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PHP Form will not send email to any email address using POP3,


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I am having problems with a mail script. The form is in php and sends to a handle for handle.php. When the for is filled out it only sends to gmail addresses. I am trying to have it sent to person who uses outlook (POP3) and for some reason the accounts that are configured using POP3. Now I uploaded a small file to massmirror.com then sent it to the POP3 account that i'm trying to configure with the script sent via massmirror website. The file was sent to the spam folder. SO I know this has to be a code problem or something? IS their some special syntax other than the mail ($to,$sujb,$body,$from,) fuction?

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Well, this part especially makes no sense (to me at least):

I am trying to have it sent to person who uses outlook (POP3) and for some reason the accounts that are configured using POP3.

Because the client doesn't matter, nor does the fact that they're using POP3 to retrieve emails.  The sentence itself makes no sense either.


However, if you want us to take a look, post some code for us to deal with.

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$persontype = $_POST['persontype'];
$whatbusiness = $_POST['whatbusiness'];
$whyyoushouldjoin = $_POST['whyyoushouldjoin'];
$sbwwy = $_POST['sbwwy'];

$familyhistory = $_POST['familyhistory'];
$availablecash = $_POST['availablecash'];
$homequity = $_POST['homequity'];
$securities = $_POST['securities'];
$ira = $_POST['ira'];
$othersource = $_POST['othersource'];
$frn = $_POST['frn'];
$frr = $_POST['frr'];
$frp = $_POST['frp'];
$srn = $_POST['srn'];
$srr = $_POST['srr'];
$srp = $_POST['srp'];
$comments = $_POST['comments'];
$signiturename = $_POST['signiturename'];
$signituresname = $_POST['signituresname'];

$body = "
First Name: $fname
Last Name: $lname
Occupation: $occupation
Spouse First Name: $sfname
Spouse Last Name $slname
Spouse Occupation: $soccupation
Work Phone: $wphone
Home Phone: $homephone
Fax Phone: $faxphone
Address: $address
City: $city
State: $state
Zip: $zip
Country: $country
Email: $email
Previously Owned a Business? $sbwwy2
If yes, what type of business? $businesstype
Your role in previous business? $previousbusiness
Total years of education: $educationyears
Degrees and/or designations earned: $degreesearned
Businesses you are considering: $bconsidering
What appeals to you most about Blue Coast Financial? $appeals
How do you rate your skills with people? (10 = highest): $skillswithpeople
How do you rate your leadership skills? (10 = highest): $leadershipskills
Are you more of a salesperson or relationship builder? $persontype
What are your reasons for wanting to be in business for yourself? $whatbusiness
If you are accepted to join Blue Coast Financial, what is it that would make you a great for our team? $whyyoushouldjoin
Will your spouse be working with you? $sbwwy
Please, share with us a little about the past 10 years of your life (school, family, business history, affiliations, etc): $familyhistory
Capital available (from cash, savings, checkings, money markets, etc): $availablecash
Home Equity: $homequity
Securities (Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, etc): $securities
IRA's/401K's: $ira
Other sources of funding: $othersource
First Reference Name: $frn
First Reference Relation: $frr
First Reference Phone: $frp
Second Reference Name: $srn
Second Reference Relation: $srr
Second Reference Phone: $srp
Comments: $comments
Signiture: $signiturename
Spouse signiture (if applicable): $signituresname

$to = "netexclusive@gmail.com ";

$subject = 'title';
     $headers = "From: "."chris@netexclusive.net"."\r\n";
     $headers .= "To: ".$to."\r\n";
     $mailit  = mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers);

// Mail it
mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);

include ("thankyou.php");

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We tried that it is not even being sent to the spam.    I went to massmirror.com and uploaded a small file, then had it sent to the POP3 email that I was trying to use for form. The email from the massmirror website was receive successfully, although it was in the spam folder it still was sent.

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Considering the fact that you can send it to some mail servers and not others, I can't think of anything off the top of my head.  You can try using the PHPMailer class, as it helps set a lot of headers that the mail() function leaves out, some of which help your message pass certain filters and checks.

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As far as my knowledge is, there is no way to send an email message, to a user, and specify if the account is a POP3 account...POP3 is an internal mail setting by the mail host that allows you access outside of their given mail login area, or they don't give it to you.  You can't just send to POP3 email addresses.

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As far as my knowledge is, there is no way to send an email message, to a user, and specify if the account is a POP3 account...POP3 is an internal mail setting by the mail host that allows you access outside of their given mail login area, or they don't give it to you.  You can't just send to POP3 email addresses.

Yes and no.  POP3 is a client/server protocol for receiving and sending messages to the user's email client.  It's not a "server setting."  However, you refer to an ISP's email service (such as comcast.net) as a POP3 email address, because emails are retrieved using POP3.  This (I believe) is what he meant when saying a POP3 email address.
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