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counting numbers (time/clock related)


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I seem to have trouble counting the time pulled from database.. for example


one record has 5 rows of clocked in times  when pulled. it looks like this...








now I want to sum it all up and output the total time elapsed.  I cant seem to stop the script from counting past "60"  it just increments like a standard number.. I am little confused using the maketime() function.  anyone glad to help ??


I just need to "see" the script to understand how to count the times so I can play around with it.


(on my project I am making an progress bar that will output how much time is left - records pulled from db with users that has input # of hours they worked on a task. )



this is my example snippet using get_num() to gather the user's hours they clocked in.


function get_num($tbl,$value){
$total = mysql_num_rows(sql("SELECT * FROM $tbl")) or 
	<br /><center>
	<table border="1" bordercolor="red" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="450" height="100">
		<td align="center"><b>There are no task to graph</b></td>
	</center><br />
$result = mysql_num_rows(sql("SELECT * FROM $tbl WHERE agenda_resource_id='$value'"));
$num = 5 - $result; // maximum 5 hours they are allowed to work // calculates the remain time

for($bar=0; $bar<$result; $bar++){

	$res_bar .= '<td bgcolor="orange" align="left">0</td>';

for($b=1; $b<$num; $b++){

	$res_bar .= '<td bgcolor="yellow" align="left">y</td>';


$res_bar .='<td bgcolor="yellow">'.$clock.' Hours Remaining</td>';

// undefined variable - $clock is the calculated time they have left

return $res_bar;


it outputs as orange background indicates the time used.

yellow background is  the  "progress bar" to show how much time is left with the value ($clock)


hope I am clear..


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I didnt realize I posted the old code..


here's the updated one. hope this is clear to understand what Im trying to do.


function get_num($tbl,$value){
$total = mysql_num_rows(sql("SELECT * FROM $tbl")) or 
	<br /><center>
	<table border="1" bordercolor="red" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="450" height="100">
		<td align="center"><b>There are no task to graph</b></td>
	</center><br />
$query = sql("SELECT * FROM $tbl WHERE agenda_resource_id='$value'");
while($t = mysql_fetch_array($query)){

	$fix = explode(":",$t['etw']);

	$h = $fix[0];
	$m = $fix[1];

	$h =+ $h;

	$m =+ $m; // how do I count the times without going past 60....

	$clock = $h.':'.$m;

$result = mysql_num_rows(sql("SELECT * FROM $tbl WHERE agenda_resource_id='$value'"));
$num = 5 - $result;

for($bar=0; $bar<$result; $bar++){

	$res_bar .= '<td bgcolor="orange" align="left">0</td>';

for($b=1; $b<$num; $b++){

	$res_bar .= '<td bgcolor="yellow" align="left">y</td>';

$res_bar .='<td bgcolor="yellow">'.$clock.' Hours Remaining</td>';
$output = $res_bar;

return $output;

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