version:                 PHPizabi 0.848b C1                                       //
//                                                                                   //
// (C) 2005, 2006 Real!ty Medias / PHPizabi - All rights reserved                    //

/* Check Structure Availability */
if (!defined("CORE_STRAP")) die("Out of structure call");

$tpl = new template;
$tpl -> Load("register");

if (me('id') != "") {
	$tpl -> Zone("regform", "notallowed");
	_fnc("reload", 3, "?L=users.desktop");

if (isset($_SESSION["REG_ID"])) {
	$tpl -> Zone("regform", "notallowed");
	_fnc("reload", 0, "?L=registration.questionaire");

/* Handle Submit */
if (isset($_POST["Submit"]) || isset($_POST["Correct"])) {

	$errBreak = false;

	foreach ($_POST as $var => $val) {
		$_SESSION["REGISTER"][$var] = $val;

	/* Check email address */
	if (
		|| $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"] == "" 
		|| !preg_match($CONF["REGEXP_EMAIL"], $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"])) {
		$tpl -> Zone("error", "email");
	} else {
		/* Check Cloned email addresses */
			SELECT `email` 
			FROM `[x]users` 
			WHERE `email`='{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"]}'
		")) > 0) {
			$tpl -> Zone("error", "emailClone");

		else {
			/* Check username */
			if (
				|| $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"] == "" || 
				!preg_match($CONF["REGEXP_USERNAME"], $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"])
				|| strlen($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"]) < $CONF["USERS_USERNAME_MIN_LEN"]
				|| strlen($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"]) > $CONF["USERS_USERNAME_MAX_LEN"]) {
				$tpl -> Zone("error", "username");
				$tpl -> Zone("usernameerror", "lenerror");

			else {
				/* Check username being in use */
				if (myNum(myQ("
					SELECT `username` 
					FROM `[x]users` 
					WHERE LCASE(`username`)='".strtolower($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"])."'")) > 0) {
					$tpl -> Zone("error", "username");
					$tpl -> Zone("usernameerror", "inuse");
				} else {
					/* Check Password form */
					if (
						|| $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"] == "" 
						|| strlen($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"]) < $CONF["USERS_PASSWORD_MIN_LEN"] 
						|| strstr($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"], " ")) {
						$tpl -> Zone("error", "password");
						$tpl -> Zone("passworderror", "lenghterr");
					} else {
						/* Check password against passcheck */
						if (
							|| $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["passcheck"] != $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"]) {
							$tpl -> Zone("error", "password");
							$tpl -> Zone("passworderror", "nomatch");
						} else {
							/* Check verification code */
							if (
								!isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["code"]) || 
								!isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["syscode"]) || 
								$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["code"] != $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["syscode"]) {
								$tpl -> Zone("error", "code");
							} else {
								/* Check age */
								if (
									!isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bday"]) or
									!isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bmonth"]) or
									!isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["byear"]) or
									_fnc("age", $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bmonth"]."/".$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bday"]."/".$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["byear"]) < $CONF["USERS_MIN_AGE"]
								) {
									$tpl -> Zone("error", "age");
								} else {
									/* Form was correctly filled */

									if (!isset($_SESSION["REG_ID"])) {

										/* Set reference data */
											else $refData = (isset($_GET["ref"])?$_GET["ref"]:NULL);
										} else $refData = NULL;

										$user_settings["MAIL"]["NOTIFICATION"] = array(
											"MESSAGES" => 1,
											"EVENTS" => 1,
											"BIRTHDAY" => 1,
											"PROFILECOMMENT" => 1,
											"CONTACTREQUEST" => 1,
											"NUDGE" => 1

										/* Save to database */
											INSERT INTO `[x]users` 
												'"._fnc("age", "{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bmonth"]}/{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bday"]}/{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["byear"]}")."',
										$id = mysql_insert_id();

										if ($CONF["GEOLOC_STRAPON_REGISTER"]) _fnc("geoLocalize", $id);

											Send the mail out!
										$mail = new template;
										$mail -> LoadThis(file_get_contents("theme/templates/GLOBALS/mails/registration.tpl"));
										$mail -> AssignArray(array(
											"site.name" => $CONF["SITE_NAME"],
											"site.url" => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].str_replace("/index.php", NULL, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),
											"reg.confirmURL" => "?L=registration.confirm&id={$id}&code=".md5($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"].$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"].md5($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"]))
										$mail -> AssignArray($_SESSION["REGISTER"]);

											Split the body and the subject, then
											send the mail
										$mailContent = explode("\n", $mail->Flush(1), 2);

										/* Include the mail class and prepare it for the mailing */

										$mail = new SendMail;
										$mail -> From = 			"{$CONF["SITE_NAME"]} <{$CONF["SITE_SYSTEM_EMAIL"]}>";
										$mail -> To =				$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"];
										$mail -> Subject = 			$mailContent[0];
										$mail -> Body = 			$mailContent[1];
										$mail -> SMTPHost = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_HOST"];
										$mail -> SMTPPort = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PORT"];
										$mail -> SMTPUser = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_USER"];
										$mail -> SMTPPassword = 	$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD"];
										$mail -> SMTPTimeout = 		$CONF["MAIL_SMTP_TIMEOUT"];
										$mail -> MailMethod = 		$CONF["MAIL_METHOD"];
										$mail -> Charset = 			$CONF["MAIL_CHARSET"];
										$mail -> Encoding = 		$CONF["MAIL_ENCODING"];
										$mail -> SendmailPath = 	$CONF["MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH"];
										$mail -> IsHTML(true)
										$mail -> Send();

										$_SESSION["REG_ID"] = $id;

										$tpl -> Zone("regform", "success");
										_fnc("reload", 2, "?L=registration.questionaire");

} else {
	$tpl -> Zone("regform", "regform");					

/* Generate the years array */
for ($n = date("Y")-($CONF["USERS_MIN_AGE"]-1); $n > $CONF["REGISTER_YEAR_STARTAT"]; $n--) {
	$yearOptions[$i]["year"] = $n;
$tpl -> Loop("years", $yearOptions);
$replace["age"] = $CONF["USERS_MIN_AGE"];

/* Username min/max len values */
$replace["username_minlen"] = $CONF["USERS_USERNAME_MIN_LEN"];
$replace["username_maxlen"] = $CONF["USERS_USERNAME_MAX_LEN"];
$replace["password_minlen"] = $CONF["USERS_PASSWORD_MIN_LEN"];

/* Generate the genders array */
$genders = explode(",", $CONF["USERS_GENDERS"]);
foreach ($genders as $g) {
	$genderArray[$i]["gender"] = $g;
$tpl -> Loop("genderoption", $genderArray);

/* Generate the random verification code */
$replace["vcode"] = rand(1000,9999);

$tpl -> AssignArray($replace);

$tpl -> CleanZones();
$tpl -> Flush();


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